Rosario Photos


24 MAY 1959 — Operating

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Photo by Allen Morrison, 22 AP 1994. For more details, go to the Rosario Link

R-2 At the request of the photographer, the trolleybus is displaying a route number (5555) and destination for the planned Belo Horizonte, Brazil, system for which these Marcopolo/Volvo trolleybuses were built. It is not Rosario signage.  The location is the Sánchez de Loria terminus of Rosario route K, which was the route's western terminus at the time. Photo by Steve Morgan. 27 OCT 1996

R-5 ZiU-682 #5 on route M on Calle San Nicholas. Photographer unknown. NOV 1980. From the collection of David Menzies.

R-K An old Fiat trolley on route K at Colon St. Photographer unknown. 3 FEB 1980. From the collection of David Menzies.

R-fiat Another Fiat downtown. Photographer unknown. 3 FEB 1980. From the collection of David Menzies.

R-6-39 Upper photo and middle photos: Refurbished trolleybus 06 at the garage. The entire fleet of 20 trolleybuses is to be refurbished by Scania / Marco Polo / Power Tronics. I believe these trolleys are Marcopolo/Volvos. The trolleys were acquired from Belo Horizonte, Brazil which had been ordered to reinstate the trolley system. The decision to reinstate the trolleys was overturned. Rosario acquired 20 of the ordered trolleys. Lower photo: the renovated the 1959 Fiat trolley #39 also at the garage. Note the similarity of the side view Fiat to the Marmon Herrington trolleys. Photo by Mariano Cesar Anteno. 9 APR 2011. Courtesy of TrolleyMotion.

R-06 Refurbished trolleybus 06 with a new front end. Photo by Carlos Alberto Fernaández Priotti. 2011/12. Courtesy of TrolleyMotion.

Mendoza, Rosario and Cordoba page

Rosario Video (Fiat 39)

This page last updated 6 MAR 2012
