

A platform to discover and
help bring stories to the market.

Jacky Wong, Mandy Cheung, Michaela Tsumura, Vanessa Liu, Naixin Zhang, Richard Hoang

Project Deck , Process Book

Business Problem


Indigo’s book sales are declining because readers are able to purchase their books more quickly, conveniently and at a lower cost using internet-based retailers.

2014 Annual Report



We looked at the journey a customer takes when experiencing Indigo, both through their online and in-store retailers. After we completed this framework, we determined the problems that needed to be fixed within the experience, and potential ways to approach these issues. We came to the conclusion that there were design opportunities located within the consideration and evaluation stages.




We reframed this issue by looking at ways to rebuild a loyal customer base
and generating an alternate revenue stream for Indigo.

Using the Blue Ocean Strategy we shifted our service to strive towards differentiation and the formation of a new revenue stream rather than competing within the existing market.

"A platform that allows authors to showcase unpublished work and for readers to discover, support, and help bring their stories to the market."



Our target audience are Aspiring Canadian Authors with unpublished work need a way to showcase their work, to gain exposure and create a fan base. As well as Fiction book enthusiasts have the need to discover new content and trending topics. In the last 2 years, juvenile book sales comprise one-third of book sales in Canada.



Previews are shown with a quote from the story
to allow readers to discover content in a new way.




Scroll down to read the uploaded chapters, and turn on comments
to read comments that have been made public by the author.




After discovering a book readers can highlight a specific part of a
story to comment on, share or bookmark while reading.




While moving through each stage of this project we were able to better understand the domain in which we were designing for. By connecting our research and insights we were able to develop an opening which led to form exploration and prototyping. We kept a human-centered design approach and found great importance in making smart design decisions that added value to the customer and the brand throughout the service experience. After several iterations we finished with a multi-device platform that provides a unique, and valuable service for both authors and book enthusiasts.