This is the accompanying table for Mirikharaji et al., "A Survey on Deep Learning for Skin Lesion Segmentation", 2023. A downloadable version is also available as a Google Sheets document.

Index Paper Title Year Venue Datasets Architectural Modules Loss Function Performance (Jaccard) Cross-data Evaluation Augmentation Post-processing Code Provided
16Vesal et al., A multi-task framework for skin lesion detection and segmentation2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017, PH2dilated conv., dense con., skip con.Dice88.00%-
36Goyal et al., Skin Lesion Segmentation in Dermoscopic Images with Ensemble Deep Learning Methods2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2dilated conv., parallel m.s. conv., separable conv.-79.34%-
2He et al., Skin lesion segmentation via deep RefineNet2017peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2016, ISIC2017residual con., skip con., image pyramidDice, CE, DS75.80%rotation
17Venkatesh et al., A deep residual architecture for skin lesion segmentation2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017residual con., skip con.Jaccard76.40%rotation, flipping, translation, scaling
37Azad et al., Bi-Directional ConvLSTM U-Net with Densley Connected Convolutions2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., dense con., recurrent CNNCE74.00%-
38Alom et al., Recurrent residual U-Net for medical image segmentation2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2017skip con., residual con., recurrent CNNCE75.68%-
39Yuan and Lo, Improving Dermoscopic Image Segmentation with Enhanced Convolutional-Deconvolutional Networks2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2017-Tanimoto76.50%rotation, flipping, shifting, scaling, random normaliz.
40Goyal et al., Skin lesion boundary segmentation with fully automated deep extreme cut methods2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017, PH2dilated conv., parallel m.s. conv.WCE82.20%-
18Yang et al., Skin lesion analysis by multi-target deep neural networks2018non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC2017skip con., parallel m.s. conv.-74.10%rotation, flipping
19Sarker et al., SLSDeep: Skin lesion segmentation based on dilated residual and pyramid pooling networks2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2016, ISIC2017skip con., residual con., dilated conv., pyramid poolingCE, EPE78.20%rotation, scaling
20Al-Masni et al., Skin lesion segmentation in dermoscopy images via deep full resolution convolutional networks2018peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2-CE77.10%rotation
21Li et al., Deeply supervised rotation equivariant network for lesion segmentation in dermoscopy images2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017skip con., residual con.DS77.23%flipping, rotation
41Bi et al., Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for dermoscopic image segmentation2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017, PH2skip con., residual con.,CE77.73%flipping, cropping
3Bozorgtabar et al., Skin lesion segmentation using deep convolution networks guided by local unsupervised learning2017peer-reviewed journalISIC2016--80.60%rotation
42Tschandl et al., Domain-specific classification-pretrained fully convolutional network encoders for skin lesion segmentation2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2017skip con.CE, Jaccard76.80%flipping, rotation
22Zeng and Zheng, Multi-scale fully convolutional DenseNets for automated skin lesion segmentation in dermoscopy images2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017dense con., skip con., image pyramidCE, l2, DS78.50%flipping, rotation
43Li et al., Transformation-consistent self-ensembling model for semi-supervised medical image segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2017skip con., dense con., semi-supervised, ensembleCE, l179.80%flipping, rotating, scaling
23DeVries and Taylor, Leveraging uncertainty estimates for predicting segmentation quality2018non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC2017skip con.CE73.00%flipping, rotation
44Zhang et al., Automatic skin lesion segmentation by coupling deep fully convolutional networks and shallow network with textons2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017skip con.CE72.94%-
45Baghersalimi et al., DermoNet: densely linked convolutional neural network for efficient skin lesion segmentation2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017, PH2skip con., residual con., dense con.Tanimoto78.30%flipping, cropping
78Hasan et al., DSNet: Automatic dermoscopic skin lesion segmentation2020peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2skip con., dense con., separable conv.CE, Jaccard77.50%rotation, zooming, shifting, flipping
24Izadi et al., Generative adversarial networks to segment skin lesions2018peer-reviewed conferenceDermoFitskip con.CE, ADV81.20%flipping, rotation, elastic deformation
46Jiang et al., Decision-Augmented Generative Adversarial Network for Skin Lesion Segmentation2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017residual con., dilated conv., GANADV, l276.90%rotation, flipping
47Tang et al., A multi-stage framework with context information fusion structure for skin lesion segmentation2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2016skip con.Tanimoto, DS85.34%rotation, flipping
48Bi et al., Improving Skin Lesion Segmentation via Stacked Adversarial Learning2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017residual con.CE77.14%GAN
25Li et al., Dense deconvolutional network for skin lesion segmentation2018peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017skip con., residual con., dense con.Jaccard, DS76.50%-
26Mirikharaji and Hamarneh, Star shape prior in fully convolutional networks for skin lesion segmentation2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017residual con.CE, Star shape77.30%-
49Abraham and Khan, A novel focal tversky loss function with improved attention U-Net for lesion segmentation2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., image pyramid, attentionTV, Focal74.80%-
27Pollastri et al., Improving skin lesion segmentation with generative adversarial networks2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017-Jaccard, l178.10%GAN
50Cui et al., Ensemble Transductive Learning for Skin Lesion Segmentation2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018dilated conv., parallel m.s. conv., separable conv.-83.00%-
79Al Nazi and Abir, Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation and Melanoma Detection: Transfer Learning Approach with U-Net and DCNN-SVM2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018, PH2skip con.Dice80.00%rotation, zooming, flipping, elastic dist., Gaussian dist., histogram equal., color jittering
51Song et al., Dense-Residual Attention Network for Skin Lesion Segmentation2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017skip con., residual con., dense con., attention mod.CE, Jaccard76.50%-
52Singh et al., FCA-Net: Adversarial Learning for Skin Lesion Segmentation Based on Multi-Scale Features and Factorized Channel Attention2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017, ISIC2018skip con., residual con., factorized conv., attention mod., GANCE, l1, EPE78.65%-
53Tan et al., Evolving ensemble models for image segmentation using enhanced particle swarm optimization2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, DermoFit, PH2dilated conv.Dice62.29%*-
54Kaul et al., FocusNet: an attention-based fully convolutional network for medical image segmentation2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017skip con., residual con., attention mod.Dice75.60%channel shift
55De Angelo et al., Skin lesion segmentation using deep learning for images acquired from smartphones2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017, Privateskip con.CE, Dice76.07%flipping, shifting, rotation, color jittering
56Zhang et al., DSM: A Deep Supervised Multi-Scale Network Learning for Skin Cancer Segmentation2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2skip con., residual con., parallel m.s. conv.CE, Dice, DS78.50%flipping, rotation, whitening, contrast enhance.
28Vesal et al., SkinNet: A deep learning framework for skin lesion segmentation2018abstractISIC2017dilated conv., dense con., skip con.Dice76.67%rotation, flipping, translation, scaling, color shift
57Soudani and Barhoumi, An image-based segmentation recommender using crowdsourcing and transfer learning for skin lesion extraction2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2017residual con.CE78.60%rotation, flipping
58Mirikharaji et al., Learning to segment skin lesions from noisy annotations2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017skip con.WCE68.91%*-
29Chen et al., A multi-task framework with feature passing module for skin lesion classification and segmentation2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017residual con., dilated conv., parallel m.s. conv.WCE78.70%rotation, flipping, cropping, zooming, Gaussian noise
59Nasr-Esfahani et al., Dense pooling layers in fully convolutional network for skin lesion segmentation2019peer-reviewed journalDermQuestdense con.,WCE85.20%rotation, flipping, cropping
30Jahanifar et al., Segmentation of skin lesions and their attributes using multi-scale convolutional neural networks and domain specific augmentations2018non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC2016, ISIC2017, ISIC2018skip con., pyramid pooling, parallel m.s. conv.Tanimoto80.60%flipping, rotation, zooming, translation, shearing, color shift, intensity scaling, adding noises, contrast adjust., sharpness adjust., disturb illumination, hair occlusion
60Wang et al., Automated Segmentation of Skin Lesion Based on Pyramid Attention Network2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017, ISIC2018skip con., residual con., parallel m.s. conv., attention mod.WDice77.60%copping, flipping
61Sarker et al., MobileGAN: Skin Lesion Segmentation Using a Lightweight Generative Adversarial Network2019non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC2017, ISIC2018factrized conv., attention mod., GANCE, Jaccard, l1, ADV77.98%flipping, gamma reconst., contrast adjust.
31Mirikharaji et al., Deep auto-context fully convolutional neural network for skin lesion segmentation2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2016skip con.CE83.30%flipping, rottaion
62Tu et al., Dense-Residual Network With Adversarial Learning for Skin Lesion Segmentation2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2skip con., residual con., dense con., GANJaccard, EPE, l1, DS, ADV76.80%flipping
63Wei et al., Attention-Based DenseUnet Network With Adversarial Training for Skin Lesion Segmentation2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017, PH2skip con., residual con., attention mod., GANJaccard, l1, ADV80.45%rotation, flipping, color jittering
64Ünver and Ayan, Skin lesion segmentation in dermoscopic images with combination of YOLO and GrabCut algorithm2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2-l274.81%-
65Al-masni et al., A Deep Learning Model Integrating FrCN and Residual Convolutional Networks for Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017--77.11%rotation, flipping
80Deng et al., Weakly and Semi-supervised Deep Level Set Network for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017, PH2dilated conv., parallel m.s. conv., separable conv., semi-supervisedDice, Narrowband suppression83.9%rotation
66Canalini et al., Skin lesion segmentation ensemble with diverse training strategies2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017dilated conv., parallel m.s. conv., separable conv.CE, Tanimoto85.00%rotating, flipping, shifting, shearing, scaling, color jittering
67Wang et al., Dermoscopic Image Segmentation Through the Enhanced High-Level Parsing and Class Weighted Loss2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017residual con.WCE78.10%flipping, scaling
68Alom et al., Skin cancer segmentation and classification with improved deep convolutional neural network2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., residual con., recurrent CNNCE88.83%flipping
69Pollastri et al., Augmenting Data with GANs to Segment Melanoma Skin Lesions2020peer-reviewed journalISIC2017-Tanimoto78.90%GAN, flipping, rotation, shifting, scaling, color jittering
70Liu et al., Skin Lesion Segmentation Based on Improved U-Net2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017skip con., dilated conv.CE75.20%scaling, cropping, rotation, flipping, image deformation
4Ramachandram and Taylor, Skin lesion segmentation using deep hypercolumn descriptors2017peer-reviewed journalISIC2017-CE79.20%rotation, flipping, color jittering
32Bi et al., Improving automatic skin lesion segmentation using adversarial learning based data augmentation2018non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC2018residual con.CE83.12%GAN
71Abhishek and Hamarneh, Mask2Lesion: Mask-constrained adversarial skin lesion image synthesis2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017, PH2skip con.-68.69%*rotation, flipping, GAN
81Xie et al., A Mutual Bootstrapping Model for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification2020peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2dilated conv., parallel m.s. conv., separable conv.Dice, Rank80.4%cropping, scaling, rotation, shearing, shifting, zooming, whitening, flipping
33He et al., Dense deconvolution net: Multi path fusion and dense deconvolution for high resolution skin lesion segmentation2018peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017skip con., residual con., image pyramidCE, Dice, DS76.10%rotation
5Yu et al., Automated melanoma recognition in dermoscopy images via very deep residual networks2017peer-reviewed journalISIC2016skip con., residual con.-82.90%rotation, translation, random noise, cropping
6Bi et al., Dermoscopic image segmentation via multistage fully convolutional networks2017peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, PH2-CE84.64%flipping, cropping
1Jafari et al., Skin lesion segmentation in clinical images using deep learning2016peer-reviewed conferenceDermQuestimage pyramid---
7Jafari et al., Extraction of skin lesions from non-dermoscopic images for surgical excision of melanoma2017peer-reviewed journalDermQuestimage pyramid---
34Xue et al., Adversarial learning with multi-scale loss for skin lesion segmentation2018peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017skip con., residual con., global conv., GANl1, DS, ADV78.50%cropping, color jittering
8Yuan et al., Automatic skin lesion segmentation using deep fully convolutional networks with jaccard distance2017peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, PH2-Tanimoto84.7%flipping, rotation, scaling, shifting, contrast norm.
82Zhang et al., Kappa loss for skin lesion segmentation in fully convolutional network2020peer-reviewed conferenceSCD, ISIC2016, ISIC2017, ISIC2018skip con.Kappa Loss84.00%*rotation, shifting, shearing, zooming, flipping
83Saha et al., Leveraging adaptive color augmentation in convolutional neural networks for deep skin lesion segmentation2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017, ISIC2018skip con., dense con.CE81.9%color jittering, rotation, flipping, translation
84Henry et al., MixModule: Mixed CNN Kernel Module for Medical Image Segmentation2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., parallel m. s. conv., attention mod.-78.04%color jittering, rotation, cropping, flipping, shift
85Jafari et al., DRU-Net: An Efficient Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Medical Image Segmentation2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., residual con., dense con.CE75.5%-
86Li et al., A generic ensemble based deep convolutional neural network for semi-supervised medical image segmentation2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., residual con., ensemble, semi-supervisedCE, Dice75.5%-
87Guo et al., Complementary network with adaptive receptive fields for melanoma segmentation2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., dilated conv., parallel m. s. conv.Focal, Jaccard77.60%-
88Li et al., A multi-task self-supervised learning framework for scopy images2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., residual con., self-supervisedMSE, KL div.87.74%*-
9Ramachandram and DeVries, LesionSeg: semantic segmentation of skin lesions using deep convolutional neural network2017non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC2017dilated conv.CE64.20%rotation, flipping
10Bozorgtabar et al., Investigating deep side layers for skin lesion segmentation2017peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2016-CE82.90%rotations
11Bi et al., Semi-automatic skin lesion segmentation via fully convolutional networks2017peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2016parallel m. s.-86.36%crops, flipping
12Attia et al., Skin melanoma segmentation using recurrent and convolutional neural networks2017peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2016recurrent net.-93.00%-
13Deng et al., Segmentation of dermoscopy images based on fully convolutional neural network2017peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2016parallel m. s.-84.1%-
14Mishra and Daescu, Deep learning for skin lesion segmentation2017peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017skip con.Dice84.2%rotation, flipping
15Goyal et al., Multi-class semantic segmentation of skin lesions via fully convolutional networks2017peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017-CE, Dice--
89Jiang et al., Skin Lesion Segmentation Based on Multi-Scale Attention Convolutional Neural Network2020peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2skip con., residual con., attention mod.CE73.35%flipping
90Qiu et al., Inferring Skin Lesion Deep Convolutional Neural Networks2020peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2ensemble-80.02%translation, rotation, shearing
91Xie et al., Skin lesion segmentation using high-resolution convolutional neural network2020peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017, PH2attention mod.CE78.3%rotation, flipping
92Zafar et al., Skin lesion segmentation from dermoscopic images using convolutional neural network2020peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, PH2skip con., residual con.CE77.2%rotation
72Shahin et al., Deep convolutional encoder-decoders with aggregated multi-resolution skip connections for skin lesion segmentation2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., image pyramidGeneralized, Dice73.8%rotation, flipping, zooming
73Adegun and Viriri, An enhanced deep learning framework for skin lesions segmentation2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017-Dice83.0%elastic
93Azad et al., Attention Deeplabv3+: Multi-level Context Attention Mechanism for Skin Lesion Segmentation2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, PH2dilated conv., attention mod.-96.98%-
94Nathan and Kansal, Lesion Net--Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Coordinate Convolution and Deep Residual Units2020non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC 2016, ISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, PH2skip con., residual con.CE, Dice78.28%rotation, flipping, shearing, zoom
95Mirikharaji et al., D-LEMA: Deep Learning Ensembles from Multiple Annotations-Application to Skin Lesion Segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC Archive, PH2, DermoFitskip con., residual con., ensembleCE72.11%-
109Arora et al., Automated skin lesion segmentation using attention-based deep convolutional neural network2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018skip con., attention mod.Dice, Tversky, Focal Tversky83%flipping
74Taghanaki et al., Improved inference via deep input transfer2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017skip con.Dice, l1, SSIM69.35%*rotation, flipping, gradient-based, perturbation
96Öztürk and Özkaya, Skin lesion segmentation with improved convolutional neural network2020peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, PH2residual con.-78.34%-
97Abhishek et al., Illumination-based Transformations Improve Skin Lesion Segmentation in Dermoscopic Images2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017, DermoFit, PH2skip con.Dice75.70%rotation, flipping
75Saini et al., Detector-SegMentor Network for Skin Lesion Localization and Segmentation2019peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, PH2skip con., multi-taskDice84.9%rotation, flipping, shearing, stretch, crop, contrast
98Kaymak et al., Skin lesion segmentation using fully convolutional networks: A comparative experimental study2020peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017--72.5%-
99Bagheri et al., Two-stage Skin Lesion Segmentation from Dermoscopic Images by Using Deep Neural Networks2020peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, DermQuestdilated conv., parallel m.s. conv., separable conv.-79.05%rotation, flipping, brightness change, resizing
100Jayapriya and Jacob, Hybrid fully convolutional networks-based skin lesion segmentation and melanoma detection using deep feature2020peer-reviewed journalISIC2016skip con., parallel m.s. conv.-92.42%-
101Wang et al., Cascaded Context Enhancement for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation2020non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC2016, ISIC2017, PH2residual con., dilated conv., attention mod.CE, Dice, DS80.30%flipping, rotation, cropping
76Wang et al., Bi-directional dermoscopic feature learning and multi-scale consistent decision fusion for skin lesion segmentation2019peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017skip con., residual con., dilated conv.WCE81.47%flipping, scaling
110Jin et al., Cascade knowledge diffusion network for skin lesion diagnosis and segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2017, ISIC2018skip con., residual con., attention mod.Dice, Focal80.00%flipping, rotation, affine trans., scaling, cropping
111Hasan et al., Dermo-DOCTOR: A framework for concurrent skin lesion detection and recognition using a deep convolutional neural network with end-to-end dual encoders2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2016, ISIC 2017skip con., residual con., separable conv.Dice, CE66.66%*flipping, rotation, shifting, zooming, intensity adjust.
112Kosgiker et al., SegCaps: An efficient SegCaps network-based skin lesion segmentation in dermoscopic images2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, PH2-MSE, CE90.25%-
102Wang et al., DONet: Dual Objective Networks for Skin Lesion Segmentation2020non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC2018, PH2attention mod., skip con., parallel m.s. conv., recurrent CNN,Dice, Focal Tversky80.6%rotation, flipping, cropping
103Ribeiro et al., Less is more: Sample selection and label conditioning improve skin lesion segmentation2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC Archive, PH2, DermoFitskip con., residual con., dilated conv.Soft Jaccard, CE-Gaussian noise, color jittering
35Ebenezer and Rajapakse, Automatic segmentation of skin lesions using deep learning2018non peer-reviewed technical reportISIC 2018skip con.Dice75.6%rotation, flipping, zooming
113Bagheri et al., Skin lesion segmentation based on mask RCNN, Multi Atrous Full-CNN, and a geodesic method2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017, ISIC2018, PH2, DermQuestparallel m.s. conv., dilated conv.Dice, CE85.04%rotation, flipping, color jittering
114Saini et al., B-SegNet: branched-SegMentor network for skin lesion segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017, ISIC2018, PH2pyramid pooling, residual con., skip con., dilated conv., attention mod.Dice85.00%rotation, shearing, color jittering
115Tong et al., ASCU-Net: Attention Gate, Spatial and Channel Attention U-Net for Skin Lesion Segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017, PH2skip con., attention mod.CE84.2%flipping
116Bagheri et al., Skin lesion segmentation from dermoscopic images by using Mask R-CNN, Retina-Deeplab, and graph-based methods2021peer-reviewed journalDermQuest, ISIC2017, PH2ensembleCE, Focal86.53%rotation, flipping, color jittering
117Ren et al., Serial attention network for skin lesion segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2017dense con., dilated conv., separable conv., attention mod.Dice, CE76.92%flipping, rotation
118Liu et al., Skin lesion segmentation using deep learning with auxiliary task2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2017residual con., dilated conv., pyramid poolingWCE79.46%flipping, cropping, rotation, image deformation
119Khan et al., PMED-Net: Pyramid Based Multi-Scale Encoder-Decoder Network for Medical Image Segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2018skip con., image pyramidDice85.10%-
77Kamalakannan et al., Self-Learning AI Framework for Skin Lesion Image Segmentation and Classification2019peer-reviewed journalISIC Archiveskip con.CE--
104Zhu et al., ASNet: An adaptive scale network for skin lesion segmentation in dermoscopy images2020peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., residual con., dilated conv., attention mod.CE, Dice82.15%flipping
120Redekop and Chernyavskiy, Uncertainty-based method for improving poorly labeled segmentation datasets2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017--68.77%*-
121Kaul et al., Focusnet++: Attentive Aggregated Transformations For Efficient And Accurate Medical Image Segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018skip con., residual con., attention mod.CE, Tversky, adaptive, logarithmic82.71%-
122Abhishek and Hamarneh, Matthews correlation coefficient loss for deep convolutional networks: Application to skin lesion segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2017, PH2, DermoFitskip con.MCC75.18%flipping, rotation
123Tang et al., Introducing frequency representation into convolution neural networks for medical image segmentation via twin-Kernel Fourier convolution2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2018skip con.CE78.25%-
124Xie et al., Semi-Supervised Skin Lesion Segmentation with Learning Model Confidence2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC2018dilated conv., semi-supervisedCE, KL div.82.37%scaling, rotation, elastic transformation
125Poudel and Lee, Deep multi-scale attentional features for medical image segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2017skip con., attention mod.CE87.44%scaling, flipping, rotation, Gaussian noise, median blur
126Şahin et al., Robust optimization of SegNet hyperparameters for skin lesion segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC 2017skip con., Gaussian process-74.51%resize, rotation, reflection
127Sarker et al., SLSNet: Skin lesion segmentation using a lightweight generative adversarial network2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, ISIC 2018parallel m.s. conv., attention mod., GANl1, Jaccard81.98%flipping, contrast, gamma reconstruction
128Wang et al., Knowledge-aware Deep Framework for Collaborative Skin Lesion Segmentation and Melanoma Recognition2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2016, ISIC 2017residual con., skip con., lesion-based pooling, feature fusionCE82.4%flipping, scaling, cropping
129Sachin et al., Performance Analysis of Deep Learning Models for Biomedical Image Segmentation2021book chapterISIC 2018residual con., skip con.-75.96%flipping, scaling, color jittering
130Wibowo et al., Lightweight encoder-decoder model for automatic skin lesion segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, PH2BConvLSTM, separable conv., residual con., skip con.Jaccard80.25%distortion, blur, color jittering, contrast, gamma sharpen
131Gudhe et al., Multi-level dilated residual network for biomedical image segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018dilated conv., residual con., skip con.CE91%flipping, scaling, shearing, color jittering, Gaussian blur, Gaussian noise
132Khouloud et al., W-net and inception residual network for skin lesion segmentation and classification2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2016, ISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, PH2feature pyramid, residual con., skip con., attention mod.-86.92%*-
105Gu et al., CA-Net: Comprehensive attention convolutional neural networks for explainable medical image segmentation2020peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018residual con., skip con., attention mod.Dice85.32%*cropping, flipping, rotation
133Gu et al., kCBAC-Net: Deeply Supervised Complete Bipartite Networks with Asymmetric Convolutions for Medical Image Segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017asymmetric conv., skip con.DS79.4%cropping, flipping, rotation
134Zhao et al., Segmentation of dermoscopy images based on deformable 3D convolution and ResU-NeXt++2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018pyramid pooling, attention mod., residual con., skip con.CE, Dice86.84%cropping
135Tang et al., AFLN-DGCL: Adaptive Feature Learning Network with Difficulty-Guided Curriculum Learning for skin lesion segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2016, ISIC 2017, ISIC 2018attention mod., residual con., skip con., ensemble, pyramid poolingFocal80.7%copying
136Zunair and Hamza, Sharp U-Net: Depthwise convolutional network for biomedical image segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018sharpening kernel, residual con.CE79.78%-
147Dai et al., Ms RED: A novel multi-scale residual encoding and decoding network for skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC2018, PH2residual con., skip con., dilated conv., image pyramid, attention mod.CE, Dice, SoftDice83.45%cropping, flipping, rotation
148Bi et al., Hyper-fusion network for semi-automatic segmentation of skin lesions2022peer-reviewed journalISIC2016, ISIC2017, PH2residual con., skip con., attention mod., feature fusionCE83.70%cropping, flipping
137Li et al., Superpixel-Guided Iterative Learning from Noisy Labels for Medical Image Segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017skip con.CE, KL div.71.12%*-
138Zhang et al., Self-supervised Correction Learning for Semi-supervised Biomedical Image Segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2016skip con., residual con., feature fusion, semi-supervised, self-supervisedCE, Dice80.49%flipping, rotation, zooming, cropping
139Xu et al., DC-Net: Dual context network for 2D medical image segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2018Transformer, multi-scaleDice89.6%flipping, rotation
140Ahn et al., A spatial guided self-supervised clustering network for medical image segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferencePH2self-supervised, clusteringCE, Spatial loss, Consistency loss71.53%*-
141Zhang et al., TransFuse: Fusing Transformers and CNNs for medical image segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017skip con., feature fusion, TransformerCE, Jaccard79.5%rotation, flipping, color jittering
142Ji et al., Multi-compound Transformer for accurate biomedical image segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2018skip con., multi-scale, TransformerCE, Dice82.4%*flipping
143Wang et al., Boundary-aware Transformers for skin lesion segmentation2021peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2016, ISIC 2018, PH2multi-scale, TransformerCE, Dice84.3%*flipping, scaling
149Lin et al., ConTrans: Improving Transformer with Convolutional Attention for Medical Image Segmentation2022peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017, ISIC 2018attention mod., TransformerCE, Jaccard, DS77.81%*flipping, rotation
150Wu et al., SeATrans: Learning Segmentation-Assisted Diagnosis Model via Transformer2022peer-reviewed conferencePH2skip con., Transformer, multi-scaleCE70.0%*-
151Valanarasu and Patel, UNeXt: MLP-based Rapid Medical Image Segmentation Network2022peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2018skip con.CE, Dice81.7%-
152Basak et al., MFSNet: A multi focus segmentation network for skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, PH2, HAM10000residual con., multi-scale, attention mod.CE, Jaccard, DS97.4%-
153Wu et al., FAT-Net: Feature adaptive Transformers for automated skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2016, ISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, PH2skip con., residual con., attention mod., TransformerCE, Dice76.53%flipping, rotation, brightness change, contrast change, change in H, S, V
106Lei et al., Skin lesion segmentation via generative adversarial networks with dual discriminators2020peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, ISIC 2018skip con., dense con., dilated conv., GANCE, l1, ADV77.1%flipping, rotation
154Liu et al., NCRNet: Neighborhood Context Refinement Network for skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017skip con., residual con., dilated conv., attention mod.CE, Dice78.62%flipping, rotation
155Wang et al., O-Net: a novel framework with deep fusion of CNN and Transformer for simultaneous segmentation and classification2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017skip con., residual con., Transformer-84.52%flipping, rotation
156Zhang et al., Feature Fusion for Segmentation and Classification of Skin Lesions2022peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017skip con., feature fusionDice, Focal74.54%flipping
157Wang et al., Superpixel Inpainting For Self-Supervised Skin Lesion Segmentation from Dermoscopic Images2022peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017, PH2skip con., residual con., self-supervisedDice76.5%rotation, flipping, color jittering
144Yang et al., Deep Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network for Segmentation of Melanoma Skin Lesion2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018, PH2skip con., multi-scale, feature fusionCE, Dice94.0%rotation, flipping, cropping, HSC, manipulation, luminance, and contrast shift
107Andrade et al., Data Augmentation Using Adversarial Image-to-Image Translation for the Segmentation of Mobile-Acquired Dermatological Images2020peer-reviewed journalDermoFit, SMARTSKINSresidual con., dilated conv., GANDice81.03%flipping, brightness, saturation, contrast, hue, Gaussian hue
145Tao et al., Attention-guided network with densely connected convolution for skin lesion segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, PH2skip con., dense con., attention mod., multi-scale-78.85%rotation
108Wu et al., Automated skin lesion segmentation via an adaptive dual attention module2020peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, ISIC 2018residual con., attention mod., multi-scaleCE, Dice82.55%flipping, rotation, scaling, cropping, sharpening, color, distribution adj., noise
146Kim and Lee, A Simple Generic Method for Effective Boundary Extraction in Medical Image Segmentation2021peer-reviewed journalISIC 2016, PH2residual con., skip con.boundary aware loss84.33%*-
158Dong et al., TC-Net: Dual coding network of Transformer and CNN for skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2016, ISIC 2017, ISIC 2018residual con., skip con., Transformer, feature fusionCE, Dice74.55%-
159Chen et al., Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Recurrent Attentional Convolutional Networks2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, PH2skip con., attention mod., recurrent net.CE80.36%flipping, rotation, affine trans., masking, mesh distortion
160Kaur et al., Automatic lesion segmentation using atrous convolutional deep neural networks in dermoscopic skin cancer images2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2016, ISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, PH2dilated conv.CE81.7%scaling, rotation, translation
161Badshah and Ahmad, ResBCU-Net: Deep learning approach for segmentation of skin images2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018residual con., BConvLSTM-94.5%-
162Alam et al., S2C-DeLeNet: A parameter transfer based segmentation-classification integration for detecting skin cancer lesions from dermoscopic images2022peer-reviewed journalHAM10000residual con., separable conv.Dice91.1%-
163Yu et al., mCA-Net: modified comprehensive attention convolutional neural network for skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018skip con., attention mod., multi-scale-87.89%-
164Jiang et al., SEACU-Net: Attentive ConvLSTM U-Net with squeeze-and-excitation layer for skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, ISIC 2018skip con., attention mod., ConvLSTMCE, Jaccard80.5%-
165Ramadan et al., Color-invariant skin lesion semantic segmentation based on modified U-Net deep convolutional neural network2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018skip con., attention mod.CE, Dice, sens.-spec. loss91.4%-
166Zhang et al., Dynamic prototypical feature representation learning framework for semi-supervised skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, ISIC 2018skip con., dense con., semi-supervisedCE, contrastive loss73.89%scaling, flipping, color distortion
167Tran and Pham, Fully convolutional neural network with attention gate and fuzzy active contour model for skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, PH2skip con., attention mod.Focal Tversky, fuzzy loss79.2%rotation, zooming, flipping
168Wang and Wang, Skin lesion segmentation with attention-based SC-Conv U-Net and feature map distortion2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017skip con., residual con., attention mod.CE, Jaccard78.28%rotation, zooming, resizing, shifting
169Zhao et al., Self-supervised Assisted Active Learning for Skin Lesion Segmentation2022peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017skip con., self-supervisedCE, Dice67.08%*-
170Wang et al., Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning for Rare-Disease Skin Lesion Segmentation2022peer-reviewed conferencePH2few shot, mask avg. poolingDice86.97%*-
171Wang et al., CTCNet: A Bi-directional Cascaded Segmentation Network Combining Transformers with CNNs for Skin Lesions2022peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017, ISIC 2018residual con., dilated conv., multi-scale, feature fusion, TransformerCE, Jaccard78.76%-
172Liu et al., Skin Lesion Segmentation via Intensive Atrous Spatial Transformer2022peer-reviewed conferenceISIC 2017, ISIC 2018skip con., dilated conv., multi-scale, pyramid pooling, TransformerCE80.19%-
173Gu et al., DE-Net: A deep edge network with boundary information for automatic skin lesion segmentation2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017skip con., global adaptive, poolingCE, l280.53%scaling, rotation, flipping
174Khan et al., Ensemble learning of deep learning and traditional machine learning approaches for skin lesion segmentation and classification2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, PH2residual con., attention mod., ensembleCE79.2%-
175Alahmadi and Alghamdi, Semi-Supervised Skin Lesion Segmentation With Coupling CNN and Transformer Features2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, PH2skip con., feature fusion, semi-supervised, TransformerCE, Dice, l282.78%*-
176Li et al., MHAU-Net: Skin Lesion Segmentation Based on Multi-Scale Hybrid Residual Attention Network2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2018skip con., residual con., dilated conv., attention mod., pyramid pooling, multi-scaleCE, Dice88.92%flipping, rotation
177Kaur et al., Skin lesion segmentation using an improved framework of encoder-decoder based convolutional neural network2022peer-reviewed journalISIC 2016, ISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, PH2-Tversky77.8%rotation, scaling