Alumni Profiles

Andre Isakov

Andre decided to continue his graduate education at SFU after completing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and earning a certificate in Labour Studies. He saw the Urban Studies program as a logical next step since it provided practical knowledge and workplace skills for someone interested in urban management and administration. During his studies, Andre made good use of field trips to other jurisdictions such as Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington to sharpen his comparative lens and better connect theories and knowledge attained in classes.

Upon graduation, Andre joined the Village of Harrison Hot Springs as their Community and Economic Development Officer. In this role, he was involved developing an economic development plan, community branding strategy, community needs assessment, corporate greenhouse gas emission reduction strategy, solid waste services, parks and trails master plan. He is currently the Manager of Planning and Community Services.

"The Master of Urban Studies degree provided me with the required knowledge and connections to do the job with confidence and skill."