Chapter Contents


Doing More with SAS/ASSIST Software


This chapter gives a complete picture of the items available on the SAS/ASSIST software Tasks menu. For each submenu of the Tasks menu, there is a short description of the item, the required software product, and a cross-reference to more information.

The following abbreviations are used in the "See" column:

Data Management

Data Management Menu Items
Item Sub-item Description Required product See
Query SQL Query Opens SQL Query window Base SAS software SQL Query Window online help
Query and Reporting Accesses SAS/ASSIST Query and Reporting system Base SAS software Query and Reporting and Using the SQL Editor
Edit/Browse Edit Data Enables editing of a SAS table SAS/FSP software "Editing and Browsing Data" chapter in GS; SAS/FSP software online help
Browse Data Enables browsing of a SAS table SAS/FSP software
Import Data n/a Enables import of an external file to a SAS table Base SAS software "Importing and Exporting Data" chapter in GS
Export Data n/a Enables export of a SAS table to an external file Base SAS software
Create Data Interactively Data entry in single-line or table format SAS/FSP software "Entering Data Interactively" chapter in GS
For X-Y Plots Data entry for creating an X-Y plot SAS/FSP software SAS/ASSIST software online help
For Charts Data entry for creating bar or pie charts SAS/FSP software SAS/ASSIST software online help
For Mapping Data entry for creating maps SAS/FSP software SAS/ASSIST software online help
For Calendar Data entry for creating a calendar SAS/FSP software SAS/ASSIST software online help
For Time Series Data entry for time-series analysis SAS/FSP software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Using SQL Opens SQL Query window Base SAS software SQL Query Window online help
DBMS Access n/a Opens Explorer window Base SAS software Explorer online help
Subset/Copy n/a Subset or copy a SAS table Base SAS software "Defining a New Column" chapter in GS
Combine All methods Opens Combine Tables window Base SAS software For all of these methods, see Combining Data Using a Cartesian Product Match Merge
Concatenate Combine tables by concatenation Base SAS software
Merge Combine tables by merging Base SAS software
Interleave Combine tables by interleaving Base SAS software
Match Merge Combine tables by match merging Base SAS software
Design Format n/a Create formats and informats Base SAS software Creating a Format
Sort n/a Sort a SAS table Base SAS software "Sorting Data" chapter in GS
Utilities Contents of a Table Browse or edit SAS table properties Base SAS software Altering the Properties of a SAS Table
Table Select an active table with the Select Table window n/a Select Table Window
Convert to CPORT Format Prepare a SAS table for transport to another operating environment Base SAS software Transporting SAS Files Across Operating Environments
Convert from CPORT Format Convert a transport file to SAS format Base SAS software Transporting SAS Files Across Operating Environments
Convert Frequency of Time Series Data Edit time series data SAS/ETS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Rearrange Repeated Measures Table Expand repeated measures data into one measure per row Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Transpose Table Make rows into columns Base SAS software Transposing a Table

Report Writing

Report Writing Menu Items
Item Sub-item Description Required Software See
Listing n/a List Data task Base SAS software "Report Writing" chapter in GS
Tabular Report All styles, Statistics, Simple Group 1, Simple Group 2, Two-dimensional Group, Multiple Group, Advanced Create tabular reports Base SAS software "Report Writing" chapter in GS; Doing More with Tabular Reports
Design Report Design Report Use Design Report facility Base SAS software REPORT Procedure online help
Report Engine Use Report Engine facility Base SAS software "Using the Report Engine" chapter in GS; Doing More with the Report Engine
Utilities Create Labels Design printed labels Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Create banner Design printed banners Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Produce Calendar Create a calendar application Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Create Calendar Data Data entry for calendars Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Summary Statistics Generate summary statistics on a SAS table Base SAS software "Data Analysis" chapter of GS; Doing More with Data Analysis
Contents of a Table Browse or edit SAS table properties Base SAS software Altering the Properties of a SAS Table
Design Formats Create formats and informats Base SAS software Creating a Format

High Resolution Graphics

For all bar charts, pie charts, plots, and maps, see the "Graphics" chapter in GS and Doing More with Graphics. SAS/GRAPH software is required for all High Resolution Graphics tasks.

Item Sub-item Description Required Product
Bar Chart n/a Create vertical and horizontal bar charts SAS/GRAPH software
Pie Chart n/a Create pie charts SAS/GRAPH software
Plots Simple X * Y Plot Create simple plots SAS/GRAPH software
X * Y Plots by Category Create categorical plots SAS/GRAPH software
Multiple Plots per Axes Create advanced plots SAS/GRAPH software
Maps n/a Create maps SAS/GRAPH software
Utilities Replay graphs Redisplay saved graphics SAS/GRAPH software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Generate Test Patterns Test graphics display SAS/GRAPH software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Create Data for X * Y Plots Data entry for plots SAS/FSP software SAS/FSP software online help
Create Data for Charts Data entry for charts SAS/FSP software SAS/FSP software online help
Create Data for Mapping Data entry for maps SAS/GRAPH software, SAS/FSP software SAS/FSP software online help

Low Resolution Graphics

Low-resolution graphics are available only if you are using the Version 6 block-style menu or if you are using a non-graphics terminal device. No additional products are required to use low-resolution graphics. For more information on low-resolution graphics, refer to the SAS/ASSIST software online help.

Data Analysis

For general information on performing data analysis, see the "Data Analysis" chapter in Getting Started with the SAS System Using SAS/ASSIST Software and Doing More with Data Analysis.

Item Sub-item Description Required Product See
Elementary Summary Statistics Generate summary statistics on a SAS table Base SAS software "Data Analysis" chapter in GS; Doing More with Data Analysis
Correlation Compute correlations Base SAS software "The CORR Procedure" in PG
Confidence Intervals for Means Compute confidence intervals Base SAS software "The MEANS Procedure" in PG
Frequency Tables Generate or analyze frequency tables Base SAS software "The FREQ Procedure" in PG
Regression Linear Perform linear regression analysis SAS/STAT software "The REG Procedure" in SAS/STAT UG
Logistic Perform logistic regression analysis SAS/STAT software "The LOGREG Procedure" in SAS/STAT UG
With Correction for Auto-correlation Perform regression with correction for autocorrelation SAS/ETS software SAS/ETS software online help
Anova Analysis of Variance Perform analysis of variance SAS/STAT software "The ANOVA Procedure" in SAS/STAT UG
Nonpara-metric ANOVA Perform nonparametric ANOVA SAS/STAT software "The NPAR1WAY Procedure" in SAS/STAT UG
T-tests Perform t-tests SAS/STAT software "The TTEST Procedure" in SAS/STAT UG
Multivariate Principal Components Perform principal components analysis SAS/STAT software "The PRINCOMP Procedure" in SAS/STAT UG
Canonical Correlation Perform canonical correlation analysis SAS/STAT software "The CANCORR Procedure" in SAS/STAT UG
Quality Ctrl n/a Access quality control analysis functions SAS/QC software SAS/QC software online help
Interactive Guided Data Analysis Interactively analyze data SAS/LAB software SAS/LAB software online help
Data Exploration Graphically analyze and display data SAS/INSIGHT software SAS/INSIGHT software online help
Time Series Seasonal Adjustment Perform seasonal adjustment of time series data SAS/ETS software "The X11 Procedure" in SAS/ETS UG
Regression Perform regression with correction for autocorrelation SAS/ETS software "The AUTOREG Procedure" in SAS/ETS UG
Utilities Compute Percentiles Perform univariate analysis Base SAS software "The UNIVARIATE Procedure"in PG
Compute Ranks Perform rank analysis Base SAS software "The RANK Procedure" in PG
Standardize Columns Standardize data Base SAS software "The STANDARD Procedure" in PG
Convert Frequency of Time Series Data Expand repeated measures data into one measure per row SAS/ETS software "The EXPAND Procedure" in SAS/ETS UG
Create Time Series Data Data entry for time series analysis SAS/FSP software SAS/FSP software online help

Planning Tools

Item Sub-item Description Required Product See
Loan Analysis n/a Loan calculator SAS/ETS software SAS/ETS software online help
Design of Exp n/a Experiment designer SAS/QC software SAS/QC software online help
Project Mgmt n/a Project management SAS/OR software SAS/OR software online help
Spreadsheet n/a Spreadsheet application SAS/CALC software SAS/CALC software online help
Forecasting n/a Financial forecasting application SAS/ETS software SAS/ETS software online help
Utilities Produce a Calendar Calendar creation application n/a SAS/ASSIST software online help
Create Calendar Data Data entry for calendar creation SAS/FSP software SAS/FSP software online help
Convert frequency of time series data Edit time series data SAS/ETS software SAS/ETS software online help
Create time series data Data entry for time series analysis SAS/FSP software SAS/FSP software online help


Item Sub-item Description Required Product See
Run 6.06 private applications n/a Access private applications from Release 6.06 SAS/EIS software n/a SAS/ASSIST software online help
Run 6.06 public applications n/a Run public applications from Release 6.06 SAS/EIS software n/a SAS/ASSIST software online help
SAS/EIS n/a Invoke SAS/EIS software SAS/EIS software SAS/EIS software online help

Remote Connect

All Remote Connect items require SAS/CONNECT software.

Item Sub-item Description See
Establish Connection n/a Establish remote connection "Using Remote Connect" chapter in GS
Run n/a Run a saved program locally or remotely SAS/ASSIST software online help
Transfer Data Upload Send data to remote host "Using Remote Connect" chapter in GS
Download Get data from remote host SAS/ASSIST software online help
Download Graphics Output Get graphics output files from remote host SAS/ASSIST software online help
Utilities Access utility functions SAS/ASSIST software online help
Terminate connection n/a Terminate connection to remote host "Using Remote Connect" chapter in GS
Edit remote connection n/a Edit remote connect configuration Adding, Editing, and Deleting Remote Configurations
Results Result Manager Access Result Manager window "Using the Result Manager" chapter in GS
Access saved programs, output, logs, graphs

Batch Submit Submit a batch job locally or remotely Batch Processing with the Result Manager (OS/390 Only)


No further products are required for the Results items.

Item Description See
Result Manager Opens Result Manager window "Using the Result Manager" chapter in GS; Doing More with the Result Manager
Access saved programs, output, logs, graphs The "Access saved..."items are not used in SAS/ASSIST software Release 6.08 and later. They are retained for compatibility with earlier releases. SAS/ASSIST software online help for all "Access saved..." items
Batch submit Submit a batch job locally or remotely Batch Processing with the Result Manager (OS/390 Only)


Item Sub-item Description Required product See
File Management SAS Data libraries Manage librefs Base SAS software "Setting Up SAS Files" chapter in GS
Assign maps Assign MAPS libref Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Assign format libref Assign LIBRARY libref Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
External files Manage filerefs Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Sort a table Sort data in a SAS table Base SAS software "Sorting Data" chapter in GS
Sample tables Create, browse, edit, or delete SAS/ASSIST sample tables SAS/FSP software (to edit and browse) "Using the SAS System and SAS/ASSIST Software" chapter in GS
Environment Primary menu colors Change color scheme for Version 6 block-style menu Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Secondary menu colors Change color scheme for Version 6 block-style menu Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Forms management Create an edit printer forms Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Graphics options Select and customize graphics device drivers and other graphics options SAS/GRAPH software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Enter host command Send a command to operating environment Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Batch processing Set up batch jobs Base SAS software Batch Processing with the Result Manager (OS/390 Only)
Use SAS program editor Opens Program Editor window Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Catalogs for results This option is used only in the Release 6.06 SAS/ASSIST software interface style. It is not used with the interfaces for later releases. n/a SAS/ASSIST software online help
Catalog search path Specify catalog to search for programs an FRAME entries Base SAS software Using the Catalog Search Path
Private/public applications Specify private and public applications for use with EIS task menu Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Logon/logoff exits Specify applications to run before and after running SAS/ASSIST software Base SAS software Using Logon and Logoff Exits and an Alternate Main Menu
History file Create history file (Release 6.06 interface style) n/a SAS/ASSIST software online help
Information Browse catalog contents Browse contents of a SAS catalog Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help
Review function keys Open KEYS window Base SAS software "Using the SAS System and SAS/ASSIST Software" chapter in GS
SAS System help Invoke SAS online help system Base SAS software "Using the SAS System and SAS/ASSIST Software" chapter in GS
Profiles User Open User Profile window Base SAS software Setting User Profile Options
Master/Group Open Master/Group Profile window Base SAS software SAS/ASSIST software online help

Chapter Contents



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