
Dr. Natalie Goulter awarded Jevon S. Newman Award for Distinguished Early Contributions

May 06, 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Natalie Goulter on receiving the Jevon S. Newman Award for Distinguished Early Contributions from the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy!

This award was created to recognize exceptional young scholars (up to 10 years post-PhD) who have shown considerable progress and productivity in the formative years of their career, and who have made a significant contribution to the understanding of psychopathy. Natalie will give an invited presentation at the upcoming Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy conference in May.

Natalie is an Adjunct Professor at SFU's Department of Psychology and Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at Flinders University, Australia. Her research aims to advance the understanding, prediction, and prevention of externalizing psychopathology and callous-unemotional (CU) traits in young people.

Specifically, Natalie’s research aims to: (a) elucidate early etiological profiles contributing to the emergence of externalizing psychopathology and CU traits; (b) understand specific biological processes (focusing on neuroendocrine, inflammatory, and psychophysiological indices) related to the development and maintenance of externalizing psychopathology and CU traits; (c) apply diverse methodologies (e.g., micro [intensive real-time] and macro [long-term panel] longitudinal methods) to better characterize the persistence of externalizing psychopathology and CU traits; and (d) translate knowledge from this developmental work to inform and evaluate preventive interventions targeting externalizing psychopathology and CU traits.
