Stay safe.
Stay informed.
Make change.

OYAN supports the protesters by keeping them informed and helping them coordinate the demonstrations using built in GPS and Bluetooth technologies.

Oyan home screen
Oyan home screen


Browse and Join

Browse through the list of existing protests based on your location and other sort options or search using a keyword.


Create a Protest

Initiate a movement and take action by creating your own protest. Choose ‘Public’ protest to let anyone see and search for it. Choose ‘Private’ protest to prevent it from appearing in search and to restrict the access to a group of invited people only.

Oyan home screen
Oyan home screen


Protest Mode

One of the main features of the application is the Protest Mode. This mode lets the user access the protest’s live chat, upload media and safety status as well as view other users’ posts.


Chat with other protesters live

Chat with other users that are attending this protest even with no Internet access using built-in Bluetooth network.

Oyan home screen
Oyan home screen


Share protest related media

Upload and share media from the protest to keep other users updated.


Keep users alert

Alert other users of the safeness situation in your area by submitting a safety status report.

Oyan home screen
Oyan home screen


View map layers

Toggle between different map layers to access the safety status heat map, the media uploads map or both. In the media layer, view other users’ posts to stay updated and upvote content to indicate its relevance. In the heat map layer, stay informed about the area safety status to avoid potentially dangerous zones and plan the return route though calmer neighborhoods.

Interactive Prototype