Analysis and Discussion

  The cartographic model outlines in great detail the process by which the spatial analysis took place. Much of it will not be covered here, however, two of the more critical sections will be discussed in detail.
    The Boolean MCE ties together all of the constraints on urban stream daylighting - those considerations which can - to a great extent - be expressed as boolean images (either "yes" or "no".) Many considerations - such as slope - are not reducible to a boolean image, and these are treated in the fuzzy MCE, which is also outlined here.

  Boolean MCE

    The Boolean MCE (shown on the cartographic model) is where all of the boolean constraints on daylighting urban streams are processed. Here we see an analysis which takes into account existing land use, soil properties, parklands, and bikeways. A weighted MCE was used here to process these images and perform an overlay. This weighted MCE was based on four boolean images: parksb (whether or not there is a park present), vandirtb (whether or not the soil is suitable), vanluseb (whether or not the existing land use was suitable), and bikewayb (whether or not the area was within 300 metres of a bikeway.)
    These boolean images were derived as follows: (also refer to the cartographic model and text in previous section)

    The parks dataset consisted of patches of like raster cells - each patch representing a park and with a unique identifier, set against a background of zero values. This was reclassed to show all parks as 1, and all else as 0.

    As outlined in the previous section, names of soil classes were linked to new numeric values by SQL queries. For example a matrix such as, [soilclass] = "15" where [description] = "sandy clay" might be used. These numeric values were then selected and reclassed according to their suitability for stream daylighting. Below is the result: the vandirtb map.

    This image was derived by a simple reclass operation performed on the GVRD land use map. The result is shown below.

    and, following the reclass operation, we see:

    This image was derived from a simple BUFFER operation performed on the bikeway raster image.

   The MCE itself was weighted in the following manner, as derived by the WEIGHT module:
        vanluseb = 0.3636
        vandirtb = 0.3636
        parksb = 0.1818
        bikewayb = 0.0909
    These values were chosen after a long, iterative process, and are believed to reflect the true weights that each of these would have on the selection of an area (stream) to be daylighted. Land use and soil type would be the most important, as it was felt necessary to eliminate undesirable land uses from the solution set (eg. heavy industrial uses). Soils were seen as being equally important, as soil types would dramatically affect the actual physical daylighting process, as well as the effectiveness of the stream itself in performing its hydrological function. Parks were included as a lesser weight, but still a significant one, to reflect the positive effect that a park would have on the daylighting process, making it easier from a land tenure standpoint to perform. A park would also provide a much greater riparian zone for the new stream. Bikeways were included as a minor weight, only to say that areas within 300 metres of a bikeway should be given some additional consideration. (Bikeways are covered more fully in the fuzzy MCE - which follows.)

    The results of this first MCE are shown below, mcetest.


   The Fuzzy MCE Analysis

    The fuzzy MCE analysis ties together all of the spatial considerations that cannot be reduced easily to boolean images. This includes slope, aspect, distance from water (eg. a shoreline or an existing stream), distance from a bikeway, and distance from a major road or highway. These were operationalized using the FUZZY module, before a weighted MCE was performed on them.
    The fuzzy MCE was based on five images, which were derived as follows (again, see the cartographic model.)


    Vanslope was derived from a SLOPE analysis of the vandem image. The slope values were calculated in percent. Below is the vanslope image, before processing. Note that main streets have been added for reference here.

    The FUZZY moduile was invoked, and a user-defined curve was applied to determine set membership. The curve was defined as follows, on slope values in percent:
    0, 0
    2, 0.7
    3.5, 1
    8, 0.9
    11, 0.6
    16, 0
    These values were chosen to give prominence to slopes in the range of 3 - 8%. Anything lower would have caused water to stagnate and would have been difficult to engineer initially. Areas higher than 16 were often "errors" on the dem, such as the edge of the map, which in some areas exhibited slope values exceeding 50%. The value for 11 was chosen so as to negate there being a strictly linear relationship between (8,0.9) and (16,0), which would unnecessarily exclude some values.
    Below is the result image: slopefuzzy. Note again that streets have been included for reference.


   This image is derived from an ASPECT operation performed on the vandem image. Aspect was calculated in degrees, and FUZZY was used here by means of a user-defined set membership function specifically designed to favour south-facing areas. Remember that aspect is partially intended here as a surrogate for rainfall, and south-facing areas generally recieve more rainfall in Vancouver due to the prevailing southwesterlies in this area of the coast.
    The set membership function was defined as follows:
    0, 0
    90, 0.7
    180, 1
    270, 0.9
    360, 0
    This gives prominence to slopes generally facing south (180 degrees) or southwest (225 degrees).
    The resulting image, aspectfuzzy, is shown below, again with roads for reference.

  Distance from water was derived through the application of the DISTANCE module to the waterdist image. (see cartographic model). FUZZY was then applied on a more-or-less linear set membership function, defined below with distance in metres:
    1000, 0.3
    3589, 0
    (The value 3589 was the maximim distance value shown on the image.) The resulting image, waterfuzzy, is below, again with roads as a reference.


   Urban stream restoration often serves as a catalyst for the development of walking and cyling trails. As such, there are two conflicting issues that were to be considered here. One, proximity to a bikeway would be ideal (as shown in the boolean MCE), as it would increase accessibility and exposure to urban streams. However, it would perhaps be better if the stream restored is far enough away from any bikeway or greenway so as to cause a new one to be constructed! As such, a user-defined set membership function was again developed here, but with a trough in its centre, as follows (distance from bikeway in metres):
    0, 0.85
    300, 0.4
    600, 0.8
    900, 1
    The resulting image, bikefuzzy, is shown below.

    Note that we see the effects of the set membership function very well here; the areas immediately adjacent to bikeways are high values, but these values drop off, and then slowly climb again.


   Distance from a major street was viewed as a good thing, as the traffic noise and pollution would affect not only the habitat crerated, but also on human enjoyment of the park environment. DISTANCE was applied to the majorsts image to produce STDIST, which was then processed with FUZZY on a user-defined set membership function, as follows: (distance from street in metres)
    0, 0
    200, 0.7
    300, 1
    1000, 0.8
    Here we see that 200 to 300 metres was seen as a sufficient distance away from a major road to buffer any significant noise, light (at night), or pollution. The function drops off after 300 (towards 1000, 0.8) to reflect the marginal drop in accessibility that the greater distance from a major road (eg. drivers and transit riders) might imply.
    The resulting image, streetfuzzy, is shown below. Roads are obviously not required here as a reference.


  This new weighted MCE was carried out five times, each with slightly different weightings. This was to ensure that the weighting scheme decided on (with the help of the WEIGHT module) closely reflected the actual importance of these factors. The final weights were decided on as follows:
    slope: 0.3841
    water: 0.2890
    aspect: 0.1090
    bike: 0.1090
    street: 0.1090
    Slope was considered to be the most important, as it often determines the engineering capacity for stream daylighting. It was also deemed important to weed out the areas with extremely low and high relief - as noted previously.
    Water was ranked second, as it was deemed extremely desirable to have a daylighted stream link up with another, already daylighted waterway (or coastline). This was seen as a very important factor, more so than others except slope itself. It does seem very commonsensical; if you want to "re-create" a stream, do it in an area where it can be a part of something greater.
    Aspect was initially ranked higher, but given the surrogate nature of this dataset (for rainfall), it was dropped down the list significantly.
    Bike and street were last on the list not because they do not matter, but because these concerns were generally overshadowed by all others - noteably slope and water. The resulting image, mcefuzzy5, is shown below.


  Following this, the two MCEs were combined, and final maps were produced. The ideal stream was selected from the suitmap image, which can be seen - with all other pertinent and interesting results - in the following section.

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