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Re: Balancing accounts between servers

Do you have a lot users sharing resources with each other (i.e., calendars, contacts, documents, etc.)?  You might want to at least group those who share with each other to be on the same server, or, at least be sure that staff members in the same department are on the same server.

I was working on a script to identify the interdependencies and I posted a question to the forums, but didn't hear anything back:


Fred Seaton
Western Illinois University

From: "Doug Curtis" <doug.curtis@oit.gatech.edu>
To: "zimbra-hied-admins" <zimbra-hied-admins@sfu.ca>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2011 8:33:13 AM
Subject: Balancing accounts between servers

We are working on balancing our accounts between our eight mailstores.  We have primary and HSM storage on the machines.  I am working on a script that would determine the sizes of each store on each server and then move accounts based on their sizes to each of the stores.

While working on the script, I was thinking that maybe someone else has already written a script to do this.  Does anyone have such a script that they'd be willing to share?



Doug Curtis
Georgia Tech OIT/A&I