Google Calendar & PHP iCalendar
PHP icalendar Google Calendar and PHP icalendar MRBS Room booking Calendar

PHPiCalendar and Google Calendar

For directions on setting up PHP icalendar on SFU's Fraser, go to

1) In your Google Calendar account, go to the Calendar settings and click on the iCal link and Copy the address (e.g

2) Open and find $list_webcals[] = ''; and paste in the calendar link- e.g.
$list_webcals[] = '';

Also in turn the caching off, e.g.
$save_parsed_cals = 'no'; [only changing cache for webcals to '0' causes problems when you try to 'jump to' or pick a single calendar under the 'Pick multiple:']

3) Test to see that the Calendar works- note repeating events only show the beginning time. To fix this go to ical_parser.php in the functions folder and replace the "case 'DURATION': block with this code (from

case 'DURATION':
if (($first_duration == TRUE) && (!stristr($field, '=DURATION'))) {
ereg ('^P([0-9]{1,2}[W])?([0-9]{1,2}[D])?([T]{0,1})?([0-9]{1,2}[H])?([0-9]{1,2}[M])?([0-9]{1,}[S])?', $data, $duration);

$weeks = str_replace('W', '', $duration[1]);
$days = str_replace('D', '', $duration[2]);
$hours = str_replace('H', '', $duration[4]);
$minutes = str_replace('M', '', $duration[5]);
$seconds = str_replace('S', '', $duration[6]);

// Convert seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds
if ($seconds > 60) {
$rem_seconds = $seconds % 60;
$minutes = $minutes + (($seconds - $rem_seconds) / 60);
$seconds = $rem_seconds;
if ($minutes > 60) {
$rem_minutes = $minutes % 60;
$hours = $hours + (($minutes - $rem_minutes) / 60);
$minutes = $rem_minutes;

$the_duration = ($weeks * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) + ($days * 60 * 60 * 24) + ($hours * 60 * 60) + ($minutes * 60) + ($seconds);
$first_duration = FALSE;