Chapter Contents


SAS Companion for the Microsoft Windows Environment

Examples of Automating SAS with OLE

The following examples use Visual Basic as the scripting language to control the SAS System with OLE automation. You can use any scripting language from any Windows application that can act as an OLE automation controller.

Creating a SAS Automation Object

This Visual Basic code defines an object and creates an instance of the SAS System to associate with that object.

Dim OleSAS As Object 
Set OleSAS = CreateObject("SAS.Application")

Determine Whether the SAS Session is Busy

This Visual Basic code queries the SAS session (using the Busy property) to test whether the session is busy processing code.

If (OleSAS.Busy) Then
   Response = MsgBox("SAS Session is Busy", 
              vbOKOnly, "SAS Session", 0, 0) 
   Response = MsgBox("SAS Session is Idle", 
              vbOKOnly, "SAS Session", 0, 0) 
End If 

Toggle the SAS Session between Visible and Invisible

This Visual Basic code hides or unhides the SAS session based on its current state.

OleSAS.Visible = Not OleSAS.Visible

Set the Main SAS Window Title of the SAS Session

This Visual Basic code assigns a title to the main SAS window of the SAS session and then displays the title in a message box.

OleSAS.Title = "Automation Server" 
Response = MsgBox(OleSAS.Title, vbOKOnly, 
           "Title Is", 0, 0)

Assign a SAS Data Library and Run a SAS Procedure

This Visual Basic code submits SAS code to the SAS session, assigning a SAS data library and running the INSIGHT procedure on sample data.

OleSAS.Submit("libname insamp 
               proc insight data=insamp.drug;

End the SAS Session

This Visual Basic code ends the SAS session provided that there are no other OLE automation controllers making use of it.

Set OleSAS = Nothing

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Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.