Examining the Effect of Hypnosis on Skin Potential              1

                               The FREQ Procedure

                 Summary Statistics for Emotion by SkinResponse
                            Controlling for Subject

           Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Statistics (Based on Rank Scores)
        Statistic    Alternative Hypothesis    DF       Value      Prob
            1        Nonzero Correlation        1      0.2400    0.6242
            2        Row Mean Scores Differ     3      6.4500    0.0917

                             Total Sample Size = 32
               Examining the Effect of Hypnosis on Skin Potential              2

                               The FREQ Procedure

                 Summary Statistics for Emotion by SkinResponse

           Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Statistics (Based on Rank Scores)
        Statistic    Alternative Hypothesis    DF       Value      Prob
            1        Nonzero Correlation        1      0.0001    0.9933
            2        Row Mean Scores Differ     3      0.5678    0.9038

                             Total Sample Size = 32