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Re: Anyone doing IM on a multi-server install?

Multi-server/proxy issues are worked out in some cases and are still being worked out. I've been trying to track the IM stuff on my personal wiki page here.


Easiest way to where we are at on it is to adv. search bugzilla and just select the IM components.


Don't see anything referencing ngnix, but rather the "cloud" and third party proxies.

Sorry I'm not of much help on this. I'll see if I can dig into more though, when time allows.


----- "Steve Hillman" <hillman@sfu.ca> wrote:

> We'd like to be able to move our Jabber service over to Zimbra at some
> point, but our multi-server install would seem to be an impediment. 
> Unless I'm missing something, the front-end proxy for Zimbra (nginx)
> is not XMPP-aware, so it's incapable of being able to route XMPP
> packets to the appropriate back-end mailbox server, the way it can for
> POP, IMAP, and now HTTP.  As such, if a user wants to use a Jabber
> desktop client, they'd need to know what mailbox server they're on.
> More importantly, as near as I can tell, this would completely prevent
> external Jabber servers from being able to send messages to our users
> - our users' Jabber ID would be <user@sfu.ca>, but the XMPP path to
> them would be <user@mailbox(n).sfu.ca>
> Has anyone figured out a way around this? Is anyone at Zimbra working
> on an XMPP proxy? Obviously someone's figured this out - GTalk is
> XMPP-based (or at least XMPP compatible) and they can do it :)
> -- 
> Steve Hillman                                IT Architect
> hillman@sfu.ca                               IT Infrastructure
> 778-782-3960                                 Simon Fraser University