I am an Associate Professor of Economics at Simon Fraser University. I am also Co-Director of the SFU Experimental Economics Laboratory, Research Associate of the NBER, a Monetary Policy Institute Research Fellow and Monetary Policy Council Member within the C.D. Howe Institute. I also served as Department Special Advisor to the Bank of Canada from 2018-2019 and 2022 and Visiting Economist in the Economics Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco from 2022-2023, and as an Advisory Council Member for the Society for Computational Economics from 2020-2023.

My research focuses on the design of monetary policy and central bank communication to manage boundedly-rational expectations and financial decisions. Most of my work involves the implementation of experimental macroeconomies, where I study -- in a controlled laboratory setting -- individual and group decision-making in response to different types of shocks and policies. I also conduct randomized control trials through representative surveys and use more conventional empirical methods to study questions related to the design of central bank communication.

I am particularly interested in how to explain more complex monetary policies that involve history-dependence and make-up strategies to the general public. I also have a series of papers exploring the design of forward guidance and central bank projections. Another branch of my work explores how people reason through consumption-saving problems and whether their ability to optimize can be improved through effective tools and education.

These projects have been funded by various institutions and programs including the Bank of Canada, the National Science Foundation, the Sury Initative for Global Finance and International Risk Management, SSHRC-SFU Institutional Grants, as well as SSHRC Insight Development and Insight Grants.

Curriculum Vitae

I am currently on study leave from SFU and visiting University of Technology Sydney Business School from January-April 2025.

Working Papers

The effects of communicating inflation uncertainty on household expectations and spending

with Olena Kostysyhna

[NBER Working Paper 32939]   [Bank of Canada Staff Working Paper 2023-63 ] [NBER 2023 SI Behavioral Macro]

The ECB's climate activities and public trust

with Sandra Eickmeier

[NBER Working Paper 33103]   [CAMA Working Paper 62/2024]
In media: Bloomberg

Toward a holistic approach to central bank trust

with Sandra Eickmeier

[NBER Working Paper 32716]  

R&R European Journal of Political Economy

Dynamic optimization meets budgeting: Unraveling financial complexities

with Guidon Fenig

[NBER Working Paper 32821]  

R&R Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

History-dependent monetary policy - less is more

with Olena Kostysyhna and Jing Yang

[NBER Working Paper 30530]   [Bank of Canada Staff Working Paper 2022-33 ]

Escaping Secular Stagnation with Unconventional Monetary Policy

with Ryan Rholes

[NBER Working Paper 30117]

Macroeconomic literacy and expectations

with Michael Mirdamadi

Expectations and monetary policy: Experimental evidence      [Appendix]

with Oleksiy Kryvtsov

In media: CBC

Selected work in progress (drafts available upon request)

“Dissecting Heaping in Response Data: Causal Evidence on the Roles of Complexity and Uncertainty ” with Michael McMahon and Ryan Rholes

“Do prices reveal information about dividends in asymmetric sequential asset markets?” with Rosemarie Nagel


[2024] Is monetary and fiscal policy conflict that dire?

with Jeremy Kronick


Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
In media: Financial Post

[2022] Macroeconomic expectations, central bank communication, and background uncertainty: A COVID-19 laboratory experiment

with Ryan Rholes

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 143, 104460.

[Working Paper]

[2021] Central Bank Communication That Works: Lessons from Lab Experiments

with Oleksiy Kryvtsov

Journal of Monetary Economics, 117, 760-780.

[2021] Coordinating expectations through central bank projections

with Fatemeh Mokhtarzadeh

Experimental Economics, 24, 883-918.

[2021] Should central banks communicate uncertainty in their projections?

with Ryan Rholes

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 183, 320-341.

[2018] Deflating asset price bubbles with leverage constraints and monetary policy

with Guidon Fenig and Mariya Mileva

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 155, 1-27.

[WP version]

[2017] Stabilizing expectations at the zero lower bound: Experimental evidence

with Jasmina Arifovic  

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 82, 21-43.

[WP version]

[2017] Distributing scarce jobs and output: experimental evidence on the dynamic effects of rationing

with Guidon Fenig,   Experimental Economics, 20(3), 707-735.

[WP version][Appendix]

[2015]  Do Expectations and Decisions Respond to Monetary Policy? Journal of Economic Studies, 42(6), 1047-1062. 

* Special Issue in Experimental Macroeconomics  

[WP version]

[2014] Does Money Illusion Matter?: Comment

with Abel Winn, American Economic Review, 104(3):1047-1062.

[WP version][Appendix] 

[2014] Forecast Error Information and Heterogenous Expectations in Learning to Forecast Macroeconomic Experiments

“Experiments in Macroeconomics”, Vol. 17, Research in Experimental Economics, 109-137.

[WP version]

Refereed policy publications

[2022] Crossed Wires: Does Fiscal and Monetary Policy Cooordination Matter?

with Jeremy Kronick

C.D. Howe Commentary No. 633
Media coverage: Financial Post, MNI

[2021] The Case for Raising the Bank of Canada's Inflation Target

with Shannon Wells

Max Bell School of Public Policy Conference Volume 1: Choosing the Right Target

[2014] Recent Developments in Experimental Macroeconomics

with Robert Amano and Oleksiy Kryvtsov, Bank of Canada Review, Autumn 2014, 1-11. 

Non-economics refereed publications

[2022] Development of an individualized pain prediction tool in pediatrics – Identification of risk factors, patient reported experience and outcome measures, and data capture tools for pre- and post-operative use

Wood, M.D., West, N.C., Sreepada, R. Loftsgard, KC., Jordan, I., Petersen, L. Whyte, S.D., Lauder, G.R., Portales-Casamar, E., and Görges, M.

JMIR Perioperative Medicine, 5(1), e4234.

Current projects

“Neofisherian vs. New Keynesian Expectations” with Marieh Azizirad and Lucas Herrenbrueck


Luba Petersen

Contact Information

Luba Petersen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Simon Fraser University

Email: lubap at sfu dot ca

Recent and upcoming presentations in 2024

3/19: University of New South Wales

3/20: University of Technology Sydney

3/22: Reserve Bank of Australia

3/28: Middlebury University

4/5: Virginia Commonwealth University

4/29: AWESOME @ Wilfred Laurier University

5/13: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

5/30-6/1: CEA-Bank of Canada Session on Central Bank Communication

7/5-7/6: 6th Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop at Heidelberg University

7/8-7/12: NBER SI in Monetary Economics

10/14-10/15: Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Conference on Central Bank Communication

11/7-11/8: Bank of Canada Annual Conference

Upcoming events I am co-organizing

6/19-6/20: 15th Workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics, Barcelona School of Economics Summer Forum 2025

6/16-6/22: 16th BESLAB Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Past Workshops and Summer Schools in Experimental Macroeconomics