
Nepomnaschy PA, Rowlands A, Prescivalli Costa AP, Salvante KG (2020) Socio-Ecological Challenges as Modulators of Women’s Reproductive Trajectories(Invited Review). Ann Rev Anthro - in press.

Abdul-Hussein A, Kareem A, Tewari S, Bergeron J, Briollais L, Challis J, Davidge S, Delrieux C, Fortier I, Goldowitz D, Nepomnaschy PA, (2020) Early life risk and resiliency factors and their influences on developmental outcomes and disease pathways: A rapid evidence review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. JDOHAD - in press.

Hoi AG, Daiy K, Altman R, Venners S, Valeggia CR, Nepomnaschy PA, Wazana A, Connor K. (2020) Postpartum amenorrhea duration by sex of the newborn in two natural fertility populations. Am J Phys Anthropol - accepted with revision.

McKerracher L, Nepomnaschy PA, Altman R, Sellen D, Collard M (2020) Breastfeeding durations and the social learning of infacnt feeding knowledge in two Maya communities. Hum Nat 31: 43-67. [pdf]

Ponzi D, Flinn MV, Muehlenbein MP, Nepomnaschy PA (2020) Hormones and human developmental plasticity (Invited Review). Molec Cell Endoc 505: 110721. [pdf]

Rapaport T, Villasenor F, Altman RM, Nepomnaschy PA (2019) Sex ratio and maternal age in a natural fertility, subsistence population: Daughters, sons, daughters. Am J Phys Anthropol 169(2): 368-376. [pdf]

Barha CK, Salvante KG, Jones M, Farré P, Blais JC, Zeng L, Emberly E, Kobor M, Nepomnaschy PA (2019) Early post-conception maternal cortisol, children’s HPAA activity and DNA methylation profiles. JDOHAD 10: 73-87. [pdf]

Barha CK, Salvante KG, Hanna CW, Wilson SL, Robinson WP, Altman RM, Nepomnaschy PA (2017) Child mortality, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and cellular aging in mothers. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0177869. [pdf]

McKerracher L, Collard M, Altman R, Richards M, Nepomnaschy PA (2017) The ex-pat effect: Presence of recent Western immigrants is associated with changes in age at first birth and birth rate in a Maya population from rural Guatemala. Ann Hum Biol 44(5):441-453. [pdf]

McKerracher L, Collard M, Altman R, Sellen D, Nepomnaschy PA (2017) Energy-related influences on variation in breastfeeding duration among indigenous Maya women from Guatemala. Am J Phys Anthropol 162(4):616-626. [pdf]

Ogirala T, Eapen A, Salvante KG, Rapaport T, Nepomnaschy PA, Parameswaran MA (2017) Smartphone based colorimetric ELISA implementation for determination of women’s reproductive steroid hormone profiles. Med Biol Engin Comput 55(10):1735-1741. [pdf]

Salvante KG, Milano K, Kliman HJ, Nepomnaschy PA (2017) Placental 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) expression very early during human pregnancy. J Dev Origins Health Disease 8(2):149-154. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Mohtadi N, Núñez-de la Mora A (2016) Evoluciόn, Desarrollo y Salud. Una Historia de Limitaciones, Disyuntivas y Compromises. In V Acuña Alonzo, R González-José & L Madrigal Díaz (Eds.) Introducción a la Antropología Biológica. Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología Biológica. [pdf]

Barha CK, Hanna CW, Salvante KG, Wilson SL, Robinson WP, Altman RM, Nepomnaschy PA (2016) Number of Children and Telomere Length in Women: A Prospective, Longitudinal Evaluation. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146424. [pdf]

Cao Z, Tseng H-Y, Salvante K, Nepomnaschy PA, Parameswaran MA (2016) High Sensitivity Fluorescence Detection Using Smart Phone Cameras. Conference paper, SENSORS 2016 IEEE: 16597056[pdf]

Núñez-de la Mora A, Valeggia C, Nepomnaschy PA (2016) Ecologia Reproductiva Humana. In V Acuña Alonzo, R González-José & L Madrigal Díaz (Eds.) Introducción a la Antropología Biológica. Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología Biológica. [pdf]

Ogirala T, Eapen A, Salvante KG, Nepomnaschy PA, Parameswaran MA (2016) Adaptive illumination backlight panel for ELISA imaging systems. Conference paper, Proceedings of the CCECE 2016: 1150. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Salvante KG, Zeng L, Pyles C, Ma H, Blais JC, Barha CK (2015) Variation in maternal cortisol profiles across the peri-conceptional period: A longitudinal description and evaluation of potential functions. Human Reproduction. 30: 1460-1472. [pdf]

Sarkar PL, Zeng L, Chen Y, Salvante KG, Nepomnaschy PA (2013) A longitudinal evaluation of the relationship between first morning urinary and salivary cortisol. American Journal of Human Biology. 25: 351-358. [pdf]

Flinn MV, Ponzi D, Nepomnaschy PA, Noone R (2013) Ontogeny of stress reactivity in the Human Child: Phenotypic flexibility, trade-offs, and pathology. In G Laviola & S Macrì (Eds.) Adaptive and Maladaptive Aspects of Developmental Stress. Berlin: Springer Press. pp. 95-120. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Lee TCK, Zeng L, Dean CB (2012) Who is stressed? Comparing cortisol levels between individuals. American Journal of Human Biology 24: 515–525. [pdf]

Salvante KG, Brindle E, McConnell D, O'Connor K, Nepomnaschy PA (2012) Validation of a new multiplex assay against individual immunoassays for the quantification of reproductive, stress, and energetic metabolism biomarkers in urine specimens. American Journal of Human Biology 24: 81–86. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Altman RM, Watterson R, Co C, McConnell D, England BG (2011) Is cortisol excretion independent of menstrual cycle day? A longitudinal evaluation of first morning urinary specimens. PLoS ONE 6(3): e18242. [pdf]

Flinn MV, Nepomnaschy PA, Muehlenbein MP, Ponzi D (2011) Evolutionary functions of early social modulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis development in humans. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 35: 1611-1629. [pdf]

Baird DD, Saldana TM, Nepomnaschy PA, Hoppin JA, Longnecker MP, Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ (2010) Within-person variability in urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations: Measurements from specifmens after long-term frozen storage. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 20(2): 169–175. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Baird DD, Weinberg CR, Hoppin JA, Longnecker MP, Wilcox AJ (2009) Within-person variability in urinary bisphenol A concentrations: Measurements from specimens after long-term frozen storage. Environmental Research 109(6): 734–737. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Flinn, MV (2009) Early life influences on the ontogeny of neuroendocrine stress response in the human child. In PB Gray & PT Ellison (Eds.) Endocrinology of Social Relationships. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Vitzthum VJ, Flinn MV (2009) Evolutionary endocrinology: Integrating proximate mechanisms, ontogeny, and evolved function. Journal of Human Biology 21(6): 728–730. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ, Baird DD (2008) Urinary hCG patterns during the week following implantation. Human Reproduction 23(2): 271–277. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Sheiner E, Mastorakos GC, Arck PC (2007) Stress, immune function and women's reproduction. In Stress Responses in Biology and Medicine. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1113: 350–354. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA, Welch K, McConnell DS, Low BS, Strassmann BI, England BG (2006) Cortisol levels and very early pregnancy loss in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(10): 3938–3942. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA (2005) Stress and Female Reproduction in a Rural Mayan Population. Doctoral Thesis, University of Michigan.

Nepomnaschy PA, Welch K, McConnell D, Strassmann BI, England BG (2004) Stress and female reproductive function: A study of daily variations in cortisol, gonadotrophins, and gonadal steroids in a rural Mayan population. American Journal of Human Biology 16(5): 523–532. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA (1996) The distribution of economic resources and its effects on the marriage practices among the Tehuelches. Informe Final Beca de Iniciacion a la Investigación, UNPSJB Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Pto. Madryn, Argentina.

Animal Models

Salvante KG, Dawson A, Aldredge RA, Sharp PJ, Sockman KW (2013) Prior experience with photostimulation enhances photo-induced reproductive response in female House Finches. Journal of Biological Rhythms 28:38-50. [pdf]

Matragrano LL, Sanford SE, Salvante KG, Sockman KW, Maney DL (2012) Estradiol-dependent modulation of serotonergic markers in auditory areas of a seasonally breeding songbird. Behavioral Neuroscience 126(1): 110-112. [pdf]

Heimovics SA, Salvante KG, Sockman KW, Riters LV (2011) Individual differences in the motivation to communicate relate to levels of midbrain and striatal catecholamine markers in male European starlings. Hormones and Behavior 60(5): 529-539. [pdf]

Matragrano LL, Sanford SE, Salvante KG, Sockman KW, Maney DL (2011) Estradiol-dependent catecholaminergic innervation of auditory areas in a seasonally breeding songbird. European Journal of Neuroscience 34: 416-425. [pdf]

Caro SP, Sewall KB, Salvante KG, Sockman KW (2010) Female Lincoln's sparrows modulate their behavior in response to variation in male song quality. Behavioral Ecology 21: 562–569. [pdf]

Salvante KG, Racke DM, Campbell CR, Sockman KW (2010) Plasticity in singing effort and its relationship with monoamine metabolites in the songbird telencephalon. Developmental Neurobiology 70: 41–57. [pdf]

Salvante KG, Vezina F, Williams TD (2010) Evidence for within-individual energy reallocation in cold-challenged, egg-producing birds. Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 1991–2000. [pdf]

Vezina F, Salvante KG (2010) Behavioral and physiological flexibility are used by birds to manage energy and support investment in the early stages of reproduction. Current Zoology 56: 767–792. [pdf]

Sockman KW, Salvante KG, Racke DM, Campbell CR, Whitman BA (2009) Song competition changes the brain and behaviour of a male songbird. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 2411–2418. [pdf]

Wada H, Salvante KG, Wagner E, Williams TD, Breuner CW (2009) Ontogeny and individual variation in the adrenocortical response of zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) nestlings. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 82: 325–331. [pdf]

Love OP, Salvante KG, Dale J, Williams TD (2008) Sex-specific variability in the immune system across life-history stages. American Naturalist 172: E99–E112. [pdf]

Sockman KW, Salvante KG (2008) The integration of song environment by catecholaminergic systems innervating the auditory telencephalon of adult female European starlings. Developmental Neurobiology 68: 656–668. [pdf]

Wada H, Salvante KG, Stables C, Wagner E, Williams TD, Breuner CW (2008) Adrenocortical responses in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata): Individual variation, repeatability and relationship to phenotypic quality. Hormones and Behavior 53: 472–480. [pdf]

Salvante KG, Walzem RL, Williams TD (2007) What comes first, the Zebra Finch or the egg? Temperature-dependent reproductive, physiological, and behavioural plasticity in egg-laying Zebra Finches. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 1325–1334. [pdf]

Salvante KG, Lin G, Walzem RL, Williams TD (2007) Characterization of very-low density lipoprotein particle diameter dynamics in relation to egg production in a passerine bird. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 1064–1074. [pdf]

Salvante KG (2006) Techniques for the study of integrated immune function in birds. The Auk. 123: 575–586. [pdf]

Vezina F, Salvante KG, Williams TD (2003) The metabolic cost of avian egg formation: Possible impact of yolk precursor production? Journal of Experimental Biology 206: 4443–4451. [pdf]

Salvante KG, Williams TD (2003) Effects of corticosterone on the proportion of breeding females, reproductive output and yolk precursor levels. General and Comparative Endocrinology 130: 205–214. [pdf]

Salvante KG, Williams TD (2002) Vitellogenin dynamics during egg-laying: Daily variation, repeatability and relationship with egg size. Journal of Avian Biology 33: 391–398. [pdf]

Hiebert SM, Salvante K, Ramenofsky M, Wingfield J (2000) Corticosterone and nocturnal torpor in the Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 120: 220–234. [pdf]

Hiebert SM, Ramenofsky M, Salvante K, Wingfield J, and Gass CL (2000) Noninvasive methods for measuring and manipulating corticosterone in hummingbirds. General and Comparative Endocrinology 120: 235–247. [pdf]

Nepomnaschy PA (1994) Harem Structure of Southern Elephant Seals (Mirounga leonina). Its Relationship with Aspects of Individual Social Behavior. Seminario de Licenciatura en Ciencias Biologicas, UNP Fac. Cs. Nat. Pto. Madryn, Argentina.