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The LIFEREG Procedure

Example 36.2: Computing Predicted Values for a Tobit Model

The LIFEREG Procedure can be used to perform a Tobit analysis. The Tobit model, described by Tobin (1958), is a regression model for left censored data assuming a normally distributed error term. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood. PROC LIFEREG provides estimates of the parameters of the distribution of the uncensored data. Refer to Greene (1993) and Maddala (1983) for a more complete discussion of censored normal data and related distributions. This example shows how you can use PROC LIFEREG and the data step to compute two of the three types of predicted values discussed there.

Consider a continuous random variable Y, and a constant C. If you were to sample from the distribution of Y but discard values less than (greater than) C, the distribution of the remaining observations would be truncated on the left (right). If you were to sample from the distribution of Y and report values less than (greater than) C as C, the distribution of the sample would be left (right) censored.

The probability density function of the truncated random variable Y' is given by

fY'( y ) = [( fY( y ))/ Pr( Y > C ) ]      for     y > C
where fY( y ) is the probability density function of Y. PROC LIFEREG cannot compute the proper likelihood function to estimate parameters or predicted values for a truncated distribution.

Suppose the model being fit is specified as follows:

{\rm Y}_i^\ast = x_{i}^'{\beta} + \epsilon_i \
where \epsilon_i is a normal error term with zero mean and standard deviation \sigma.

Define the censored random variable Yi as

{\rm Y}_i & = & 0 \;\; { if } \;\; {\rm Y}_i^\ast \leq 0 \{\rm Y}_i & = & {\rm Y}_i^\ast \;\; { if }\;\; {\rm Y}_i^\ast \gt 0 \
This is the Tobit model for left-censored normal data. {\rm Y}_i^\ast is sometimes called the latent variable. PROC LIFEREG estimates parameters of the distribution of {\rm Y}_i^\ast by maximum likelihood.

You can use the LIFEREG procedure to compute predicted values based on the mean functions of the latent and observed variables. The mean of the latent variable {\rm Y}_i^\ast is x_{i}^'{\beta} and you can compute values of the mean for different settings of xi by specifying XBETA=variable-name in an OUTPUT statement. Estimates of x_{i}^'{\beta} for each observation will be written to the OUT= data set. Predicted values of the observed variable Yi can be computed based on the mean

E({\rm Y}_i) = \Phi(\frac{x_{i}^'{\beta}}
{\sigma})(x_{i}^'{\beta} + \sigma\lambda_i)
\lambda_i = \frac{\phi(x_{i}^'{\beta}/\sigma)}
\phi and \Phi represent the normal probability density and cumulative distribution functions.

The following table shows a subset of the Mroz (1987) data set. In this data, Hours is the number of hours the wife worked outside the household in a given year, Yrs_Ed is the years of education, and Yrs_Exp is the years of work experience. A Tobit model will be fit to the hours worked with years of education and experience as covariates.

Hours Yrs_Ed Yrs_Exp

If the wife was not employed (worked 0 hours), her hours worked will be left censored at zero. In order to accommodate left censoring in PROC LIFEREG, you need two variables to indicate censoring status of observations. You can think of these variables as lower and upper endpoints of interval censoring. If there is no censoring, set both variables to the observed value of Hours. To indicate left censoring, set the lower endpoint to missing and the upper endpoint to the censored value, zero in this case.

The following statements create a SAS data set with the variables Hours, Yrs_Ed, and Yrs_Exp from the data above. A new variable, Lower is created such that Lower=. if Hours=0 and Lower=Hours if Hours>0.

   data subset;
      input Hours Yrs_Ed Yrs_Exp @@;
      if Hours eq 0 
         then Lower=.;
         else Lower=Hours;
   0 8 9 0 8 12 0 9 10 0 10 15 0 11 4 0 11 6 
   1000 12 1 1960 12 29 0 13 3 2100 13 36 
   3686 14 11 1920 14 38 0 15 14 1728 16 3
   1568 16 19 1316 17 7 0 17 15
The following statements fit a normal regression model to the left censored Hours data using Yrs_Ed and Yrs_Exp as covariates. You will need the estimated standard deviation of the normal distribution to compute the predicted values of the censored distribution from the formulas above. The data set OUTEST contains the standard deviation estimate in a variable named _SCALE_. You also need estimates of x_{i}^'{\beta}. These are contained in the data set OUT as the variable Xbeta

   proc lifereg data=subset outest=OUTEST(keep=_scale_);
      model (lower, hours) = yrs_ed yrs_exp / d=normal;
      output out=OUT xbeta=Xbeta;
Output 36.2.1 shows the results of the model fit. These tables show parameter estimates for the uncensored, or latent variable, distribution.

Output 36.2.1: Parameter Estimates from PROC LIFEREG

The LIFEREG Procedure

Model Information
Dependent Variable Lower
Dependent Variable Hours
Number of Observations 17
Noncensored Values 8
Right Censored Values 0
Left Censored Values 9
Interval Censored Values 0
Name of Distribution NORMAL
Log Likelihood -74.9369977

Analysis of Parameter Estimates
Variable DF Estimate Standard Error Chi-Square Pr > ChiSq Label
Intercept 1 -5598.6 2850.2 3.8583 0.0495 Intercept
Yrs_Ed 1 373.14771 191.88717 3.7815 0.0518  
Yrs_Exp 1 63.33711 38.36317 2.7258 0.0987  
Scale 1 1582.9 442.67318     Normal scale

The following statements combine the two data sets created by PROC LIFEREG to compute predicted values for the censored distribution. The OUTEST= data set contains the estimate of the standard deviation from the uncensored distribution, and the OUT= data set contains estimates of x_{i}^'{\beta}.
   data predict;
      drop lambda _scale_ _prob_;
      set out;
      if _n_ eq 1 then set outest;
      lambda = pdf('NORMAL',Xbeta/_scale_) 
               / cdf('NORMAL',Xbeta/_scale_);
      Predict = cdf('NORMAL', Xbeta/_scale_) 
                * (Xbeta + _scale_*lambda);
            Predict = 'MEAN OF CENSORED VARIABLE';

   proc print data=predict noobs label;
      var hours lower yrs: xbeta predict;
Output 36.2.2 shows the original variables, the predicted means of the uncensored distribution, and the predicted means of the censored distribution.

Output 36.2.2: Predicted Means from PROC LIFEREG

Hours Lower Yrs_Ed Yrs_Exp MEAN OF UNCENSORED
0 . 8 9 -2043.42 73.46
0 . 8 12 -1853.41 94.23
0 . 9 10 -1606.94 128.10
0 . 10 15 -917.10 276.04
0 . 11 4 -1240.67 195.76
0 . 11 6 -1113.99 224.72
1000 1000 12 1 -1057.53 238.63
1960 1960 12 29 715.91 1052.94
0 . 13 3 -557.71 391.42
2100 2100 13 36 1532.42 1672.50
3686 3686 14 11 322.14 805.58
1920 1920 14 38 2032.24 2106.81
0 . 15 14 885.30 1170.39
1728 1728 16 3 561.74 951.69
1568 1568 16 19 1575.13 1708.24
1316 1316 17 7 1188.23 1395.61
0 . 17 15 1694.93 1809.97

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