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Yes, of course we'd love to get your help with this large project!

We've got a couple of groups you can join -- just contact the group's facilitator, and she'll put you to work!

Content Committee
Responsibilities: Solicitation of recipes, selection, (may include taste testing!), stories, copy preparation/editing

Facilitator (Burnaby): Kathryn Aberle --
Facilitator (Harbour Centre): Fiona Burrows --

Finance Committee
Responsibilities: marketing, financial management, pricing, tax questions, recommending of charitable objectives/designation, sales management, fulfillment/ distribution, determining the print order. (Please note: this is the non-fat, zero-cholesterol committee.)

Facilitator: Gail McKechnie --

Production Committee
Responsibilities: design of book and marketing materials; production questions.

Facilitator: Gladys We --