Black Women in STEM

April 16, 2021

The presence of Blackness in Canadian academia exists on a continuum of underrepresented, significantly underrepresented, to negligible. In light of ‘race and ethnicity’ studies existing in Humanities and Social Sciences, Black academics from this field have been at the forefront of examining the reproduction of racism in academe and making anti-racism calls to action. Rarely present in these conversations are Black academics in other fields, especially the hard sciences and STEM, whose struggles are both unique and overlapping, and who have limited space for contributing to academic activism generally, and the literature on race and racism specifically. 

The purpose of this speaker series is to foreground Black voices in fields where Blackness is particularly underrepresented, and provide actionable and measurable strategies to UBC to increase Black representation and Black excellence in these fields. Speakers from Canada and abroad will be highlighted.

Dr. Anderson and Dr. Andrade will speak from their experience and expertise to share insights about the underrepresentation of Black women in STEM fields.

Date: April 16, 2021
Time: 10:00am-11:30am
Cost: Free
Location: Online
Register: Here