Chapter Contents
Chapter Contents
Working with Time Series Data

Interleaved Time Series

Normally, a time series data set has only one observation for each time period, or one observation for each time period within a cross section for a time series cross-sectional form data set. However, it is sometimes useful to store several related time series in the same variable when the different series do not correspond to levels of a cross-sectional dimension of the data.

In this case, the different time series can be interleaved. An interleaved time series data set is similar to a time series cross-sectional data set, except that the observations are sorted differently, and the ID variable that distinguishes the different time series does not represent a cross-sectional dimension.

Some SAS/ETS procedures produce interleaved output data sets. The interleaved time series form is a convenient way to store procedure output when the results consist of several different kinds of series for each of several input series. (Interleaved time series are also easy to process with plotting procedures. See the section "Plotting Time Series" later in this chapter.)

For example, the FORECAST procedure fits a model to each input time series and computes predicted values and residuals from the model. The FORECAST procedure then uses the model to compute forecast values beyond the range of the input data and also to compute upper and lower confidence limits for the forecast values.

Thus, the output from PROC FORECAST consists of five related time series for each variable forecast. The five resulting time series for each input series are stored in a single output variable with the same name as the input series being forecast. The observations for the five resulting series are identified by values of the ID variable _TYPE_. These observations are interleaved in the output data set with observations for the same date grouped together.

The following statements show the use of PROC FORECAST to forecast the variable CPI in the USCPI data set. Figure 2.4 shows part of the output data set produced by PROC FORECAST and illustrates the interleaved structure of this data set.

   proc forecast data=uscpi interval=month lead=12
                 out=foreout outfull outresid;
      var cpi;
      id date;
   proc print data=foreout;

Obs date _TYPE_ _LEAD_ cpi
37 JUN1991 ACTUAL 0 136.000
38 JUN1991 FORECAST 0 136.146
39 JUN1991 RESIDUAL 0 -0.146
40 JUL1991 ACTUAL 0 136.200
41 JUL1991 FORECAST 0 136.566
42 JUL1991 RESIDUAL 0 -0.366
43 AUG1991 FORECAST 1 136.856
44 AUG1991 L95 1 135.723
45 AUG1991 U95 1 137.990
46 SEP1991 FORECAST 2 137.443
47 SEP1991 L95 2 136.126
48 SEP1991 U95 2 138.761
Figure 2.4: Partial Listing of Output Data Set Produced by PROC FORECAST

Observations with _TYPE_=ACTUAL contain the values of CPI read from the input data set. Observations with _TYPE_=FORECAST contain one-step-ahead predicted values for observations with dates in the range of the input series, and contain forecast values for observations for dates beyond the range of the input series. Observations with _TYPE_=RESIDUAL contain the difference between the actual and one-step-ahead predicted values. Observations with _TYPE_=U95 and _TYPE_=L95 contain the upper and lower bounds of the 95% confidence interval for the forecasts.

Using Interleaved Data Sets as Input to SAS/ETS Procedures

Interleaved time series data sets are not directly accepted as input by SAS/ETS procedures. However, it is easy to use a WHERE statement with any procedure to subset the input data and select one of the interleaved time series as the input.

For example, to analyze the residual series contained in the PROC FORECAST output data set with another SAS/ETS procedure, include a WHERE _TYPE_='RESIDUAL'; statement. The following statements perform a spectral analysis of the residuals produced by PROC FORECAST in the preceding example:

   proc spectra data=foreout out=spectout;
      var cpi;
      where _type_='RESIDUAL';

Combined Cross Sections and Interleaved Time Series Data Sets

Interleaved time series output data sets produced from BY-group processing of time series cross-sectional input data sets have a complex structure combining a cross-sectional dimension, a time dimension, and the values of the _TYPE_ variable. For example, consider the PROC FORECAST output data set produced by the following statements:

   data cpicity;
      input city $11. date monyy7. cpi;
      format date monyy7.;
   Chicago      nov1989  126.700
   Chicago      dec1989  126.500
   Chicago      jan1990  128.100
    ... etc. ...
   New York     may1990  137.200
   New York     jun1990  137.100
   New York     jul1990  138.400
   proc sort data=cpicity;
      by city date;
   proc forecast data=cpicity interval=month lead=2
                 out=foreout outfull outresid;
      var cpi;
      id date;
      by city;

The output data set FOREOUT contains many different time series in the single variable CPI. BY groups identified by the variable CITY contain the result series for the different cities. Within each value of CITY, the actual, forecast, residual, and confidence limits series are stored in interleaved form, with the observations for the different series identified by the values of _TYPE_.

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