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Scales input coordinates (ptx, pty) from a range of the minima (x1, y1) and maxima (x2, y2) to a range of minima (vx1, vy1) and maxima (vx2, vy2).

Variables affected: X, Y



%SCALET (ptx, pty, x1, y1, x2, y2 , vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2);

Parameter Description
ptx, pty numeric variables; the coordinates to scale.
x1, y1 numeric constants; the minima of the original range.
x1, y2 numeric constants; the maxima of the original range.
vx1, vy1 numeric constants; the minima of the new range; the origin from which to plot the new coordinates.
vx2, vy2 numeric constants; the maxima of the new range.


The SCALET macro reduces or enlarges Annotate graphics. This macro can only scale graphics elements that use two-dimensional, numeric coordinates. The SCALET macro does not affect graphics elements that are drawn with text functions.

The difference between the SCALET and SCALE macros is that the SCALET macro plots the new coordinates with respect to (vx1, vy1). The SCALE macro always places the origin at (0, 0) and plots the new coordinates with respect to that origin. This SCALET macro reduces x and y coordinates by 50 percent and plots the new coordinates with respect to (50, 0), as shown in Using the SCALET Macro to reduce the Size of a Box:

%SCALET(x, y, 0, 0, 100, 100, 50, 0, 50, 100);

Using the SCALET Macro to reduce the Size of a Box


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