Computer Science Courses

SFU Course Code Description Related Textbook Programming Language / Software / Tools Platform
CMPT 128 Introduction to Computing Science for Eng. Students Absolute C++ : Walter Savitch C++ / MS Visual Studio Windows
CMPT 150 Introduction to Computer Design Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals : M. Morris Mano Assembly Language MIPS
CMPT 225 Data Structures and Programming Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ : Walter Savitch C++ / g++ Compiler Linux
CMPT 250 Introduction to Computer Architecture Computer Organization and Design : David A. Patterson VHDL MIPS
CMPT 275 Software Engineering I Software Engineering : Ian Sommerville Objective-C / MS Project Mac OS X / iOS / Windows
CMPT 300 Operating Systems I Modern Operating Systems : Tanenbaum C/gcc - C++/g++ Compiler Linux
CMPT 307 Data Structures and Algorithms Introduction to Algorithms : T. H. Cormen NA NA
CMPT 320 Sociotechnological Issues of Computing Science Various Articles and Lecture Notes NA NA
CMPT 354 Database Systems I Database Systems : Kifer SQL / MS SQL Server Windows
CMPT 363 User Interface Design Various Articles and Lecture Notes myBalsamiq NA
CMPT 365 Multimedia Systems Fundamentals of Multimedia : Z. N. Li C++/g++ Compiler - MATLAB Linux - Windows
CMPT 370 Information System Design System Analysis and Design in a Changing World : John W. Satzinger UML / MS Visio Windows
CMPT 371 Data Communications and Networking Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach : James F. Kurose C++/g++ Compiler Linux
CMPT 383 Comparative Programming Languages Programming Language Pragmatics : Michael L. Scott Haskell / Prolog Windows
CMPT 415 Special Research Project: Undergraduate Capstone Open Source Project NA C++ / JavaScript / BlackBerry 10 SDK / Apache Cordova API Windows / Linux / BB10
CMPT 454 Database Systems II Database Systems : Kifer NA NA
CMPT 470 Web-Based Information Systems Various Articles and Lecture Notes HTML5 / CSS 3 / LAMP Server / PHP / MySQL / PHPmyAdmin / Laravel Framework for PHP / CakePHP Framework / jQuery / JSON / JavaScript Linux / Linux Server
CMPT 471 Networking II Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume One : Douglas E. Comer Bash Scripting - C++/g++ Compiler Linux
CMPT 474 Web Systems Architecture Various Articles and Lecture Notes AWS Amazon EC2 / Python Linux
CMPT 475 Software Engineering II Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering : Robert L. Glass UML / MS Visio Windows
CMPT 376W Technical Writing and Group Dynamic Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace : Joseph M. Williams NA NA


Math Courses

SFU Course Code Description
MACM 101 Discrete Math I
MACM 201 Discrete Math II
MACM 316 Numerical Analysis I (Using Maple/MATLAB)
MATH 151 Calculus I
MATH 152 Calculus II
MATH 232 Linear Algebra
MATH 251 Calculus III
STAT 101 Introduction to Statistics
STAT 270 Probability and Statistics


Other Courses

I have also completed several Engineering courses in physics, chemistry, and mechanics (solid, and fluid) during my studies at University of Tehran, and Kwantlen Polytechnic University towards my Civil Eng. degree.