Scott Lab at Simon Fraser University

Armstrong Murira, PhD

(Fall 2011 - August 2014)
B.Sc. Joint Honors 2008 (Molecular Biology & Biochemistry and Business Administration), Simon Fraser University
M.Sc. 2011, Transferred to Ph.D. Program

Ph.D in Molecular Biology, in progress.
Supervisor: Jamie K. Scott, M.D., Ph.D
Working Title: A Systems Immunology Approach to Characterizing the Chronic Immune Response.


Current Projects

Analysis of B-cell phenotypes during HIV-1 infection and autoimmune disease.


  1. Antibody Engineering Student Poster Scholarship Competition, 2013
  2. Travel Award for Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop, 2013
  3. CAHR vaccine research scholarship, 2013
  4. President’s Research Stipend, 2012
  5. Antibody Engineering Student Poster Scholarship Competition, 2010


  1. Maine, E., Bliemel, M, Thomas, V.J., Murira, A., and Utterback, J. 2014. Knowledge Diversity in the Emerging Global Bio-Nano Sector. Nature Nanotechnology 9(1):2-5.
  2. Maine, E., Bliemel, M, Murira, A., and Utterback, J. (2012). Knowledge Diversity in the Emerging Global Bio-Nano Sector. MRS Proceedings 1466.
  3. Henry, K.A., Murira, A., van Houten, N., and Scott, J.K. 2010. Developing strategies to enhance and focus humoral immune responses using filamentous phage as a model antigen. Bioengineered Bugs (5):275-83.