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SAS SQL Query Window User's Guide

Saving Queries

To save the query that you created in the previous example in your SASUSER.PROFILE, select

Show Query...

to display the SQL QUERY window.


Saving a Query to Include Later


Save Query
Save as QUERY to Include later...

to save your query to SASUSER.PROFILE or another catalog of your choosing.


Type IDWAGE in the Entry Name field. Type ID number and hourly wage in the description field. Select OK to save your query as an entry in SASUSER.PROFILE and to return to the SQL QUERY window. Select Goback to return to the SQL QUERY COLUMNS window.

Saving Several Queries

You can save more than one query and then select from a list of queries that you have saved in the current Query Window session or in a previous Query Window session.

From the SQL QUERY COLUMNS window, select


to return to the SQL QUERY TABLES window.

Remove SAMPLE.WAGE from the list of Selected Tables. Select OK to display the SQL QUERY COLUMNS window.

Select Salary from the list of Available Columns and add it to the list of Selected Columns. Select

Where Conditions for Subset...

to display the WHERE EXPRESSION window.

Select Salary from the list of Available Columns. Select GT (Greater Than) from the list of Operators. Select <LOOKUP distinct values> from the list of Available Columns. Select $25,000 from the Lookup Values window. Select OK to save your WHERE expression. Select

Order By...

to display the ORDER BY COLUMNS window. Select Salary from the list of Available Columns and add it to the list of Selected Columns. Select OK to return to the SQL QUERY COLUMNS window.

You can also use the File menu to save queries. Select

Save Query
Save as Query to Include later

Type ABOVE25 in the Entry Name: field. Type Salaries above $25,000 in the Description field.

You can also save queries that will be processed against different tables. For the next query that you will save, select


to return to the SQL QUERY TABLES window. Remove SAMPLE.SALARY from the list of Selected Tables, and select SAMPLE.EMPINFO from the list of Available Tables to add to the list of Selected Tables. Select OK to display the SQL QUERY COLUMNS window. Add NAME, DIVISION, and Education Level to the list of Selected Columns. Select

Where Conditions for Subset...

Select Education level from the list of Available Columns. Select GE (Greater than or Equal to) from the list of Operators. Select <LOOKUP distinct values>, and select 20 from the list of Lookup Values. Select OK to return to the SQL QUERY COLUMNS window.


Save Query
Save as Query to Include later

Type EDU20 in the Entry Name field. Type Education level above 20 years in the Description field. Select OK to save the query.

Listing Saved Queries

You can now display a list of the queries that you have saved, and include one of the queries. Select

List/Include Saved Queries

The queries that you have created are listed in the Saved Queries window.


Including a Saved Query

Select SASUSER.PROFILE.EDU20 and select OK. A pop-up window asks whether or not you want to clear the previous query or include the previous query with the new one. Select OK.


Viewing Your Output

You can run SASUSER.PROFILE.EDU20 by selecting

Run Query
Run Immediate

The results are displayed in the OUTPUT window.


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