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Changes the SAS variable length of DBMS column names

Optional statement
Applies to: New database



S2KLEN variable-identifier = n
<...variable-identifier-n = n>;


The S2KLEN statement allows you to change the SYSTEM 2000 picture for a CHARACTER or TEXT type item. n is an integer value from 1 to 250. The value of n is used in the definition of the new database, for example, CHAR X(10). If you do not specify the length of a CHARACTER or TEXT item, the SAS variable length is used.

The variable-identifier can be either the SAS variable name or the positional equivalent in the LIST output, which is the number that represents the variable's place in the data file.

The main reason for changing the picture is to allow overflow when the SAS length is greater than 4. A SYSTEM 2000 picture equal to or greater than 4 allows overflow of CHARACTER or TEXT type data values. For example, if the length of a SAS variable is 80 and you set the SYSTEM 2000 picture to 4, the entire value goes into overflow.

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