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Welcome to Communication, one of the most integral professional skills anyone can further develop. Because communication is one of the top skills an employer is looking for, the following stories show how you can strengthen your communication skills, confidently convey your thoughts, and excel in any professional, academic, or personal setting. As you scroll through, you will be able to see how communication comes in a variety of forms such as interpersonal, non-verbal and intercultural, but is also the foundation of other important situations such as networking, public speaking and marketing.

Bench Accounting's open dining area
How to Socialize with Co-Workers in an Office Setting

Meet Crystal Zhang, a third-year accounting major at SFU. Her 8-month co-op at Bench Accounting gave her insights into office socializing and achieving goals. Check out her top tips!

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Embracing the Can-Do Culture at BlueShore

Work becomes easy and enjoyable when you are in the proper mindset – a mindset fueled by the belief that you can do it if you wish to. Meet Bulla Islam, a fourth-year undergraduate student reflecting on his experience with BlueShore Financial as he nears his time at SFU. Get insight on how to navigate yourself within a job setting, and steps you can take to harness a ‘can-do’ attitude.


Image of Priyanka Das
Discover Your True Self: 7 Tips to Develop Unwavering Self-Belief and Authenticity

Take chances as you never know what opportunities may arise. Meet Priyanka Das, a Beedie Co-op student who’s working with SFU’s Communication and Marketing department as a Digital Resource Assistant. Learn more about how she landed her current co-op and other opportunities such as the CEOx1Day finalist by being authentic and believing in their abilities.

Image of Rochelle at Tradeable Bits
What I Learned as a Digital Marketing Coordinator for a B2B SaaS Company

As Rochelle near the end of her co-op term at Tradable Bits, she reflected on the experiences that have shaped her perspective on marketing and the tech industry.

laptop showing online meeting with coffee cup beside
The Introvert’s Guide to Networking and Making Quality Connections

Networking can seem like a daunting task, especially for introverts who prefer quiet and solitude to socializing in large, noisy gatherings. Good news is that there are effective ways for introverts to build meaningful connections without straying too far from their comfort zones.

A phone on the home screen where the apps for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can be seen
Tips for Effective Social Media Marketing

When promoting events and news on social media on behalf of a club, service, or business, the main goal is to get as many eyes as possible on the content. One of my tasks in my 8-month Co-op position was to post updates on their social media accounts, which includes job postings, upcoming events, and special announcements. Over these months, I was able to find useful strategies and tools to help me manage these profiles effectively and efficiently.

Co-op students standing outside around a sign that says "SFU"
Event Planning 101: 3 Tips for Planning an Event even Gen-Z’s will Enjoy

Coming into this Co-op position as an Outreach, Promotion, and Engagement Coordinator for SFU’s School of Communication, I was not expecting to gain any sort of event planning experience. Creating an event for our incoming students for Fall 2023, was a brand-new concept that flourished this semester.

Caitlin with phone
De-influencing: Social Media’s Response to Overconsumption

Influencers are constantly promoting brands and products, but now they’ve started to take the opposite route with de-influencing

A table decorated with a book and tablet with a pen hovering over
5 Social Media Branding Design Tips

Unlike designing a magazine cover or a poster that remains on the shelf for a period of time, social media content elevates the brand with a single post and catches the sight of the audience in less than a second. When the design space is just small square, there is only so much you can do, so with that in mind, here are five graphic design tips to make sure your branded social media posts are appealing and maintain a lasting impression about your brand

Eden sitting at a table with papers
Finding Your Voice: Solutions on How to Public Speak with Confidence

Public Speaking is challenging, and I applaud anyone who can speak in front of a crowd because it takes a lot of courage. These tips will help when speaking to audiences to sell yourself as a speaker and increase your comfort level and confidence.


Girl looking into the screen sobbing
Interview Tips from an Extremely Anxious Cry Baby

I made such great progress throughout the years that Little Nadya would definitely be in awe (and in worry because she’ll need to go through all those interviews). So, how did I do it? It wasn’t easy or comfortable, but that’s how you progress. Here are my tips for overcoming, or at least coping, with extreme interview anxiety.

A group of students sitting around a desk with laptops
How to Leverage Linked-In to Make Connections and Gain Experience

In university, it is important for students to initiate connections with individuals around them to make the best of their opportunities. However, networking is hard and is not taught as a skill.  Networking is something that must be practiced to be perfected. Luckily, there are tools that make it easier for individuals to connect with others, which leads to greater opportunities in their careers.

Me on the right talking with one of my peers about the Burnaby Mountain gondola! I was enthusiastic about the project and engaging with the public.
What IS public relations? My Co-op experience with SFU Communications and Marketing

“What is public relations?" This question feels as vague as someone asking me what majoring in Communications studies leads to. I admit that I want to pursue a career path in this industry, but I have repeatedly asked myself this question throughout my academics. In my search to find out, my experience working as a Communications Assistant in SFU’s Communications and Marketing office has given me a clearer picture of public relations.

man sitting at office desk holding dog
Why Co-op is the Most Important Thing You Can Do as an International Student

Being an international student from Bangladesh, I always felt that I did not have the necessary network to succeed in the Canadian workforce even though I feel strongly about my ability to work hard and grow. I felt anxious when looking at my peers who have been working in a job since the age of 16 whereas I was just getting started. This is when I was introduced to SFU Co-op. 

desktop computer on a wooden desk with plants in the background
8 Keys to Master the Art of a Hybrid Co-op

So, you've just started your first hybrid Co-op term and you have no idea what to expect or how to navigate a hybrid model of work within the corporate sector. Things may seem a little overwhelming! Here is the good news - there are 8 keys that I have picked up through my own trials and tribulations in a hybrid Co-op term.

girl with safety hat, vest, and glasses standing in front of construction site
There’s Nothing Scary About a Steep Learning Curve

I was determined to find a position during my Co-op search to anywhere I thought was interesting. When I saw PCL had an opening, I applied, even though I didn’t know anything about construction. While I had no experience in construction marketing, I was still intrigued and applied. Continue reading to learn about my experience in taking the challenge of diving into a new industry. 

person typing on laptop which is on white round table
The Perfect Cover Letter That Will Get You Hired

I can write a solid resume, interview well, and make sure that my online presence is on point. The one thing that’s always been a struggle? The dreaded cover letter. Continue reading as I highlight some of my top tips to selling yourself and securing that interview.

person standing in front of blue sky
Diving Headphones-First Into the World of Podcasting

I’ve always been deeply fascinated with audio as a medium. After all, I’ve worked with it plenty–I picked up the flute at age 12, and music’s been playing nonstop in my life ever since. Not just performing, either: composition, production, sound design, even a bit of voice acting as a hobby. So, when I saw the post from SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement, I was curious. Continue reading to learn more about my experience working in the world of podcasting!

Accessible Online Content

Going all digital seemed like the best thing with COVID-19, but for people with access needs that have long been ignored, this past year’s transition to online work and life reflects how accessibility considerations are often an afterthought.

3 people sitting around a table with their laptops and laughing
How I Landed My Dream Co-op at a Large Tech Company

After completing 6 Co-op work terms, one thing I really enjoyed about my Co-op experience is that I had the opportunity to gain work experience from different types of organizations. I started with a 5-person non-profit organization, then to a 20-person start-up, and then landed my dream Co-op at a large 100,000+ person multinational tech corporation. One thing I’m thankful I realized early on in my Co-op journey is this: don’t be turned off from doing a Co-op with a small organization.

Person standing in front of desktop computer and laptop
A Philosophical Reflection Of My Co-op Journey

I always knew I was more of a hands-on learner than a reading and writing learner. As much as I enjoy reading, writing, and listening, the thought of rolling up my sleeves and getting my hands dirty was just way more enticing and exciting. As my work term comes to an end, I can wholeheartedly say that I have grown professionally and personally from a timid university student to a budding young professional.