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Re: Zimbra 5.x to 6.0.6

No, we're not using ldaps - this is over standard ldap.

My colleague also just confirmed that he was able to replicate this on our 'generic' Zimbra 6 server, which isn't preloaded with all of users, groups, and data. He just created a few hundred test groups 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Elliott Finley" <finley@anl.gov>
To: "Steve Hillman" <hillman@sfu.ca>
Cc: "zimbra-hied-admins" <zimbra-hied-admins@sfu.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 9:29:14 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: Zimbra 5.x to 6.0.6


Is this happening over ldaps, or have you already turned off SSL for
inter-host ldap communication?


On 05/05/2010 11:22 AM, Steve Hillman wrote:
> A couple of months ago, I reported to this list that we were having
> login performance issues with Zimbra 6 (in a test environment - we
> haven't deployed it in production yet). We opened a support case, which
> stalled, so dug deep into the running JVM to try to figure out what was
> going on.
> It turns out that the issue is caused by mountpoints (shares) -
> specifically, if userA logs in and has shares from userB and userC's
> (e.g. their calendars), the login time will depend on how many groups
> userB and userC belong to.  We found that at initial login, it was able
> to process about 7 groups per second (I won't go into the details of all
> the ldap lookups that are done). If a mountpoint owner belongs to 150
> groups, that adds 20 seconds to login. If userA has a dozen mountpoints,
> each with dozens of groups, it will take hundreds of seconds to login
> (which is what we're seeing). And if userB belongs to more than 192
> groups, the group lookup goes into an infinite loop and userA can never
> login.
> This seems like an architectural change - as far as I know, Zimbra
>  didn't do any such lookups on mountpoint owners in Zimbra 5 (why is it
> even necessary to know what groups your mountpoint owners belong to??).
> As such, it could take awhile to get fixed. We have a support case open
> on this but haven't heard anything back yet. 
> If you have Zimbra 6 in test and have users that belong to lots of
> groups, I'd be curious to hear whether you can reproduce this problem.
> And of course if you can, I'd hold off upgrading to Zimbra 6!
> ----- "Hurstel" <hhoward@aurora.edu> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Our window to upgrade to 6 is approaching and was wondering if anyone
> is experiencing any big problems with 6.0.6?. On the forums I've seen a
> big thread about GAL lookup slowness.  I also see there was an issue
> with attachments but that has been fixed in the support portal. Any help
> would be appreciated.
>> Hurstel
> Hurstel Howard
> Systems Administrator
>> Aurora University
>> 630-844-4889
> hhoward@aurora.edu
> -- 
> Steve Hillman                                IT Architect
> hillman@sfu.ca                               IT Infrastructure
> 778-782-3960                                 Simon Fraser University

Brian Elliott Finley
Manager, Application Platforms - Infrastructure and Operations
Computing and Information Systems,  Argonne National Laboratory
Office: +1 630.252.4742  Mobile: +1 630.447.9108