Hands Across the Pacific

Help save a dying culture

"From Fuga to Canada we are one big, BIG family!" (from Karie's commitment speech to the people on Fuga).

COME JOIN US! This is an invitation to all compassionate souls to join the Canadian Filipino family of Karie & Violeta Garnier and Cody & Asiarita (their children) in reaching out - Hands Across The Pacific - to the 400 families on Fuga Island. Let's end the unnecessary suffering of these wonderful people!

OUR OVER-RIDING GOAL - Not one of the Fugans is to be beaten or hurt as a result of this project or the media coverage of it! Violeta's kinfolk are isolated and vulnerable to attack. They are 'a culture of silence' (when illiterate people are oppressed - Harvard Professor Paulo Friere).

IMMEDIATE NEEDS ON FUGA - The 2000 Ilokanos desperately need food, medicine, nutrition, nurses, and doctors. They also need boat transportation, housing, and basic health education. Fund-raising and administrative assistance are also needed.

Join the WIN-WIN team! It will save children's lives and warm your soul!

Email your comments or questions and we'll answer you.