Research Methods III:

Qualitative Research Methods in Criminology

Crim 862 - Spring 2024

[Last updated 17 March 2024]
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Some examples of research projects conducted by Crim 862 students of years past (made available to new students by permission of the respective authors):


* A Closer Look in Unusual Times. Edited book of readings produced by the COVID-exiled 862ers of Spring/2020

* Michaela McGuire’s interview-based study about the creation of a Haida justice system

* Jeremy Cheung’s examination of conflict management in two cryptomarkets

* Cory Eybergen’s ethnographic study of a Downtown Eastside soup kitchen

* Nick Pauls’s content analytic study of media representations of the opioid crisis

* Aaren Ivers’s oral history of two Indigenous women in Stó:lō territory


Part I: Getting Organized

12 January

Organizational issues

* Course Syllabus

* Term Research Project Preliminary Guidelines/Specifications

* Submitting your proposal for ethics review

* Something to check out when you have a chance: Capturing Reality: The Art of Documentary

19 January

Getting Started

* Becker (1996): Epistemology of Qualitative Research

* Cresswell (2016): Research Questions

* O’Leary (2018): What is the power of the research question?

* Becker (2001): Drugs: What Are They?                  

* Submit a 1-pager before class on any one of this week’s readings

26 January

Site Selection, Sampling

* Guest et al (2006): How Many Interviews Are Enough?

* Palys (2008): Purposive sampling

* Rossmo (2021): Dissecting a criminal investigation

* Smith (2017) Generalizability in Qualitative Research

* Submit a 1-pager before class on any one of this week’s readings

02 February

Principles of Research Ethics

* Taquette & de Matta Souza (2022) Ethical dilemmas in Qualitative Research

* Almark et al (2009) Ethical issues in the use of in-depth interviews

* Palys & Lowman (2014): Chapters 20 and 21 from Protecting Research Confidentiality

* Burles & Bally (2018) Considerations for Using Personal Narratives Shared on the Internet for Research

* Latest stable release of VeraCrypt for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.

* Ethics Policies:

* SFU Policy R20.01 (2013). Ethics Review of Research Involving Human Participants

* Code of Ethics of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

* Chapter 10: Qualitative Research from TCPS-2 (2018)

* Submit a 1-pager before class on any one of this week’s readings

09 February

No class because of WSC. Your proposal for ethics review is due no later than today.

Part II: Techniques, Design Considerations

16 February

Interviews, Focus Groups, Oral History

* King, Horrocks & Brooks (2019) Designing an Interview Study

* Krueger (2015): Overview of Focus Groups

* Hesse-Biber & Leavy (2011): Oral History

* Borland (1991) That's Not What I Said

* Submit a 1-pager before class on any one of this week’s readings

23 February

No class because of SFU reading break

01 March

Analyzing Archival Information: Cultural Objects, Discourses

* Palys & Atchison (2013): Text, Image, Audio, and Video: Making Sense of Non-Numeric Data

* Starblanket & Hunt (2018) How the death of Coulten Boushie became recast as the story of a knight protecting his castle

* Pedneault (2013) Ted Bundy: An analysis of the justificatory discourse of a serial killer

* Marchetti & Bargallie (2020) Life as an Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Male Prisoner

* Guest: Chris Atchison on next steps to analyzing with NVivo

* Submit a 1-pager before class on any one of this week’s readings

08 March


* Scott & Garner (2013) Ethnography: A synopsis

* Oscar et al (2018): Negotiations and Research Bargains: Gaining Access

* Parry (2015): Conflict over sociologists’s narrative puts spotlight on ethnography

* Costello et al (2018) Netnography

* Video: Ross Kemp on Gangs in Rio

* Submit a 1-pager before class on any one of this week’s readings

15 March

Participatory Action Research (PAR)

* Dupont (2008): PAR with marginalized populations

* Bowen & O’Doherty (2014) Participant-Driven action research with sex workers in Vancouver

* BoilevinEtAl (2019) Research 101: A Manifesto for Ethical Research in the DES

* A Summary of Principles and Challenges Regarding PAR

* Submit a 1-pager before class on any one of this week’s readings

Part III: Analyzing and Disseminating

22 March

Coding and Analyzing Qualitative Data

* Saldana (2016): An Introduction to Codes and Coding

* Cresswell (2016): Developing Theme Passages

* King, Horrocks & Brooks (2019): An Introduction to Interview Data Analysis

* Submit a 1-pager before class on any one of this week’s readings

29 March

No class due to Easter holiday

05 April

Writing and Presenting Your Work

* Cresswell (2016): Writing in a Qualitative Way

* Mitchell & Clark (2018): Five Steps to Writing More Engaging Qualitative Research

* Cresswell (2016): Publishing a Qualitative Journal Article

* Submit a 1-pager before class on any one of this week’s readings

* Titles of your presentations needed by today

12 April

Project Presentations

Other course-related resources:

Faculty/staff/grad student download of most recent NVivo

SFU Research Commons — access to resources related to research, writing.

Research Commons: Workshops for grad students and postdocs