Description of Bellcore Traces:
BC-pAug89.TL, BC-pOct89.TL, BC-Oct89Ext.TL
The measurement was done at the Bellcore Morristown Research and Engineering
facility, on the computing lab's Ethernet, which carried primarily local traffic,
but also all traffic between Bellcore and the Internet. These traces each contain
a million packet arrivals seen on the Ethernet.
The traces are in 2-column ASCII format. The first column gives a floating-point
time stamp representing the time in seconds since the start of a trace. The second
column gives the Ethernet data length in bytes. Although the times are expressed to
6 places after the decimal point, giving the appearance of microsecond resolution,
the hardware clock had an actual resolution of 4 microseconds. The length field does
not include the Ethernet preamble, header, or CRC.
The trace BC-pAug89.TL began at 11:25 on August 29, 1989, and ran for about
3142.82 seconds (until 1,000,000 packets had been captured).
The trace BC-pOct89.TL began at 11:00 on October 5, 1989, and ran for about
1759.62 seconds.
The trace BC-Oct89Ext.TL began at 23:46 on October 3, 1989, and captured the
first 1 million external arrivals (packets headed between Bellcore and the rest of
the Internet), ending about 122797.83 seconds later.
The short version traces "pAug89_2000.TL", "pOct89_2000.TL" and "OctExt89_2000.TL"
are obtained from "BC-pAug89.TL", "BC-pOct89.TL", "BC-Oct89Ext.TL", respectively. Each of
the short traces contains the first 2,000 samples of the source traces.