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Re: CAS'ifying Zimbra

Don't set zimbraWebClientLoginURL. Instead, add some code to login.jsp (JavaScript or JSP, as desired) that checks whether a ?local=y parameter has been added to the URL, and if not, redirect to your preauth.jsp.

Your CAS login page would need to have some sort of lookup table to create a "use local account" backlink for certain referers.

On the flip side, you could serve the local Zimbra login page by default, and send clients to CAS if they have a domain-wide "CAS user" cookie set or if they click on a "log on with CAS" link.
Rich Graves http://claimid.com/rcgraves
Carleton.edu Sr UNIX and Security Admin
CMC135: 507-222-7079 Cell: 952-292-6529