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Image of a person walking on a rock arch over water during a pink sunset
Bridging the Gap from Classroom Learning to Co-op

As I get closer to graduation, I think about how much Co-op has changed my life, especially since I'm an introvert. It's not just the projects you work on or the skills you learn; it's a unique journey of making yourself known; of stepping beyond your comfort zone.

Kathmandu, Nepal
The Tales of an SFU Student Deep in the Himalayas

If my present self time-travelled back to January 2023 and told my past self from January that I would be in Nepal, I would think my present self from August has finally gone off the deep end. However, here I am, writing this from Kathmandu, and my experience in this country feels like a separate life.

Emma standing in front of the pond at SFU Burnaby
A Co-op Student’s Guide to Media Relations

Like many Communications students, I came into the School of Communication very interested in media; both studying it and working in it. I found it harder and harder to pinpoint where I could fit into it professionally as I learned more about it. What do you do when you’re interested in media, but not sure you want to work directly in media?

Two girls standing looking very happy
The Ultimate Guide To Achieve Work-Study Balance

I began working as a part-time Co-op student during the last semester, while also pursuing full-time studies? Yes, you heard that right, part-time Co-op and full-time studies. Was it a challenge for me? Absolutely. Did I feel stressed out? Definitely. Did I manage to succeed by the end of the term? Surprisingly, I did, and it turned out to be my most successful term at SFU, to be honest.

Convocation procession at SFU
My Co-op journey: Lessons Learned from Seven Terms

Yes, you read the right, I did seven Co-op terms while completing my Communication degree. I’m a firm believer of trying as much as I can during my undergrad, and I did exactly that. Starting off with working at a non-profit in events and social media, I then transitioned to a university in Kenya doing content development and research, a corporate position in Calgary, multiple roles at a digital marketing agency, working at a bank, and now closing my Co-op journey in the public sector. Being extremely fortunate to be able to try many Co-op positions, I’d like to share what I’ve learned from 28 months of working in communications.

Image of Mark sitting outdoors
SFU Story
My Communication Journey: Mark Villar
laptop showing online meeting with coffee cup beside
The Introvert’s Guide to Networking and Making Quality Connections

Networking can seem like a daunting task, especially for introverts who prefer quiet and solitude to socializing in large, noisy gatherings. Good news is that there are effective ways for introverts to build meaningful connections without straying too far from their comfort zones.

Valentine’s Day at the office with some of the team! Left to Right: Claudia, Laurie, Kimberly, and Kiara
Round 2: The Takeaways of Working at SFU for Two Co-Op Terms

A few days before the Christmas break of 2021, I received an email that would jumpstart my Co-op journey leading me into new experiences, connections, and so much more! I'm not sure if many people would be able to say this, but wow, am I ever happy that I checked my email that day.

Vanshita standing in front of a wall with the SAP logo
You've Landed a Big Co-op…Now What?

Bzzt! You're staring down at the offer letter you've received from your dream company. Usually, this is where the chapter ends or the curtains fall on a very happy ending. No one prepares you for what comes next and if you're anything like me (an international student), you're even further removed from any immediate sage advice from your loved ones. Worry not! As someone who steered her own ship amidst stormy seas, I'm here to offer some do’s and don'ts that might just save you.

A phone on the home screen where the apps for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can be seen
Tips for Effective Social Media Marketing

When promoting events and news on social media on behalf of a club, service, or business, the main goal is to get as many eyes as possible on the content. One of my tasks in my 8-month Co-op position was to post updates on their social media accounts, which includes job postings, upcoming events, and special announcements. Over these months, I was able to find useful strategies and tools to help me manage these profiles effectively and efficiently.

Co-op students standing outside around a sign that says "SFU"
Event Planning 101: 3 Tips for Planning an Event even Gen-Z’s will Enjoy

Coming into this Co-op position as an Outreach, Promotion, and Engagement Coordinator for SFU’s School of Communication, I was not expecting to gain any sort of event planning experience. Creating an event for our incoming students for Fall 2023, was a brand-new concept that flourished this semester.

Abu standing next to a screen that says "Limitless"
Why Pursue a Career in Sales

This article is my take on why somebody would pursue a career in sales. I have never done sales in my life, and I like to take on new challenges. Therefore, it allows me to elaborate on the skills I have learned throughout my journey.

Headshot of Janvi
How To Land Your First Co-op

Knowing what I wanted to specialize in allowed me to start making plans for my first Co-op term. In all honesty, getting your first Co-op term can be exciting and intimidating. However, with a little planning and effort, you can position yourself for success.

Laptop on a desk next to a plant
Learning on the Job without an Expert to Guide You

I was the only communication person in my department; there were no experienced communicators to work closely with and learn from. I thought this situation would limit my room to learn, but surprisingly I gained valuable experiences and exercised skills that I didn't expect.

Calendar with pinned dates
Expect the Unexpected with Event Planning

I’ve learned to expect the unexpected in the field of communications, but this semester, that was taken to the next level, as event planning became the focus. While most days were fairly regular office hours, I did once spend the weekend as a guide and mic runner for a research summit. Another time, I got to attend a free class in voguing!

Brianna standing in front of a Communication Banner
I’m Starting a Minor Late Into My Degree... Now What?

Picking a major is a journey in its own rite, now you’re considering taking on a minor on top of that? Sometimes, this task tends to be pushed aside for another time; then suddenly, you’re in your third year at SFU and have yet to pick a minor. The job may be difficult, but with enough planning and research it is doable. If you find yourself in a similar situation, here’s some information that may help guide you when starting a minor later into your degree. 

Oliver, next to a computer with work on his desk
Captain’s log: a Co-op Students Guide to Navigating Their First Work Term

I will be going over my transformation from a bumbling Co-op student to a full-fledged Marketing Coordinator and give tips on how you too can navigate through your first work term.

Girl looking into the screen sobbing
Interview Tips from an Extremely Anxious Cry Baby

I made such great progress throughout the years that Little Nadya would definitely be in awe (and in worry because she’ll need to go through all those interviews). So, how did I do it? It wasn’t easy or comfortable, but that’s how you progress. Here are my tips for overcoming, or at least coping, with extreme interview anxiety.

Nicole standing next to construction material while wearing a construction uniform
Fish out of Water: Finding my Place in the World of Construction

There is a certain level of confidence you surround yourself with when going into your second work term. Suddenly, you’re not junior anymore and you have some legitimate experience on your belt. That experience can be used as almost a protective shield when going back into the workforce, especially when there’s a new element introduced. It’s no longer remote.

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