Wallpaper Patterns



Feature Cost ($)
N-rotation (N-1)/N
M-dihedral (M-1)/(2M)
Mirror * 1
Glide x 1
Wandering o 2

Magic Theorem

Every wallpaper pattern has total cost $2.


All possible symmetry types of wallpaper patterns are as follows (click on the picture for more examples)

*632 *333 *442 *2222  
632 333 442 2222  
3*3 4*2 2*22 22*  
22x ** *x xx  

Procedure For Finding Symmetry Type:

  1. Draw all mirror symmetry lines you can find
  2. Use 1. to identify all differnt types of dihedral points
  3. Find all different points with rotational symmetry
Stop and record what you have found:
  1. For each (distinct!) N-rotation point write an N.
  2. Write a * if you found at least one mirror line.
  3. For each (distinct!) M-dihedral point (intersection of mirror lines) write an M.
Now you have a label which looks like: abcd.. *qrst.. and should be one of the following:


Every wallpaper patern can be generated by a tile which is then replicated using the symmetry group.

Tiles for each group

Make Your Own (download)

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