(click on the capital letter for your answer)

1. Which discipline does NOT study the ear and the hearing process?

A. audiology
B. otology
C. acoustical engineering
D. audiometry

2. Noise induced hearing loss shows up on an audiogram as a "notch" centred at ________.

A. 1 kHz
B. 2 kHz
C. 4 kHz
D. 8 kHz

3. On an audiogram, positive decibel levels, shown below the 0 dB reference, indicate higher hearing threshold levels and therefore some degree of hearing loss. T or F

4. Loss of hearing with age is termed _______.

A. sociocusis
B. anacusis C. hyperacusis
D. presbycusis

5. The threshold of hearing refers to the SPL of 2 x 10-4 microbar or 0.0002 dynes/cm2. T or F

6. Which term does NOT refer to permanent hearing loss?

A. a hearing level of 60 dB

7. If exposure to noise occurs repeatedly without sufficient time between exposures for recovery of normal hearing, TS may become chronic and eventually permanent. T or F

8. Which is NOT part of the middle ear?

A. tympanum
B. malleus (hammer)
C. incus (anvil)
D. stapes (stirrup)

9. Which of these is connected to the oval window of the cochlea?

A. tympanum
B. malleus (hammer)
C. incus (anvil)
D. stapes (stirrup)

10. The bones of the middle ear are collectively called the __________.

A. cochlea
B. ossicles
C. stapes
D. semi-circular canals

11. Sensory-neural hearing loss may be corrected through micro-surgery. T or F

12. Impairment in the transmission of sound from the eardrum to the cochlea is called _______.

A. diplacusis
B. bone conduction loss
C. conductive hearing loss
D. sensory-neural hearing loss

13. The hair cells, which are attached to the _________, are excited by the bulging of the _________ and send neural impulses to the brain via the auditory nerve.

First blank
A. basilar membrane
B. cochlea C. organ of Corti
D. Reissner's membrane
Second blank
A. basilar membrane
B. cochlea
C. organ of Corti D. Reissner's membrane

14. A ringing in the ear is called ________.

A. recruitment
B. tinnitus
C. diplacusis
D. hyperacusis

15. A painful sensitivity to loud sounds is called _______.

A. recuitment
B. tinnitus
C. diplacusis
D. hyperacusis

16. The OSHA standards of 1971 allow a steady noise level of _______ for 8 hours/day.

A. 80 dBA
B. 85 dBA
C. 90 dBA
D. 95 dBA

17. Bone conduction refers to the process of sound reaching the inner ear via the bones of the middle ear. T or F

18. The ear protects itself from damage by impact sounds with fast rise times via the process called temporary threshold shift. T or F

19. The inner row of hair cells respond to low intensity levels and are sensitive to the direction of displacement. T or F

20. Peak sound levels from short impulses do not reach the brain because of its slow averaging time (200 ms), whereas they can reach the inner ear and cause damage. T or F

