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PROBPLOT Statement

PROBPLOT variable<\astcensor-variable(values)> <=(group-variables)> </options>;

PROBPLOT (variable1 variable2) <=group-variables> </options>;

You use the PROBPLOT statement to create a probability plot from complete, left-censored, right-censored, or interval censored data.

You can specify the keyword PPLOT as an alias for PROBPLOT. You can specify any number of PROBPLOT statements after a PROC RELIABILITY statement. Each PROBPLOT statement creates a probability plot and an associated analysis. The probability distribution used in creating the probability plot and performing the analysis is determined by the DISTRIBUTION statement.

See "Analysis of Right-Censored Data from a Single Population" and "Weibull Analysis Comparing Groups of Data" for examples creating probability plots using the PROBPLOT statement.

To create a probability plot, you must specify one variable. If your data are right censored, you must specify a censor-variable and, in parentheses, the values of the censor-variable that correspond to censored data values.

You can optionally specify one or two group-variables (also referred to as classification variables). The PROBPLOT statement displays a component probability plot for each level of the group-variables using the values of the variable. The observations in a given level are referred to as a cell.

The elements of the PROBPLOT statement are described as follows.

represents the data for which a probability plot is to be produced. The variable must be a numeric variable in the input data set.

indicates which observations in the input data set are right censored. You specify the values of censor-variable that represent censored observations by placing those values in parentheses after the variable name. If your data are not right censored, then you can omit the specification of censor-variable; otherwise, censor-variable must be a numeric variable in the input data set.

(variable1 variable2)
is another method of specifying the data for which a probability plot is to be produced. You can use this syntax in a situation where uncensored, interval-censored, left-censored and right-censored values occur in the same set of data. Table 30.20 shows how you use this syntax to specify different types of censoring by using combinations of missing and nonmissing values. See "Lognormal Analysis with Arbitrary Censoring" for an example of using this syntax to create a probability plot.

are one or two group variables. If no group variables are specified, a single probability plot is produced. The group-variables can be numeric or character variables in the input data set.

Note that the parentheses surrounding the group-variables are needed only if two group variables are specified.

control the features of the probability plot. All options are specified after the slash (/) in the PROBPLOT statement. The "Summary of Options" section, which follows, lists all options by function.

Summary of Options

Table 30.23: Analysis Options
Option Option Description
CONFIDENCE=numberspecifies the confidence coefficient for all confidence intervals. The number must be between 0 and 1. The default value is 0.95
CONVERGE=numberspecifies the convergence criterion for maximum likelihood fit.
CONVH=numberspecifies the convergence criterion for the relative Hessian convergence criterion
CORRBrequests parameter correlation matrix
COVBrequests parameter covariance matrix
FITTYPE | FIT=specifies method of estimating distribution parameters
     LSYX-least squares fit to the probability plot. The probability axis is the dependent variable.
     | LSXY-least squares fit to the probability plot. The lifetime axis is the dependent variable.
     | MLE-maximum likelihood (default)
     | MODEL-use the fit from the preceding MODEL statement
     | NONE-no fit is computed
     | WEIBAYES <(CONFIDENCE|-Weibayes method
          CONF=number)>number is the confidence coefficient for the Weibayes fit and is between 0 and 1. The default value is 0.95.
ITPRINTrequests iteration history for maximum likelihood fit
LRCLrequests likelihood ratio confidence intervals for distribution parameters
LRCLPERrequests likelihood ratio confidence intervals for distribution percentiles
LOCATION=number < LINIT >specifies fixed or initial value of location parameter
MAXIT=numberspecifies maximum number of iterations allowed for maximum likelihood fit
MAXITEM=number1 <,number2>number1 specifies maximum number of iterations allowed for Turnbull algorithm. Iteration history will be printed in increments of number2 if requested with ITPRINTEM. See "Interval-Censored Data" for details.
NOPCTILESsuppresses computation of percentiles for standard list of percentage points
NOPOLISHsuppress setting small interval probabilities to zero in Turnbull algorithm. See "Interval-Censored Data" for details.
PCTLIST=number-listspecifies list of percentages for which to compute percentile estimates. The number-list must be a list of numbers separated by blanks or commas. Each number in the list must be between 0 and 100.
PPOS=specifies plotting position type.
     EXPRANK-expected ranks
     |MEDRANK-median ranks
     |MEDRANK1-median ranks (exact formula)
     |MKM-modified Kaplan-Meier (default)
PPOUTrequest table of cumulative probabilities
PROBLIST=number-listspecifies list of initial values for Turnbull algorithm. See "Interval-Censored Data" for details.
PSTABLE=numberspecifies stable parameterization. The number must be between zero and one. See "Stable Parameters" for further information.
READOUTanalyzes data with readout structure
SCALE=number < SCINIT >specifies fixed or initial value of scale parameter
SHAPE=number < SHINIT >specifies fixed or initial value of shape parameter
SINGULAR=numberspecifies singularity criterion for matrix inversion
SURVTIME=number-listrequests survival function for values in number-list
THRESHOLD=numberspecifies a fixed threshold parameter. See Table 30.37 for the distributions with a threshold parameter.
TOLLIKE=numberspecifies criterion for convergence in the Turnbull algorithm. Default is 10-8. See "Interval-Censored Data" for details.
TOLPROB=numberspecifies criterion for setting interval probability to zero in the Turnbull algorithm. Default is 10-6. See "Interval-Censored Data" for details.

Table 30.24: Probability Plot Layout Options
Option Option Description
CENBINplots censored data as frequency counts rather than as individual points
CENSYMBOL=specifies symbols for censored values.
     symbol | (symbol list)The symbol is one of the symbol names (plus, star, square, diamond, triangle, hash, paw, point, dot, circle) or a letter (A -Z). For overlaid plots for groups of data, you can specify different symbols for the groups with a list of symbols or letters, separated by blanks, enclosed in parentheses. If no CENSYMBOL option is specified, the symbol used for censored values is the same as for failures.
HOFFSET=valuespecifies offset for horizontal axis
INBORDERrequests a border around probability plots
INTERTILE=valuespecifies distance between tiles
JITTER=numberspecifies amount to jitter overlaying plot symbols, in units of symbol width
LFIT=linetypespecifies a line style for fit line and confidence curves
MISSING1requests that missing values of first GROUP= variable be treated as a level of the variable
MISSING2requests that missing values of second GROUP= variable be treated as a level of the variable
NCOLS=nspecifies number of columns plotted on a page
NOCENPLOTsuppresses plotting of censored data points
NOCONFsuppresses plotting of percentile confidence curves
NOFITsuppresses plotting of fit line and percentile confidence curves
NOFRAMEsuppresses frame around plotting area
NOINSETsuppresses inset
NOPPLEGENDsuppresses legend for overlaid probability plots
NROWS=nspecifies number of rows plotted on a page
ORDER1=DATA | FORMATTED | FREQ | INTERNALspecifies display order for values of the first GROUP= variable
ORDER2=DATA | FORMATTED | FREQ | INTERNALspecifies display order for values of the second GROUP= variable
OVERLAYrequests overlaid plots for group variables
PCONFPLTplots confidence intervals on probabilities for readout data
PPLEGEND = legend-statement-name | NONEidentifies LEGENDn statement to specify legend for overlaid probability plots
ROTATErequests probability plots with probability scale on horizontal axis
TURNVLABELSvertically strings out characters in labels for vertical axis
VOFFSET=valuelength of offset at upper end of vertical axis
WFIT=linetypeline width for fit line and confidence curves

Table 30.25: Reference Line Options
Option Option Description
HREF < (INTERSECT) >=value-listrequests reference lines perpendicular to horizontal axis. If (INTERSECT) is specified, a second reference line perpendicular to the vertical axis is drawn that intersects the fit line at the same point as the horizontal axis reference line. If a horizontal axis reference line label is specified, the intersecting vertical axis reference line is labeled with the vertical axis value.
HREFLABELS=('label1' ... 'labeln')specifies labels for HREF=lines.
HREFLABPOS=nspecifies vertical position of labels for HREF=lines. The valid values for n and the corresponding label placements are shown below.
n label placement
2staggered from top
4staggered from bottom
5alternating from top
6alternating from bottom
LHREF=linetypespecifies line style for HREF=lines
LVREF=linetypespecifies line style for VREF= lines
VREF < (INTERSECT) >=value-listspecifies reference lines perpendicular to vertical axis. If (INTERSECT) is specified, a second reference line perpendicular to the horizontal axis is drawn that intersects the fit line at the same point as the vertical axis reference line. If a vertical axis reference line label is specified, the intersecting horizontal axis reference line is labeled with the horizontal axis value.
VREFLABELS=('label1' ... 'labeln')specifies labels for VREF= lines
VREFLABPOS=nspecifies horizontal position of labels for VREF= lines. The valid values for n and the corresponding label placements are shown below.
n label placement

Table 30.26: Text Enhancement Options
Option Option Description
FONT=fontspecifies a software font for text
HEIGHT=valuespecifies height of text used outside framed areas
INFONT=fontspecifies a software font for text inside framed areas
INHEIGHT=valuespecifies height of text inside framed areas

Table 30.27: Axis Options
Option Option Description
LAXIS=value1 to value2<by value3>specifies tick mark values for the lifetime axis. value1, value2, and value3 must be numeric, and value1 must be less than value2. The lower tick mark is value1. Tick marks are drawn at increments of value3. The last tick mark is the greatest value that does not exceed value2. If value3 is omitted, a value of 1 is used. This method of specification of tick marks is not valid for logarithmic axes. Examples of LAXIS= lists are
   laxis = -1 to 10
   laxis = 0 to 200 by 10
LGRID=numberspecifies a line style for all grid lines. The number is between 1 and 46 and specifies a linestyle for grids.
LIFELOWER | LLOWER=numberspecifies the lower limit on the lifetime axis scale. The LLOWER option specifies number as the lower lifetime axis tick mark. The tick interval and the upper lifetime axis limit are determined automatically. This option has no effect if the LAXIS option is used.
LIFEUPPER | LUPPER=numberspecifies the upper limit on the lifetime axis scale. The LUPPER option specifies number as the upper lifetime axis tick mark. The tick interval and the lower lifetime axis limit are determined automatically. This option has no effect if the LAXIS option is used.
MPGRIDadds a minor grid for the probability axis
MINORLOGGRIDadds a minor grid for log axes
NOGRIDsuppresses grid lines
NOLLABELsuppresses label for life, or analysis variable, axis
NOLTICKsuppresses tick marks and tick mark labels for lifetime or analysis variable axis
NOPLABELsuppresses label for probability axis
NOPTICKsuppresses tick marks and tick mark labels for the probability axis
NTICK=numberspecifies the number of tick intervals for the lifetime axis. This option has no effect if the LAXIS option is used.
PCTLOWER | PLOWER=numberspecifies the lower limit on probability axis scale
PCTUPPER | PUPPER=numberspecifies the upper limit on probability axis scale
PAXISLABEL=`string'specifies a label for the probability axis
WAXIS=nspecifies the line thickness for axes and frame

Table 30.28: Color and Pattern Options
Option Option Description
CAXIS=colorcolor for axis
CCENSOR=colorcolor for filling censor plot area
CENCOLOR=colorcolor for censor symbol
CFIT=colorcolor for fit line and confidence curves
CFRAME=colorcolor for frame
CFRAMESIDE=colorcolor for filling frame for row labels
CFRAMETOP=colorcolor for filling frame for column labels
CGRID=colorcolor for grid lines
CHREF=colorcolor for HREF=lines
CTEXT=colorcolor for text
CVREF=colorcolor for VREF= lines

Table 30.29: Graphics Catalog Options
Option Option Description
DESCRIPTION=`string'description for graphics catalog member
NAME=`string'name for plot in graphics catalog

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