% % July, 1992 % % % Uncomment the following 5 lines if AMS fonts are avail. % \documentstyle[art12,amssymbols]{article} \newcommand{\QQ}{{\Bbb Q}}% \newcommand{\QQP}{{\Bbb Q}_{\geq 0} }% \newcommand{\ZZ}{{\Bbb Z}}% \newcommand{\ZZP}{{\Bbb Z}_{\geq 0} }% % % Comment out the following 5 lines if AMS fonts are avail. % %\documentstyle[art12]{article}% %\newcommand{\QQ}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cal Q$}}% %\newcommand{\QQP}{{\QQ}_{\geq 0} }% %\newcommand{\ZZ}{\mbox{\boldmath $\cal Z$}}% %\newcommand{\ZZP}{{\ZZ}_{\!\geq 0} }% \setlength{\textwidth}{6.3in} \setlength{\textheight}{8.8in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.0 in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.0 in} \setlength{\topmargin}{0.0in} \setlength{\headheight}{0in} \setlength{\headsep}{0in} \flushbottom \newcommand{\kdc}{$(k,d\/)$-coloring }% \newcommand{\kdcs}{$(k,d\/)$-colorings }% \newcommand{\kdf}{$(k,d\/)$-flow }% \newcommand{\kdfs}{$(k,d)$-flows }% \newcommand{\w}{\omega}% \newcommand{\bs}{\backslash} \newcommand{\se}{\subseteq} \newcommand{\C}{{\cal C} }% \newcommand{\B}{{\cal B} }% \newcommand{\G}{\Gamma}% \newtheorem{lemma}{\sc Lemma}[section]% \newtheorem{theorem}[lemma]{\sc Theorem}% \newtheorem{proposition}[lemma]{\sc Proposition}% \newtheorem{corollary}[lemma]{\sc Corollary}% \newtheorem{claim}[lemma]{\sc Claim}% \newtheorem{conjecture}[lemma]{\sc Conjecture}% \newtheorem{remark}[lemma]{\sc Remark}% \newtheorem{note}[lemma]{\sc Note}% \newtheorem{algorithm}[lemma]{\sc Algorithm}% \newtheorem{example}[lemma]{\sc Example}% \newtheorem{observation}[lemma]{\sc Observation}% \newtheorem{definition}[lemma]{\sc Definition}{}% \newtheorem{numbered}[lemma]{\sc}% \newenvironment{proof}{\noindent {\sc Proof.}}{$\Box$\par\medskip}% \date{July 22, 1993} \title{On $(k,d\,)$-Colorings and Fractional Nowhere Zero Flows} \author{Luis A. Goddyn\thanks{Supported by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council operating grant \#A-4699.} \\ {\normalsize Department of Mathematics and Statistics}\\ {\normalsize Simon Fraser University}\\ {\normalsize Burnaby, BC}\\ \and Michael Tarsi\\ {\normalsize Computer Science Department}\\ {\normalsize School of Mathematical Sciences}\\ {\normalsize Tel-Aviv University, 69978}\\ {\normalsize Israel}\\ \and Cun-Quan Zhang\thanks{Partially supported under NSF grant DMS-9306379.}\\ %Cun-Quan Zhang\thanks{Partially supported under NSF grant DMS-8906973.}\\ {\normalsize Department of Mathematics}\\ {\normalsize West Virginia University}\\ {\normalsize Morgantown, WV} } \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The concepts of \kdc and the star chromatic number, studied by Vince, by Bondy and Hell, and by Zhu are shown to reflect the cographic instance of a wider concept, that of fractional nowhere-zero flows in regular matroids. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} Vince \cite{Vin} introduced the following generalization of chromatic number. \begin{definition} A {\em \kdc}of a graph $G$ is a function $c:V(G) \rightarrow Z_k$ such that for every $xy \in E(G)$, $|c(x) -c(y)| \ge d$. (Here, $Z_k$ denotes the cyclic group of residues mod $k$, and $|a|$ is the smaller of the two integers $a$ and $k-a$.) The {\em star chromatic number}, $\chi^*(G)$, is the infimum of $k/d$ over all \kdcs of $G$. \end{definition} Vince proved, by means of analytical arguments, that this infimum is a minimum (and hence rational). He also proved that for every $k,d$ such that $k/d \ge \chi^*(G)$, there exists a \kdc of $G$. Setting $d=1$ we have that the chromatic number of $G$ is $\chi(G) = \lceil \chi^*(G) \rceil$. Later, Bondy and Hell \cite{Bon} improved Vince's result by giving a purely combinatorial proof. A further study and an alternate definition of $\chi^*(G)$ in terms of homomorphisms into intervals of a unit circle appear in \cite{Zhu}. The purpose of this note is to show that \kdcs are an instance of the more general concept of fractional nowhere-zero flows in regular matroids. \section{Fractional Flows in Graphs} It is helpful to introduce the notion of fractional flows in graphs before considering the general matroidal case. Let $k$ be a positive integer. A {\em $k$-flow} in a graph $G$ is an orientation $\w(G)$ together with a function $f:E(G) \rightarrow \{ 0, \pm 1, \pm 2,\ldots ,\pm (k-1) \}$ such that the net flow $\sum_{vu \in \delta^+(v)} f(vu) - \sum_{uv \in \delta^-(v)} f(uv)$ is zero for each $v \in V(G)$. The {\em flow index}, $\xi(G)$ is the least $k$ for which $G$ has a {\em nowhere-zero} $k$-flow (that is, $f(e) \ne 0, \: \mbox{for all } e \in E(G)$). This parameter has been studied by many authors (see \cite{Jae} for a thorough review). We generalize this notion with the following. \begin{definition}\label{Def1} A {\em \kdf}in a graph $G$ is a $k$-flow $(\w(G),f)$ such that the range of $f$ is contained in $\{ \pm d, \pm (d+1) ,\ldots,\pm (k-d) \}$. The {\em star flow index} $\xi^*(G)$ is the infimum of $k/d$ over all \kdfs in $G$. \end{definition} Thus, a $(k,1)$-flow is the same as a nowhere-zero $k$-flow. We shall see that, analogously to $(k,d)$-colorings, the infimum in Definition \ref{Def1} is a minimum, and $G$ has a \kdf whenever $k/d \ge \xi^*(G)$, and thus that $\xi(G) = \lceil \xi^*(G) \rceil$. It is well known that, in the setting of matroids, vertex colorings and nowhere-zero flows are dual concepts. In particular, if $G$ is a plane graph and $H$ its planar dual, then $\chi(G) = \xi(H)$. We shall see that a similar correspondence holds between the concepts of star chromatic number and star flow index. \section{Flows in Matroids} \label{flows_in_matroids} The proper setting for the study of flows and colorings is that of regular matroids. We assume familiarity with the circuit/cocircuit axioms of basic matroid theory such as in \cite{Wel}. Let $\C$ ($\B$) denote the \{0,1\}-valued circuit-element (cocircuit-element) incidence matrix of a matroid $M$. If $M$ is binary then, over GF$(2)$, we have $\C \B^\top =0$. An {\em orientation} $\w(M)$ of $M$ is a signing ($1 \mapsto \pm 1$) of the elements of $\C$ and $\B$ such that $\C \B^\top =0$ as rational matrices. It is well known that a binary matroid is orientable if and only if it is {\em regular}. (See \cite{Wel} for terminology and a proof.) It is a good exercise to find the relationship between orientations of a graph $G$ and of the graphic matroid $M(G)$. For any circuit $C$ in $\w (M)$, let $C^+$ ($C^-$) denote the set of elements in $C$ which are positively (negatively) oriented with respect to $\w(M)$. For any cocircuit $B$ in $\w (M)$, we define $B^+$ and $B^-$ similarly. Let $\G$ be an abelian group. A {\it $\G$-flow} in a regular matroid $M$ is an orientation $\w(M)$ and a function $f:M \rightarrow \G$ such that for every cocircuit $B$, $\sum_{e \in B^+} f(e) = \sum_{e \in B^-} f(e).$ A flow $f$ is said to be {\em nowhere-zero} if $f(e) \ne 0$, for all $e \in M$. An {\em integer flow} is a $\G$-flow where $\G=\ZZ$, the ring of integers. For integers $0 < d < k$, a {\it $(k,d)$-flow} is an integer flow with values in the set $\{ \pm d, \pm (d+1), \ldots ,\pm (k-d) \}$, and a {\it nowhere-zero $k$-flow} is a $(k,1)$-flow. As with graphs, the {\it star flow index} $\xi^*(M)$ is the infimum of $k/d$ over all $(k,d)$-flows in $M$, and the {\it flow index} $\xi(M)$ is the minimum $k$ for which $M$ has a nowhere-zero $k$-flow. The following facts about nowhere-zero flows are well known and can be found in \cite{Tut}. \begin{proposition}\label{basic} Let $\w(M)$ be an oriented regular matroid. \begin{enumerate} \item If $M$ has no coloops (one-element cocircuits) then $M$ has a nowhere-zero $k$-flow for some integer $k$, and hence $\xi(M)$ and $\xi^*(M)$ are bounded. \item For any abelian group $\G$ of order $k$, $M$ has a nowhere-zero $\G$-flow if and only if $M$ has a nowhere-zero $k$-flow. Furthermore, if $f$ is a $Z_k$-flow in $M$, then $M$ has a $k$-flow $f'$ such that $f'(e) \equiv f(e) \!\!\pmod k ,\:\: \mbox{for all } e \in E$. \end{enumerate} \end{proposition} Our starting point is the following lemma, due to Hoffman \cite{Hof}. \begin{lemma}[Hoffman's Lemma]\label{HoffLemma} Let $M$ be an oriented regular matroid. Given a pair of non-negative rational functions $l,u : M \rightarrow \QQ$ such that $0 \le l(e) \le u(e)$ for $e \in M$, there exists a rational flow $f:M \rightarrow \QQ$ such that $l(e) \le f(e) \le u(e)$ for every $e \in M$ if and only if, for every cocircuit $B$, \begin{equation} \sum_{e \in B^{+}}l(e) \leq \sum_{e \in B^{-}}u(e)~~~~~{\rm and}~~~~~ \sum_{e \in B^{-}}l(e) \leq \sum_{e \in B^{+}}u(e). \end{equation} Additionally, $f$ can be chosen to be integer valued provided that $l$ and $u$ are integer valued. \end{lemma} In case $M$ is graphic, Hoffman's Lemma is just the Ford-Fulkerson flow theorem \cite{For}. If $M$ is cographic then this is the Potential Differences Existence Theorem of Ghouila-Houri \cite{Gho}. If $l(e)\equiv l$ and $u(e)\equiv u$ are constant, then (1) becomes: \[\frac{l}{u} \leq \frac{|B^{+}|}{|B^{-}|} \leq \frac{u}{l}.\] Thus by Hoffman's Lemma with $l \equiv d$ and $u \equiv k-d$, we obtain the following. \begin{theorem}\label{main} A regular matroid $M$ has a \kdf if and only if there exists some orientation $\w(M)$ such that, for any cocircuit $B$, $d/(k-d) \le |B^+|/|B^-| \le (k-d)/d$. \end{theorem} \begin{corollary}\label{maincor} The star flow index $\xi^*(M)$ of a regular matroid $M$ is the minimum over all orientations $\w(M)$ of \[1 + \max \{ \frac{|B^+|}{|B^-|},\frac{|B^-|}{|B^+|} : B\mbox{ is a cocircuit in }\w(M) \} .\] \[= \max \{ \frac{|B|}{|B^-|},\frac{|B|}{|B^+|} : B\mbox{ is a cocircuit in }\w(M) \} .\] \end{corollary} This maximum is unbounded (and hence $\xi^*(M):=\infty$) if and only if $M$ has a coloop. Putting $d=1$, we have that for any regular matroid $M$, $$\xi(M) = \lceil\xi^*(M)\rceil.$$ A \kdc $c:V(G) \rightarrow Z_k$ of an (arbitrarily oriented) graph $G$ induces a $Z_k$-nowhere-zero flow $f$ in the cographic matroid $M^*(G)$ by letting $f(xy)=c(x)-c(y)$ for every arc $xy \in G$. By {\em 2.} of Proposition \ref{basic}, this is equivalent to the existence of an integer flow in $M^*(G)$ whose values range in absolute value between $d$ and $k-d$, that is, a \kdf in $M^*(G)$. This process can be reversed to obtain a \kdc of $G$ from a \kdf of $M^*(G)$. Thus from Theorem \ref{main} we have the following. \begin{corollary}\label{cor} The star chromatic number $\chi^*(G) = \xi^*(M^*(G))$ of a graph $G$ equals \[ \min_{\w(G)} \max_C \{ \frac{|C|}{|C^+|} , \frac{|C|}{|C^-|} \} \] where the minimum is over all orientations of $G$ and the maximum is over all circuits of $G$. \end{corollary} We note that the characterization of the (integer) chromatic number $\chi = \lceil \chi^* \rceil$ of a graph via the formula of Corollary \ref{cor} was proved independently of Hoffman's Lemma by Minty \cite{Min}. \section{Some Observations Regarding $\chi^*$ and $\xi^*$} (1) Vince's results \cite{Vin} regarding the star-chromatic number of a graph immediately follow from Corollary \ref{cor}. For example, in the case of the odd circuit $C_{2k+1}$, at least $k+1$ edges must be similarly oriented in any orientation and hence $\chi^*(C_{2k+1})=(2k+1)/k = 2+1/k$. \vspace{.1in} \noindent (2) Let $c : V \rightarrow Z_k$ be a \kdc of a graph $G=(V,E)$. For each $a \in Z_k$ let $I(a)$ denote the independent set $\{ v \in V : c(v) \in \{ a, a+1,\ldots,a+d-1\}\!\!\!\!\pmod k \,\}$. %By definition, $\{ I(a): a \in Z_k \}$ provides $k$ independent sets, %which together cover every vertex exactly $d$ times. The $k$ independent sets $\{I(a):a\in Z_k\}$ together cover every vertex exactly $d$ times. Let us call such a collection a {\it $(k,d)$-independent cover}. Since any graph with a $(k,d)$-independent cover has an independent set of size at least $|V|d/k$, it follows that %An immediate consequence of the last statement is $\alpha(G) \geq |V| / \chi^{*}(G)$, an improvement on the well-known bound $|V| / \chi(G)$. Although a \kdc always provides a $(k,d)$-independent cover, the two concepts are not equivalent. Take, for example, the graph $G_{10}$ on 10 vertices and 35 edges obtained by adding all edges joining two disjoint circuits of length five. Each `side' of $G_{10}$ induces a $C_5$ subgraph and hence has a $(5,2)$-independent cover. Two such covers, one from each `side', form a $(10,2)$-independent cover of $G_{10}$. On the other hand, $G_{10}$ does not admit a $(10,2)$-coloring as $\chi(G_{10}) =6$. \vspace{.1in} \noindent (3) A {\em weighted independent cover} is a collection of independent sets, each of which is assigned a positive rational weight, such that the total weight of the sets containing each vertex is at least 1. The {\em fractional chromatic number} $\chi^f(G)$ is defined to be the least total weight of any weighted independent cover of $G$. This parameter has been studied in several papers (see \cite{Fur},\cite{Hel} for example). As the existence of a $(k,d)$-independent cover of $G$ implies $\chi^f(G) \le k/d$ we have the following. \begin{observation} For any graph $G$, $\chi^f(G) \le \chi^*(G)$. \end{observation} Equality does not always hold here; for instance, $\chi^f(G_{10})=5$ while $\chi^*(G_{10})=6$. (We leave these for the reader to check!) \vspace{.1in} \noindent (4) Let the graph $G=(V,E_1 \cup E_2)$ be the union two subgraphs $G_1 = (V,E_1)$ and $G_2 = (V,E_2)$. Obviously, $\chi(G) \le \chi (G_1)\chi(G_2)$. Such a product formula also holds for the flow index --- a fact utilized in Seymour's proof \cite{Sey} that $\xi(G) \le 6=2 \times 3$ for any 2-edge connected graph $G$. Unfortunately analogous statements, where $\chi$ and $\xi$ are replaced by $\chi^*$ and $\xi^*$, are false. A counterexample for $\chi^*$ is provided again by the graph $G_{10}$; the star chromatic number of the disjoint union of two $C_5$'s is 2.5 and $\chi^*(K_{5,5}) =2$, whereas $\chi^*(G_{10})=6$. Using a similar construction one can find, for any pair of rational numbers $a,b \ge2$, a graph $G$ consisting of two subgraphs $G_1$ and $G_2$, such that $\chi^*(G_1)=a$, $\chi^*(G_2)=b$ and $\chi^*(G)= \lceil a \rceil \lceil b \rceil$. Analogous examples exist for $\xi^*$. \vspace{.1in} \noindent (5) We finish with an extension of the notion of chromatic number to (general) orientable matroids. As explained in \cite{Bjo}, orientable matroids need not be binary (as is tacitly assumed in some works such as \cite{Wel}). The following definition is more general than --- but consistent with --- that given in in Section \ref{flows_in_matroids}. An {\em orientation} of an arbitrary matroid is a signing $1\rightarrow \pm1$ of $\C$ and $\B$ such that, for any row $C$ of $\C$ and any row $B$ of $\B$, if $C_e, B_e \ne 0$ for some $e \in E$, then there exists $f\in E\backslash \{e\}$ such that one of $C_e B_e$, $C_f B_f$ equals $+1$ and the other equals $-1$. A matroid is {\em orientable} if it has at least one orientation. One can use Corollaries \ref{maincor} and \ref{cor} to {\em define} $\xi^*(M)$ and $\chi^*(M)$ (and hence $\xi(M)$ and $\chi(M)$) for an arbitrary orientable matroid $M$. There are several natural questions one might ask. For example, the chromatic number of a (loop-free) orientable matroid of rank $r$ is bounded by the size of its largest circuit, which is at most $r+1$. However, we do not know whether the flow index of a (coloop-free) orientable matroid of bounded rank is bounded. (This is true for regular matroids since their underlying simple matroids have bounded size.) Two orientations of $M$ are said to belong to the same {\em reorientation class} if one is obtained from the other by multiplying a corresponding set of columns of $\B$ and $\C$ by $-1$. Although regular matroids have only one reorientation class, orientable matroids can have many reorientation classes. Winfried Hochst\"attler has pointed out that it may be more sensible to define $\xi^*$ (and $\chi^*$) for each reorientation class $\psi(M)$ of $M$ by appropriately restricting the minimum in Corollary \ref{maincor}. %restricting the minimum in %Corollary \ref{maincor} and \ref{cor} to those %orientations belonging to that class. \begin{definition} The star flow index of a reorientation class $\psi(M)$ of an orientable matroid $M$ is given by \[ \xi^*(\psi(M)) = \min_{\w\in \psi(M)} \max_B \{ \frac{|B|}{|B^+|} , \frac{|B|}{|B^-|} \}.\] where the maximum is taken over the cocircuits $B$ of $M$. \end{definition} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{Bon} {\sc J. A. Bondy and P. Hell}, On the star chromatic number, {\em J. 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