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Assigns a name to the view descriptor for a new database

Required statement for an existing database
Optional statement for a new database



VIEWDESC|VIEW|VD libref.view-descriptor;


The VIEWDESC statement identifies the view descriptor for the SYSTEM 2000 database to be created or loaded.

For an existing database, the VIEWDESC= statement is required since it contains the database name and identifies the password, along with the components in the view.

When you are creating a new database, the DBLOAD procedure creates a view descriptor. The default name is WORK.<database>.VIEW, where database contains the first seven characters of the new database name. The view descriptor will match the access descriptor. Use the VIEWDESC= statement to specify the libref and member name for a permanent view descriptor. If the member name for the view descriptor already exists, the DBLOAD procedure will not create a new database. (See also ACCDESC.)

Note:   When you are creating a new database and you want to issue the VIEWDESC= statement, it must not be the first statement in the procedure. It must follow some statement that is allowed only for creating a new database so that the DBLOAD procedure knows your intent.  [cautionend]

VIEW= and VD= are aliases for the VIEWDESC= statement.

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