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Re: public folders?

Interesting.  Seems to work just fine in our test instance.  However, I do get a strange error when logging out of this resource via the admin interface 'view mail'.  I don't get that error when logging out of a regular account.  That's the only oddity I see, though.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Jason Bryan <jbryan@zimbra.com> wrote:
You'll need to flush the account cache on your mailstores too:

  zmprov fc account

Otherwise, you may receive a SOAP handler exception when attempting to access the converted account as I did after sending my previous reply.


----- Original Message -----
| What Rich said.
| I did it like this:
| zmprov ma account@domain.com +objectClass zimbraCalendarResource
| displayName "The Account" zimbraAccountCalendarUserType RESOURCE
| zimbraCalResType Equipment
| --
| Jason