Thesis defence: David Sadler

April 19, 2024

Master's candidate: David Sadler

Thesis title: Grassroots Groups and Local Government: Exploring the Dynamics Between the Coquitlam Farmers Market and City of Coquitlam

When: Thursday, September 29, 2:00 p.m.

Where: Room 1415, SFU Vancouver (Harbour Centre)


This study investigates the history of the Coquitlam Farmers Market (CFM) as it established itself in Coquitlam in 1996. This project is an examination of citizen-led, bottom-up city building in a neoliberal and suburban context.  Through six in-depth interviews with CFM leaders and City of Coquitlam (City) staff this project explores dynamics in the collaboration between the CFM and the City. This study finds that the CFM and the City hold different assumptions regarding public participation in city building, which leads to both cooperation and challenges in their work together.  These dynamics are unpacked by exploring a series of conceptual, spatial, and relational factors.  This project contributes to better understandings of the often contentious relationships between grassroots community groups and local governments.