Chapter Contents


The PMENU Procedure

Procedure Syntax

Restriction: You must use at least one MENU statement followed by at least one ITEM statement.
Tip: Supports RUN group processing
Tip: Supports Output Delivery System (see Fundamental Concepts for Using Base SAS Procedures )
Reminder: You can also use appropriate global statements with this procedure. See Fundamental Concepts for Using Base SAS Procedures for a list.

PROC PMENU <CATALOG=<libref.>catalog>
<DESC 'entry-description'>;
MENU menu-bar;
ITEM command <option(s)>;
ITEM 'menu-item' <option(s)>;
DIALOG dialog-box 'command-string
CHECKBOX <ON> #line @column

<COLOR=color> <SUBSTITUTE='text-for-substitution'>;
RADIOBOX DEFAULT=button-number;
RBUTTON <NONE> #line @column
<COLOR=color> <SUBSTITUTE='text-for-substitution'>;
TEXT #line @column field-description
<ATTR=attribute> <COLOR=color>;
SELECTIONselection 'command-string';
SUBMENU submenu-name SAS-file;

To do this Use this statement
Define choices a user can make in a dialog box CHECKBOX
Describe a dialog box that is associated with an item in a pull-down menu DIALOG
Identify an item to be listed in a menu bar or in a pull-down menu ITEM
Name the catalog entry or define a pull-down menu MENU
List and define mutually exclusive choices within a dialog box RADIOBOX and RBUTTON
Define a command that is submitted when an item is selected SELECTION
Draw a line between items in a pull-down menu SEPARATOR
Define a common submenu associated with an item SUBMENU
Specify text and the input fields for a dialog box TEXT

Chapter Contents



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