import data.real.basic namespace sfu2023 -- -- solutions: -- /-! ## A warmup exercise -/ example (p q r : Prop) (hpr : p → r) (hqp : q → p) : q → r := begin intro hq, -- Assume we know q. We want to show r. apply hpr, -- Since p implies r, it suffices to show p. apply hqp, -- Since q implies p, it suffices to show q. exact hq, -- We have a proof of q (hq). end /- Use this lemma: -/ #check add_le_add -- add_le_add : a ≤ b → c ≤ d → a + c ≤ b + d example (x y z : ℕ) : (x ≤ 5) → (1 ≤ y) → (x + 1 ≤ y + 5) := begin intros hx hy, rw add_comm y 5, apply add_le_add, exact hx, exact hy, end /-- ## A real analysis exercise -/ /- The standard definition of convergence of a real-valued sequence. -/ def converges_to (a : ℕ → ℝ) (l : ℝ) : Prop := ∀ (ε : ℝ) (hε : ε > 0), ∃ (n : ℕ), ∀ (m : ℕ) (hm : n ≤ m), |a m - l| < ε /-- Let's prove: If aₙ converges to l and bₙ converges to s, then aₙ + bₙ converges to l + s. -- Human proof ("ε/2 argument") : Let `ε > 0`. Since aₙ converges to l, we can find `N₁` such that, for all n ≥ N₁, |aₙ - l| < ε/2. Similarly, we can find `N₂` such that, for all n ≥ N₂, |bₙ - s| < ε/2. Let's take `N := max(N₁, N₂)`. Suppose m ≥ N (so m ≥ N₁ and m ≥ N₂). Then, by the triangle inequality, |(aₙ + bₙ) - (l + s)| = |(aₙ - l) + (bₙ - s)| ... ≤ |aₙ - l| + |bₙ - s| ... < ε/2 + ε/2 = ε. □ Here's the Lean proof: -/ lemma converges_to_of_add (a b : ℕ → ℝ) (l₁ l₂ : ℝ) (ha : converges_to a l₁) (hb : converges_to b l₂) : converges_to (a + b) (l₁ + l₂) := begin unfold converges_to at *, -- Let ε > 0. intros ε hε, -- Obtain N1 and N2. specialize ha (ε/2) (by linarith), obtain ⟨N1, hN1⟩ := ha, specialize hb (ε/2) (by linarith), obtain ⟨N2, hN2⟩ := hb, -- Use N = max(N1, N2). use max N1 N2, -- Suppose m ≥ N. intros m hm, rw max_le_iff at hm, specialize hN1 m hm.1, specialize hN2 m hm.2, -- Calculate! calc |(a + b) m - (l₁ + l₂)| = |a m + b m - (l₁ + l₂)| : by refl ... = |(a m - l₁) + (b m - l₂)| : by { congr, ring } ... ≤ |a m - l₁| + |b m - l₂| : abs_add (a m - l₁) (b m - l₂) ... < ε/2 + ε/2 : by linarith ... = ε : by linarith, end /- For last step of proof: calc |(a + b) m - (l₁ + l₂)| = |a m + b m - (l₁ + l₂)| : sorry ... = |(a m - l₁) + (b m - l₂)| : sorry ... ≤ |a m - l₁| + |b m - l₂| : sorry ... < ε/2 + ε/2 : sorry ... = ε : sorry, -/ def continuous_at (f : ℝ → ℝ) (x : ℝ) : Prop := ∀ (ε : ℝ) (hε : ε > 0), ∃ (δ : ℝ) (hδ : δ > 0), ∀ (y : ℝ), |x - y| < δ → |f x - f y| < ε def continuous (f : ℝ → ℝ) : Prop := ∀ x, continuous_at f x /-- ## An abstract algebra exercise Let's define groups. What is a group? It consists of some data: - An __underlying type__ G (underlying set), - a __binary operation__ ** : G × G → G, - an __identity element__ e : G, - and an __inversion operation__ inv : G → G, and some facts: - ... satisfying the axioms of associativity, identity, inverses. This is a new kind (type) of object since it bundles three definitions (*, e, ⁻¹) and several propositions (the group axioms). -/ /- A type with a binary operation, satisfying no axioms. -/ class has_mul (X : Type) := (mul : X → X → X) infix ` ** `:1000 := has_mul.mul -- Now we can write a ** b. /- Definition of a group! -/ class group (G : Type) extends has_mul G := (e : G) -- identity element (inv : G → G) (mul_assoc : ∀ g1 g2 g3 : G, (g1 ** g2) ** g3 = g1 ** (g2 ** g3)) (left_identity : ∀ g, e ** g = g) (right_identity : ∀ g, g ** e = g) (left_inv : ∀ g, inv g ** g = e) (right_inv : ∀ g, g ** inv g = e) /-- ## Examples of groups! ## 1. The group structure on the power set of X, ## by the symmetric difference. **Note**: make sure to add the @[simps] command below, it was missing from the live demo. Without it, all the `simp` tactics below will need to say `simp [has_mul.mul]`. -/ @[simps] instance boolean_algebra.has_mul (X : Type) : has_mul (set X) := { mul := λ s t, (s ∪ t) \ (s ∩ t) } instance (X : Type) : group (set X) := { e := ∅, inv := id, mul_assoc := begin intros g1 g2 g3, ext, simp, tauto!, end, left_identity := by { intro g, simp }, right_identity := by { intro g, simp }, left_inv := by { intro g, simp }, right_inv := by { intro g, simp }, } /-- ## 2. The symmetric group An __equivalence__ `f : X ≃ Y` is a pair of functions `(f : X → Y) (g : Y → X)` together with proofs that `f ∘ g = id` and `g ∘ f = id`. The non-symbolic name for `f : X ≃ Y` is `f : equiv X Y`. You can think of this as a slightly-more concrete version of a bijection (i.e. the inverse function is packaged with f). Formally, (f : X ≃ Y) has four fields: * f.to_fun : X → Y * f.inv_fun : Y → X * f.left_inv : f.inv_fun ∘ f.to_fun = id * f.right_inv : f.to_fun ∘ f.inv_fun = id We will put a group structure on (X ≃ X). This is the type of equivalences from X to itself. **Note**: make sure to add the @[simps] command below, it was missing from the live demo. Without it, all the `simp` tactics below will need to say `simp [has_mul.mul]`. -/ @[simps] instance equiv_self.has_mul (X : Type) : has_mul (X ≃ X) := { mul := equiv.trans } instance (X : Type) : group (X ≃ X) := { e := equiv.refl X, inv := equiv.symm, mul_assoc := by { intros f1 f2 f3, simp [equiv.trans] }, left_identity := by { intro f, simp }, right_identity := by { intro f, simp }, left_inv := by { intro f, simp }, right_inv := by { intro f, simp } } /-- ## 3. The infinite dihedral group The infinite dihedral group has two generators "r" (a rotation) and "s" (a reflection), satisfying the relations `s² = e`, `r s = s r⁻¹` Every element can therefore be written uniquely as either rⁿ or s rⁿ. -/ inductive dih : Type | r (n : ℤ) : dih -- an element of the form rⁿ | sr (n : ℤ) : dih -- an element of the form srⁿ namespace dih @[simp] def dih_mul : dih → dih → dih | (r n) (r m) := r (n + m) | (sr n) (r m) := sr (n + m) | (r n) (sr m) := sr (m - n) | (sr n) (sr m) := r (m - n) @[simp] def dih_inv : dih → dih | (r n) := r (-n) | (sr n) := sr n @[reducible] instance dih.has_mul : has_mul dih := { mul := dih_mul } instance : group dih := { e := r 0, inv := dih_inv, mul_assoc := begin -- (read this proof last) rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩; -- equivalent to intros g1 g2 g3, cases g1, simp, ring, ... by { simp, ring }, end, left_identity := begin intro g, cases g, simp, simp, end, right_identity := λ g, by { cases g, simp, simp }, -- alternate phrasing left_inv := λ g, by { cases g, simp, simp }, right_inv := λ g, by { cases g, simp, simp }, } end dih end sfu2023