Selective-TCP for Wired/Wireless Networks


Selective-TCP was implemented in ns-2.27 simulator on Linux Fedora Core 2.  Simulations are conducted to investigate the performance of the Selective-TCP algorithm comparing to TCP Reno, TCP NewReno, TCP SACK, TCP Westwood, and TCP Vegas with 5% burst error in the wireless links.

Installing ns-2

1. Download ns-2 version 2.27 from the ns-2 homepage.

2. To install ns-allinone in your home directory xyz, unpack the ns-2 package:

> cd xyz
> tar xzvf ns-allinone-2.27.tar.gz
> cd ns-allinone-2.26
> ./install

This will create an "ns-allinone-2.27" sub-directory with all required files and sub-directories and install ns-2.27.

Installing Selective-TCP

For the required files for installing Selective-TCP, click here.
1. Copy the following files in the ~ns-allinone/ns2.27/tcp/

2. Copy the following file in the ~ns-allinone/ns2.27/tcl/lib/


3. Recompile ns-2

    To recompile:
    go to ~ns-allinone/ns2.27/ and type
    ./make clean
    ./make depend

4. Run any script file to test the installation. To download the script files, click here.

Publications and presentations

Other notes and limitations

For details of the design and implementation of Selective-TCP, please refer my M.Sc. Thesis.


If you have any other questions, please e-mail me at rpaul2 at

Rajashree Paul