Home page of the trace: http://www.research.att.com/~breslau/vint/trace.html From: http://www.research.att.com/~breslau/vint/trace.html Here is an example trace file that can be used with the class Application/Traffic/Trace in ns. The trace is derived from Mark Garrett's MPEG encoding of the Star Wars movie. Each record in the original trace contains the number of bits in a frame; the frame rate for the encoding is 24 frames per second. The ns trace file was produced by transforming Garrett's trace as follows. First, each frame was divided into 200 byte packets. These packets are transmitted evenly spaced over approximately 20 milliseconds. The source then remains idle for the remainder of the 1/24 second frame time. Local info: The text version (starwars.nsformat.txt): The file that can be down-loaded from Lee Breslau's home page (traffic-trace.tar.gz) contains the Star Wars trace in ns format (starwars.nsformat). After conversion to txt format, the file has 1697095 lines with inter-arrival times (in microsec) and packet sizes. Please ignore the last line in the file (the 1697095th line). None of the values in the 1697094 tuples is zero.