Lesson 18

Using hakwush

Q1stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's kwuyxt thun' snuhwulh?
'What do you use to start your car?'
A1lukli tthu hakwushun'.
'A key is what I use.'
Q2stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's qwul's 'u kw' slhap'?
'What do you use to cook soup?'
A2shqwal's tthu hakwusheen'.
'A pot is what I use.'
Q3stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's t-shi'qwum?
'What do you use to comb your hair?'
A3lhts'imun tthu hakwusheen'.
'A comb is what I use.'
Q4stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's sq'ul'tsup?
'What do you use to cut firewood?'
A4sqw'qwum kw'u hakwushun' kwunus sq'ul'tsup.
'An axe is what I use to cut firewood.'
Q5stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's ch'ukwxels 'u kw' tth'utth'uxals?
'What do you use to fry eggs?'
A5shch'ekwxul's tse' kw'u hakwusheen'.
'A frying pan is what I will use.'
Q6stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's 'ixwuthut?
'What do you use to sweep?'
A6'axwtun kw'u hakwusheen'.
'A broom is what I use.'
Q7stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's kw'its' 'u tthu stseelhtun?
'What do you use to butcher the salmon?'
A7shuptun tse' kw'u hakwusheen'.
'A knife is what I will use.'
Q8stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's p'tth'els?
'What do you use to sew?'
A8p'utth'tun 'i' tthu xwi'lum'.
'A needle and thread.'
Q9stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's hwluklit tthu shelh?
'What do you use to lock the door?'
A9lukli tthu hakwusheen' kwunus hwluklit tthu shelh.
'A key is what I will use to lock the door.'
Q10stsekwul' kwun's tul'nuhw thu tintun?
'How do you find out the time?'
A10nilh lhunu wech ni' lemuteen'.
'It's my watch that I look at.'
Q11stem kw'u ni' 'un' shhwhakwush tthu lupen?
'What did you use the shovel for?'
A11nilh kwun's ni' hwthuyqwels.
'It was for when you dig.'
Q12stem kw'u hakwushuhw kwun's hwthuyqwels?
'What do you use to dig?'
A12lupen tthu hakwusheen' kwunus hwthuyqwels.
'A shovel is what I use to dig.'
Q13stem tse' kwun'sh le'xt tthu s'ultun?
'What will you serve the food on?'
A13la'thun tse' kw'u hakwusheen'.
'A plate is what I will use.'
Q14nilh thu 'untsu s'itth'um hakwushuhw?
'Which dress are you going to wear?
A14nilh tse' lhu xew's nu s'itth'um hakwusheen'.
'It will be my new dress that I'm going to wear.'

Revised 2013-10-03. Back to Table of Contents