
And when, at the same time, I saw the neighbours wandering through their gardens, taking care of the flowers, the children playing, parties of friends enjoying themselves, and could hear the bowls rollng and the ninepins dropping, it early excited within me a feeling of solitude, and a sense of vague longing resulting from it, which, conspiring with the seriousness and awe implanted in me by nature, exerted its influence at an early age, and showed itself more distinctly in afteryears.

The Autobiography of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. by John Oxenford, Sidgewick and Jackson, London, p. 7.

TIME: mid-1700's

PLACE: Germany

CIRCUMSTANCE: Goethe's childhood memories



I therefore watched the golden fence very narrowly as we hastened towards it. But in a moment my sight failed: lances, spears, halberds, and partisans began unexpectedly to rattle and quiver .... The heavenly music which streamed from the building transported me still more than this model of architecture. I fancied that I heard now a lute, now a harp, now a guitar, and now something tinkling which did not belong to any of these instruments.

The Autobiography of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. by John Oxenford, Sidgewick and Jackson, London, p. 54-55.

TIME: mid-1700's

PLACE: Germany

CIRCUMSTANCE: part of a childhood fantasy



We who remained in the city, to admire this pomp within the walls and streets still more than could have been done in the open fields, were very well entertained for a while by the barricade set up by the citizens in the lanes, by the throng of people, and by the various jests and improprieties that arose, till the ringing of bells and the thunder of cannon announced to us the immediate approach of majesty.

The Autobiography of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. by John Oxenfoxd, Sidgwick and Jackson, London, p. 200.

TIME: mid 1700's

PLACE: Frankfort, Germany

CIRCUMSTANCE: The arrival of royalty (the King of Hungary?)
