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[linux-security] openssh pubkey bug

access restrictions can be bypassed in openssh.

Problem Description
In some circumstances, the sshd server may not honor the "from=" option
that can be associated with a key in a user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
file if multiple keys are listed.  This could allow key-based logins
from hosts which should not be allowed access.

Affected Versions
OpenSSH versions 2.5.x <= version < 2.9.9
if using 'from=' key file option in combination with
both RSA and DSA keys in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2.

Upgrade to version openssh-2.9.9

RedHat 6.x
RedHat 6.x did not come with openssh. If you installed rpms provided at
the openssh web site (www.openssh.com) or on sphinx in SFU's contrib directory
for RedHat 6.2 (/vol/vol1/distrib/redhat/6.2/contrib), then your are
almost certainly affected by this bug. New rpms have been provided on
sphinx (these are rpms compiled for RH 6.2 that are equivalent to the
RH 7.1 rpms (see below) that contain the patch). I would appreciate 
if you would send me an email if you have problems with these rpms.
Assuming that you have mounted the sphinx distribution at /mnt/redhat, e.g.,

mount -t nfs sphinx.sfu.ca:/vol/vol1/distrib/redhat/6.2 /mnt/redhat

you can install those rpms in the following way:

cd /mnt/redhat/contrib
rpm -Fvh openssh-2.9p2-8.6.x.i386.rpm \
         openssh-clients-2.9p2-8.6.x.i386.rpm \
         openssh-server-2.9p2-8.6.x.i386.rpm \
         openssh-askpass-2.9p2-8.6.x.i386.rpm \

RedHat 7.x
rpm -Fvh openssh-2.9p2-8.7.i386.rpm \
         openssh-clients-2.9p2-8.7.i386.rpm \
         openssh-server-2.9p2-8.7.i386.rpm \
         openssh-askpass-2.9p2-8.7.i386.rpm \

Mandrake 7.1
rpm -Fvh openssh-2.9.9p2-2.4mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-clients-2.9.9p2-2.4mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-server-2.9.9p2-2.4mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-askpass-2.9.9p2-2.4mdk.i586.rpm \

Mandrake 7.2
rpm -Fvh openssh-2.9.9p2-2.3mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-clients-2.9.9p2-2.3mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-server-2.9.9p2-2.3mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-askpass-2.9.9p2-2.3mdk.i586.rpm \

Mandrake 8.0
rpm -Fvh openssh-2.9.9p2-2.2mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-clients-2.9.9p2-2.2mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-server-2.9.9p2-2.2mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-askpass-2.9.9p2-2.2mdk.i586.rpm \

Mandrake 8.1
rpm -Fvh openssh-2.9.9p2-2.1mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-clients-2.9.9p2-2.1mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-server-2.9.9p2-2.1mdk.i586.rpm \
         openssh-askpass-2.9.9p2-2.1mdk.i586.rpm \