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Jon Moore Mountain Shadow


Thank you for your interest in my research program!

I am looking for creative and motivated students who are excited about the ecology and conservation of freshwaters. I will expect you to work hard and be devoted to graduate school. This attention should not just be focused on your own project, but also on the work of those around you. Graduate school can be fun, but only if you are ready for the huge time commitment. Think carefully about whether you are truly passionate about this before jumping into it. Why do you want to go to graduate school?

My goal as an advisor is to help students become scientists. Thus, I am looking for students who will embrace all of the many aspects of graduate development: writing papers, doing field work and data analysis, reading past and current literature, becoming an active member of the local and broader scientific community, and a little coursework.

If you are still interested in joining my lab, please send me an email describing a bit about yourself and why you want to go to graduate school. Also attach your resume/CV and a statement of research interests. I encourage you to apply for fellowships and grants for support. Also, I can take students through both Biological Sciences and Resource and Environmental Management programs at SFU, so think about which might be a better fit.


We usually have opportunities for motivated undergraduates in our program, especially on a volunteer basis. Please drop me an email to inquire about possibilities.

Alpine Lake