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S.F.U. Biology Graduate Caucus

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Biology Grad Caucus Meeting Minutes

August 27, 2004

In Attendance: Martin Brummel, Andrea Pomeroy, Kim Mathot, Dawn Cooper, Suzanne Gray, Brian Ma, Katrina Salvante, Holly Middleton, Bruce Leighton, Christiana Cheng, Jen Perry, Joline Widmeyer, Jonathan Whiteley, Jay Biernaskie, Oliver Love.

  1. BISC Grad Student Directories
    • The directories have arrived, and are available in the photocopy room.
    • Congratulations to Keith Tierney for the winning cover design!
    • There is advertising on the back. If we can get more businesses to advertise, then we can get more money from the publisher. So, if you have any ideas for additional advertisers, bring them to a Caucus meeting.
  2. New student orientation
    • This year it is on Thursday, September 9, 2004 so that it does not interfere with TA/TM day on the Friday.
    • The schedule for everyone involved in speaking at the orientation was reviewed.
  3. New Student Mentor Program
    • There are 25 new graduate students in the department and only 9 mentors so far
    • Past mentees had very positive opinions about the program
    • The time commitment is only 4 meetings during the fall semester to meet and have coffee with your mentee.
    • A few more mentors signed up
    • If you are interested in being a mentor to a new Biology grad student please e-mail Suzanne Gray (and if you don’t know her e-mail address, pick up a BISC Grad Student Directory in the photocopy room!)
  4. New student orientation pizza party: Thursday, September 9
    • Suzanne is ordering pizza and treats to follow the new student orientation
    • She is in the process of contacting Brandy at SFSS for a possible cash advance for the event.
    • Brandy has taken over Hattie Atkins’ position as the SFSS Student Union / Caucus Organiser
  5. Constitution amendments
    • Motion: We agree to the amendments put forth to the BISC Graduate Caucus constitution by Jonathan Whiteley. Seconded/Passed
    • A copy of the amended constitution is attached.
  6. Scholarship committee: 2nd position
    • Sandra Webster (PhD student) has volunteered for the position. VOTE: Motion/Seconded/Passed
    • Since we have tried in the past to have 1 PhD representative and 1 Masters representative on the committee, and we currently have 2 PhD representatives, we will advertise in the fall for any Masters students who are interested in joining the committee.
  7. DGSC: position opening up: January 2005 – December 2006
    • Joline will be stepping down in January 2005.
    • Suzanne Gray has been approached to join the committee in January.
    • We decided that the open DGSC position should be advertised, and that we would have a formal vote at the September meeting.
    • The commitment for being on DGSC is different from other committees that we have representatives on. There’s a 2 year commitment with no breaks for field work, as the committee meets throughout the year, and it is important that we have both of our representatives at the meetings.
    • For more information on the DGSC position, please see the Caucus website or e-mail our current DGSC caucus representatives.
  8. Lounge
    • No meetings planned this summer
  9. Biergarten
    • Today’s Biergarten is in celebration of Sandra and Brent’s upcoming marriage. Congratulations!
  10. Graduate student survival guide
    • It is almost ready. Check it out on the caucus website and send any comments to Jonathan Whiteley.
  11. Caucus webmaster
    • Jonathan Whiteley is currently our caucus webmaster.
    • In a past caucus meeting we passed a motion stating that the caucus webmaster would get a $50 stipend to set up and maintain the webpage. In case we can’t find these minutes…
    • Motion: The caucus webmaster should get a $50 stipend for maintaining the caucus webpage. Seconded/Passed
  12. Bring new students to the September caucus meeting!!!!