Here you will find various things that have been written about my research:

June 22, 2021: South China Morning Post, "Is a Commodities Supercycle Looming, and What Risks Does it Pose for China?"

April 29, 2021: Refinitiv, "Estamos Lidando com um Novo Superciclo das Commodities ou Apenas um Aquecimento Sasonal?"

April 18, 2021: VoxEU, "Bulking Up: Booms and Busts in Maritime Transport Costs and Their Drivers"

March 21, 2021: Kurzy, "Pár Poučení z Prohibice"

March 19, 2021: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, "Wann Wird ein Rohstoffboom zu einem Superzyklus?"

March 17, 2021: UnHerd, "Was 1920s America Right to Prohibit Alcohol?"

March 16, 2021: VoxEU, "Legalise It: Prohibition’s Repeal and Its Unintended Impact on Public Health"

March 15, 2021: Wall Street Journal, "Commodities Supercycle Looks Like a Stretch" (pdf)

February 26, 2021: Business Times, "Commodity Prices: A Bull Run in the Year of the Ox?" (pdf)

February 25, 2021: BNN Bloomberg (video), "I Am Skeptical of a Commodities Supercycle Right Now"

February 17, 2021: Reuters, "Commodity Prices - Supercycle or Regular Upturn?"

February 17, 2021:, "This Commodity Super-Cycle Could be Unlike Anything We've Seen Before"

October 25, 2019: AIER, "Actually, the Gilded Age Was Awesome for Equality"

October 7, 2019: El Financiero, "EU y China, Enemigos Implacables que Conducen a una División Mundial"

September 13, 2019: Bloomberg Businessweek, "Nobody Benefits From a U.S.-China Trade War With No End in Sight"

September 11, 2019: IPE, "Financialisation: The Commodities Conundrum"

August 9, 2019: Fraser Forum, "Trump’s Trade War—Backing Us into the 1930s?"

July 22, 2019: VoxEU, "Trade Wars May 'Bloc Up' World Trade"

June 6, 2019: The Globe and Mail, "Trump’s Trade Wars are Spinning Out of Control" (pdf)

June 6, 2019: The Western Producer, "Identifying Long-Term Trends Can Be Tough in Commodities"

June 2, 2019: The Washington Post, "The Trade Wars are Here. Are Trade Blocs Next?"

May 16, 2019: The Financial Times, "Global Britain is an Illusion Because Distance Has Not Died"

December 18, 2018: The National Post, "Legalizing Once-illicit Substances Can Have a Public Health Impact"

December 17, 2018: The Conversation, "Legalizing Once-illicit Substances Can Have a Public Health Impact"

December 7, 2018: VoxEU, "Drivers of Commodity Price Booms and Busts in the Long Run"

November 11, 2018: The Independent, "How Theresa May Overlooked a Crucial Lesson from WWI in Dealing with Brexit"

October 21, 2018: VoxEU, "Patterns of Trade and Immigration in Historical Perspective"

August 29, 2018: CPA Canada, "Buy Canadian: Should This Be Our Response to the Trade War with the U.S.?"

July 20, 2018: The Financial Post, "Ottawa Needs a Grand Gesture to Help Restore Trade Cred"

May 16, 2017: Canadian Business, "Patriotism is a Disastrous Way to Make Trade Policy"

May 15, 2017: Maclean's, "Patriotism is a Disastrous Way to Make Trade Policy"

May 2, 2017: The Globe and Mail, "To Pull Away from the U.S. Economy, Canada Must Look to its Immigrants"

May 2, 2017: Worthwhile Canadian Initiative, "Trade Wars: Then and Now"

December 17, 2016: SR-SV, "The Drivers of Commodity Cycles"

March 04, 2016: Listed, "Will the Giants Inherit the Earth?"

February 19, 2016: Medianet: "Mit dem Essen Spielt Man Nicht"

November 26, 2015: Bloomberg Gadfly: "Don't Catch the Metals Knife"

November 16, 2015: Focus, "Fünf Böse Omen: Warum die Weltwirtschaft auf der Kippe Steht"

November 12, 2015: Tinkinhte, "Nguy co Khung Hoang vì Siêu Chu Ky Trên thi Truong Hàng Hóa"

November 11, 2015: The Globe and Mail, "Commodities Keep Falling as Major Mining Projects Come into Production"

November 03, 2015: Capital, "Rohstoffe, Wie Tief Wollt Ihr Sinken?"

November 03, 2015: Globe Advisor, "Commodity Investors Keep One Eye on China"

October 20, 2015: Bloomberg News, "Commodity Markets May Not See a Sustained Rally Until the 2020s"

October 02, 2015: Cafef, "Nguy Co Khung Hoang Vì Siêu Chu Ky Trên Thi Truong Hàng Hóa"

October 01, 2015: Bursa, "Probleme Pentru Tarile în Curs de Dezvolatare, Din Cauza Ieftrinirii Materiilor Prime"

September 29, 2015: Reuter's, "Trouble Looms for Developing Countries as Commodity Revenues Collapse"

September 02, 2015: Maclean's, "Awash in Oil - Why the Glut Isn't Going Anywhere"

August 30, 2015: Rio Negro, "Un Nuevo Ciclo"

August 04, 2015: El Financiero, "Ciclos Largos"

July 28, 2015: Investment Week, "The Contrarian Investor: False Trough Spotting"

July 28, 2015: Investor Intel, "Forget the Market Gloom - The Trend Favours Technology"

July 13, 2015: Cato Unbound, "China Overpays"

July 08, 2015: Investor Intel, "Why Commodity Cycles Inflict Pain"

May 26, 2015: Jiemian, "金砖粉碎! 按美 元计算巴西经济或萎缩近25%"

March 27, 2015: Zerohedge, "Much Touted Growth Prospects of Many of the BRICs Nothing More than a Commodity-Boom-Fuelled Mirage"

February 24, 2015: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, "Nach dem Boom is vor dem nächsten Aufschwung"

February 23, 2015: Nikkei Asian Review, "Supercycle Began to Wind Down in 2008, Expert Says"

December 11, 2014: Nikkei Asian Review, "What Goes Up Must Come Down"

December 11, 2014: Nikkei Asian Review, "Is the Supercycle Over?"

November 03, 2014: The Australian, "US Rate Rises Bad News for Miners"

October 25, 2014: Maclean's, "What a Commodity Bust Would Mean for Canada's Economy" 

October 20, 2014: Corporate Treasurer, "Molten Base Metal Price Volatility Cools"

October 04, 2014: The Economist, "Oil and Trouble"

June 18, 2014: Financial Sense, "Common Commodity Misconceptions"

April 25, 2014: Marginal Revolution, "Most of the 19th Century was a Good Time for Equality"

December 21, 2013: Dünya, "Emtia Balonunu Art Arda Gelen Inovasyon ve Yatırımlar Patlattı"

December 09, 2013: The Washington Post Wonkblog, "Is Scarcity Over?"

December 08/09, 2013:
The Wall Street Journal - Americas Edition, "La Innovación y la Inversión Desinflan la Burbuja en los Precios de los Commodities"

The Wall Street Journal - Brazil Edition, "Inovação e Investimentos Desfazem Bolhas Globais de Commodities"
The Wall Street Journal - China Edition, "創 新和投資抑制大宗商品價格泡 沫"
The Wall Street Journal - Germany Edition, "Wie Innovationen die Luft aus der Rohstoffblase Lassen"
The Wall Street Journal - US Edition, "Innovation and Investment Pop Commodity Price Bubble"

December 05, 2013: The Economist Intelligence Unit, "In the Pits? Mining and Metals Firms and the Slowing of the Supercycle"

November 17, 2013: El Pais, "Efectos Globales de las Oscilaciones en los Precios de los Commodities"

November 04, 2013: Canadian Business, "Is the Commodities Supercycle Over?"

October 25, 2013: Finanz und Wirtschaft, "Auf dem Boden Billiger - Aus dem Boden Teurer"

October 23, 2013: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, "Zwiebelpreise lassen Tränen fliessen"

September 29, 2013: Diario de Avisos, "La Próxima Burbuja"

September 27, 2013: Avicultura Industrial, "Tudo que Sobe, Desce"

September 23, 2013: Breakbulk Magazine, "Supercycling Back to a Trudge?"

August 16, 2013: VoxEU, "From Boom to Bust?"

August 02, 2013: The Financial Times, "Time to Dig Deep with More Exposure to Resources"

July 27, 2013: The Economist, "When Giants Slow Down"

July 22, 2013: Harvard Business Review, "Do Commodities Speculators Make Things Cost More?"

June 21, 2013: The Globe and Mail, "Are Higher Commodity Prices Here to Stay? They Never Have Before"

June 21, 2013: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, "Surowce Energetyczne: Jak Zmieniły się Ceny Surowców od 1900 Roku"

June 21, 2013: El Diario, "Petroleras Hablan Claro"

June 20, 2013: La Gazette de l'Or: "La Fin Des «Super Cycles» Des Matières Premières"

June 20, 2013: Revista Minérios & Minerales: "Ciclos Voláteis de Preços Pressionam Custos"

June 18, 2013: Oro y Finanzas, "Medio Siglo en las Materias Primas y el Fin de los Súperciclos"

June 15, 2013: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, "Erdölmarkt im Umbruch: Knappheit Sieht Anders Aus"

June 14, 2013: Commodity Fact, "Your Daily Bread Cost More in the 1950s than Today"

June 12, 2013: The Economist, "Rocks for the Long Run"

June 11, 2013: International Business Times, "Commodity Prices are 192% Higher than They were in 1950: Here's What's Driving Growth"

June 11, 2013: Metal Miner, "New Commodity Price Study Backs Prior Findings"

June 08, 2013: The Economist, "Shocks and Ores"

May 14, 2013: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, "Das Auf und Ab der Rohstoffpreise: Kein Mangel an der Knappheit"

May 01, 2013: Institutional Money, "Echt oder Eingebildet?"

April 25, 2013: The Vancouver Sun, "Lower Mineral, Energy Prices Bound to Hurt British Columbia"

April 20, 2013: The New York Times, "If It's Underground, Maybe Its Price Is, Too"

March 18, 2013: Asset International's CIO, "Ontario Teachers Sell Oil Pipeline, Buy Wells"

March 15, 2013: Mining, "160-year Study of Real Commodity Prices Sees Beginning of the End of the Supercycle"

March 13, 2013: Asset International's CIO, "The Truth about Commodity Booms and Busts"

March 12, 2013: The Economist, "Commodity Prices in the (Very) Long Run"

January 17, 2013: Madrid Noticias, "La Historia más Negra de Europa está Relacionada con los Episodios de Frío Más Extremos"

January 15, 2013: El Universal, "Vinculan Frío con Historia Negra de Europa"

January 15, 2013: El Universo, "Científicos Establecen Vínculo entre el Frío y Momentos Dramáticos de Europa"

January 15, 2013: International Business Times, "Global Warming History is Written in Trees"

January 15, 2013: 20 Minutos, "Encuentran un Vínculo entre el Frío Extremo y los Momentos Más Trágicos de la Historia de Europa"

January 15, 2013: The Heartland Institute, "Good Logic Behind Federal Court Putting Position Limits in Limbo"

January 14, 2013: L'Hebdo, "La Peste et les Guerres Interviennent avec les Périodes Froides"

January 14, 2013: NBC News, "Cold Snaps Linked to Plague, Civil Unrest"

January 14, 2013: Tages Anzeiger, "Pest und Kriege Fielen mit Kälteperioden Zusammen"

January 14, 2013: 20 Minuten, "Sind die Zeiten Kalt, Gibts Ehre Krieg"

June 16, 2012: The Economic Times, "Commodity Markets: An Effective Regulation Needed to Help Producers and Users"

March 15, 2012: EDHEC, "Lessons from History on Commodity Futures Trading Controversies"

August 31, 2011: Hedge Funds Review, "G20 Agricultural Ministers Ponder Effects of Rising Food and Commodity Prices"

August 28, 2011: CTV, "Double Dip Recession Could Be Different from Past"

April 08, 2011: The Globe and Mail, "New Arrivals Bring Big Benefit to Canada"

February 28, 2011: Metal Miner, "Rectifying Misconceptions about Steel Futures and Their Utility"

January 12, 2011: Embassy Magazine, "A New Era for Commodity Markets"

November 27, 2009: VoxEU, "The Role of Trade Costs in the Great Trade Collapse"

September 23, 2009: The Telegraph, "We are Entering a New Age of Protectionism"

September 19, 2009: VoxEU, "Explaining Two Trade Busts: Output versus Trade Costs in the Great Depression and Today"

September 17, 2009: The New York Times, "Is the World Flat or Not?"

September 12, 2009: VoxEU, "Revisiting the Death of Distance"

September 03, 2009: The Wall Street Journal Magazine, "Save Our Speculators"

February 26, 2009: The Financial Post, "Globalization Steadies Commodity Prices"

September 20, 2008: The Financial Times, "Will the Price of Oil Put a Brake on Globalisation?"

August 16, 2008: VoxEU, "Globalisation and the Costs of International Trade from 1870 to the Present"

July 11, 2008: The Financial Times, "The Undercover Economist: The Onion Has No Future(s)"

July 09, 2008:, "Globalization: Not Such an Endangered Species After All"

July 07, 2008: The Financial Times, "The Usual Suspects: Are Financial Investors Driving Up the Costs of Commodities?"