FNLG 231 - Math Lesson One


kw'shem ‘count’

kw'in ‘how many?’

nuts'a'‘one’'apun 'i' kw' nuts'a''eleven'
yuse'lu‘two’'apun 'i' kw' yuse'lu'twelve'
lhihw‘three’'apun 'i' kw' lhihw'thirteen'
xu'athun‘four’'apun 'i' kw' xu'athun'fourteen'
lhq'etsus‘five’'apun 'i' kw' lhq'etsus'fifteen'
t'xum‘six’'apun 'i' kw' t'xum'sixteen'
tth'a'kwus‘seven’'apun 'i' kw' tth'a'kwus'seventeen'
te'tsus‘eight’'apun 'i' kw' te'tsus'eighteen'
toohw‘nine’'apun 'i' kw' too:hw'nineteen'

Addition and subtraction

_____'i'ts'hwat kw'_______ni' hwu_______.
nuts'a''i'ts'hwat kw'nuts'a'ni'hwuyuse'lu.
1 + 1 = 2 ('One and add a one became two.')
_____'i'me'shkw'_____ ni'hwu_________.
10 – 6 =4 ('Ten and take off a six became four.')


Write these equations out in Hul'q'umi'nu'm' and give the answer. Then practice and be ready to do them out loud in class next week.

(1) 2 + 3(8) 20 – 11
(2) 6 – 2(9) 14– 9
(3) 4 – 3(10) 12 + 8
(4) 10 + 3(11) 4 + 16
(5) 8 + 3(12) 6 – 2
(6) 13 – 8(13) 14 + 3
(7) 7 + 8(14) 20 – 3