President's Dream Colloquium on Engaging Big Data

Mobilizing Big Data in Democratic Discourse

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Recorded on March 15, 2016

Lecture Topics

Current President Dream's Colloquium

One Health: Connections and Collaborations

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About the Lecture

While security has dominated the debate over big data and government, there are important new innovations in mobilizing big data in the public interest.

This seminar will review the current state of the regulatory game for access to information, protection of privacy and data security in Canada and other advanced democracies. While there are many large sources of public information available from government, they tend to be underutilized in public policy analysis.

What will help the transformation from passive open data to active open data, mobilized more effectively in the common good? Conversely, movements to contest the power of corporate leviathans and governments to keep their data secret indicate a moving ethical terrain in Big Data science.

This lecture will set up how investigative journalists, citizen-activist bloggers, or nongovernmental agencies are tapping into big data to effect policy change.

About the Speaker

Catherine Murray
Professor, SFU School of Communication